All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Today I read an interesting article about sunken treasure, remnants of a shipwreck, recently discovered off the coast of Africa. The coins, copper, ivory tusks and pieces of the shipwreck are over 500 years old.

Archaeologist, Dieter Noli, who is studying some fragments of the ship as well, noted that evidence of lead patching strips show the ship was old when it went down. The wood that the ship was constructed of was worm eaten and weakened and as well. Because of the poor condition of the ship, and the heavy treasure it carried, the archaeologist felt it most likely capsized in a storm. The article explained, "The copper ingots, shaped like sections of a sphere, would have sat snug, he said. But the tusks — some 50 have been found — could have shifted, tipping the ship." "And down you go," Noli said, "weighed down by your treasure."

How does this apply to a Christian's walk? This ship was heavy laden with treasure, the valuable currency of the world. When the storm came along, it was in a weakened state and was overcome by the storm. The bible tells us to store our treasures in heaven... we are not to love the things of this world. If our spiritual ship is laden with things of the world and is in disrepair, we will also capsize in the storms in this life. Where is your treasure today? What is your treasure made up of? Will it shift in your storm and cause you to capsize? What are the tusks in your life... things that you are treasuring, that are unstable and shift, ones that will cause you to go under? Turn that treasure over to God today...unload that heavy burden and replace it with God's gifts of grace, mercy, forgiveness, peace, love...He has many heavenly treasures for us and none are heavy enough to sink our ship...they will repair and restore our spirits, so we can overcome the storms of life and be strong through them.

Thank you God, for repairing my ship and for being my treasure and for keeping me calm through the You I am strong, without You I will capsize and sink.

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