All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I am struggling more each day. Because of the abuse I went through I suffer from anxiety and depression. My anxiety doesn't even register mild anymore but my depression is up to moderate. I still am dealing with a husband who has no heart. Now I am struggling in my church which breaks my heart because my church has been my pilar of strength through all of this. My husband started spending alot of time with a friend of his wife then he left me. The woman left her husband 2 months after he left me even though she made comments showing she coveted my husband I still trusted her as a christian woman. She is a sunday school teacher in my church and is on the christian education commitee now the christian education committee has decided that I can't be with my daughter in Sunday school and my daughter doesn't get to see me till 9 am Sunday morning and Sunday school is at 9:45. My daughter has separtion issues that early by church services at 11 am she is ready to be on her own and go to children's church. I was told maybe if that is such an issue we skip sunday school and just come to church. I want my daughter to learn about Jesus, God and the bible. I don't understand how a woman who is still married to another but spending time with another man who is still married to another is ok but a mother being with her child in a time of crisis an turmol is not ok. I am praying now cause my church is my heart but now it is causing me stress from having to see my husband's friend all the time having her invite my husband to church with her and now making it so I can't be there for my child is very painful.

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