All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

A pastor from Colorado Springs gave a sermon on the concept of the Holy Spirit as the believer's spouse. He posed these (not very novel, but seldom-considered) questions: How close and enjoyable of a marriage would you expect to have if you rarely spent time with your spouse? How long would you expect the marriage to last if all the time you did spend went towards planning the party and none of it went to preparing for the life together? Or if you never did anything to keep your activities new and adventurous? What if you never made the effort to discover and understand your partner's soul?

I'm absolutely convinced that every sincere believer's life must be governed by the principle of intimacy with YHWH God. After all, He poured out a part of Himself, not just on the cross but even from the beginning, when He breathed life into Adam and Eve and made them "speaking spirits" (often translated "living beings) in His likeness ("image") and commissioned them to be fruitful and multiply, to fill the earth and rule over it (i.e. continue the work which he began). He did not just want beings to wander the earth and do whatever they felt like; He desired (and made the effort to create) fully-realized souls that shared the power, wisdom, and love He possessed (many people, especially if they have a grudge against YHWH, fail to realize that Satan only offered Adam and Eve a partial, and really quite bad deal when he tricked them in the garden....just as he tried to do with Jesus in the desert).

But enough pontificating; My real point with all this is that I have been drawn to YHSHW (Jesus) and remained devoted to my "first love" to the extent that I have been willing to abandon my views on what my life should be like and how God should fit into it, and instead realize that YHWH's ways and thoughts are better than my own and follow Him.

So how do I know what to do? It's pretty simple, really; it just takes practice: observing His creation and how He sustains it, reading his Word (his teachings to humanity throughout history, and then....following--with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength and the requested help of His Spirit--the example of YHSWH (Jesus) in all my ART (actions, relationships, and thoughts). By His undeserved kindness I am forgiven for the ways I have acted against His plan; nevertheless, the more I practice, the less I make unwise decisions, and the more peace I have with YHWH and my choices. Just like an expert lead dancer needs people who know how to follow, YHWH desires those who will connect with Him in spirit and truth. Only then does my life do what it is made to do: reflect His.

"The mind of man plans his way, but [YHWH] directs his steps." (Pr 16:9, NASB)

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