All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I found out recently that a girl I knew from school committed suicide. I don't know what I'm feeling like right now... anguish, yes... disappointment, yes... helplessness, yes... anger, yes... sorrow, definitely... the worst part was that I had forgotten what she looked like. As I nervously flipped through the pages of the year book, half a dozen ghostly faces flew across the windscreen of my mind's eye. My heart, hoping... praying that none of those conjured apparitions belonged to her... As my eyes scanned the page... my mind cited the alphabet... A, B, C... until I reached her name. Shock horror, mortification... I gasp... oh no... WHY? WHY? WHY?!?! I know you, I knew you. You were with those bunch of girls, I occasionally conversed with you. We were on good terms... 6,7, 8 years ago. I don't understand... the tears flooded my eyes... I haven't seen you in years, and yet, here I am weeping...

I cannot fathom it. I really can't. How bad must one's situation be for them to take their own life? The precious life that God gave them? Life is so short... why make it shorter? Some things in life don't make sense and humans can spend all eternity looking for the answers... but the answers will never reveal itself if you don't ask for it... get down on your knees and ASK... but it's not that easy... especially if you don't have faith...

If you are sick, Jesus is your healer. If you are broke, Jesus is your financier. If you are cold, Jesus is your heater. If you are lonely, Jesus is your friend. If you are weary, Jesus is your power. Jesus is. Jesus IS... and forever, Jesus will remain your Saviour. If only she knew...

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