All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I was born into a Catholic Protestant marriage but got put into foster care because they were unfit to be my parents, lets not go into detail of why. But I was fostered by a Pagan (specifically Wiccan) family. THEY ARE NOT SATANIST OR EVIL OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT! Sorry but a lot of people have a go at them because of it, they are very nice people and have taught me a lot about their religion but have never pressured me into becoming one myself, they know it’s my decision and have only taught me enough to understand it and know what it is. I have two elder brothers (their twins), one is a pagan and the other is Christian and they get on perfectly well, religion is hardly ever brought up at all when we are all together and when it is we aren’t denouncing each others we arguing about it in a friendly laughing environment, its more of a joking argument I suppose. I have yet to choose my path.

I don’t know if Christianity is really what I want to believe in, I find some things hard to believe like the Bible since it was written years after the fact, I can liken it to a newspaper and some aspects of it seem clearly unfair. Take homosexuality, it’s a bit two faced to say everyone can love but you can’t love each other if you’re the same sex, what’s the point in love then and you seem to have very little choice about what you can do, there’s a lot of rules and stuff so it’s like your freedom is limited.

Don’t get me wrong and please don’t be offended, I’m willing to understand and listen, that’s why I’m here.

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Comment by Dean Clark on April 13, 2008 at 9:30am
Hi from Dean in Los Angeles....the City of Angels...yeah right! Thank you for being so candid in your blog. I too was raised in foster care. My Mom was an unwed mother and father are unknown. I was blessed to be raised in a Christian foster home and had a great life for around nine years. Then my biological mom came in and took me back. I was on drugs within a couple years and arrested at 13. At 14, I lived with my drug dealer's family and was part of a crime ring. At 15, my new best friend was the founder Guns N' Roses (Hollywood Rose). We got in lots of trouble and at 18, I moved back to Hollywood to live with the band. You can read the details of my story at: - Hollywood and Vine. The reason I tell you my story is that God came into my life at my lowest point and that was 20 years ago in June of this year. I have seen HIM take a lost hopeless person and literally set me free. I now have been married for 17 years and have two boys. I have been telling this story since 1989 and have seen God use it to set people free. You mentioned two things in your blog...Homosexuality and the veracity of the Bible. Both of these subjects are handled quite well at: - check out "All Subjects" at the top. Every subject under the sun is handled there. I personally know the people at AllAboutGod and can attest to their love for God, wisdom and pure motives. One of the ways you can look at God's rules is guard rails on a highway. You are allowed to drive but the guard rails set boundaries for your own good and the good of others. God created us and knows the decisions that will destroy our lives. I am the example of someone with NO guard rails in their early childhood and it led straight to hell and destruction. God loves you and you can trust the bible. Remember: Sin (any decision that is not God's will for you) takes you farther than you want to go, keeps you there longer than you want to stay and COSTS you more than you want to pay. Please explore the sites above and email me if you have any questions. Bless you!

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