All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Things That Can Aggrevate The Chruch

1. People who over use the tambourine:

Everybody isn't meant to beat it. When you don't do it right, it is truly aggravating and a nuisance. Keep still and sing like everybody else during the slow songs.

2. People who fake the spirit:

Just because your friend caught it don't mean you did too. If you are running around the church and you stop out of breath after going only half way around, we know you haven't been touched. SIT DOWN!!!

3. People who constantly holla something to the pastor during the message:

We don't need a comment from you after every sentence he makes. We know he's 'preaching' and we know he's talking to you. SHUT UP so I can hear him talk to me!

4. People who constantly go to the bathroom:

Nobody has to use the bathroom four times a service. And you're clearly not on a date. SIT DOWN!!!

5. People who can't control their kids:

If little man-man is running all up and down the aisle and going back and forth to the bathroom then you need to learn not to SPARE THE ROD!!!

6. People who take 'Come AS YOU ARE' to a whole new level:

I can understand if you are going through something. But if you've got a fresh pair of Jordans on and a T-shirt, there's a problem. I'll have to ask you to invest in some dress clothes. And since when is it OK for men to wear hats in church and wear their pants to their ankles?

7. People who bring food to church:

If you brought your little baby a snack, and you're eating it and dropping crumbs everywhere, that's a problem. Take your Oreo's and little Rae-kwon outside.

8. People who come to special church functions and then criticize:

If you're standing in a corner gossiping about how you could've done a better job at something and you haven't volunteered to help with anything and haven't showed up to any invitations to join a ministry, I'm going to have to ask you to SHUT UP!

9. People who obviously show they don't like you:

If you don't care for a person for whatever reason, at least put up a decent front to look

past it, and act right in church. Don't cut the fool making evil faces and smart comments.

10. Finally, parents that dress better than their kids:

If you come in looking like a model for a fashion show and little Ashley is dragging behind you looking like she belongs on a 'Feed the Children' commercial, you are DEAD WRONG. Give your child a 'Just For Me perm', wipe your kid's nose, comb your kid's hair, and buy them something decent to wear. Don't come out of the house looking like a MILLION DOLLARS while your kid is looking like a FOOD STAMP.

'And the Church said, 'AMEN'

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