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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

After careful deliberation I have decided that I am not an Athiest but rather an Agnostic. Open to the concept but have some issues with the logical bits or rather what seem to me are illogical bits. That in itself is rather ironic if you consider that as a person I could possibly be one of the wierdist most random and often socially inept people you could ever meet but it's the randomness that is ironic.

I think I'm an Agnostic because I look at some things and thing 'well maybe there is a God because there no way in hell science can explain that' but I look at other things and think 'there isn't a God'.

Basically I think in the sense that there is no way to prove there is a God but there isn't a way to prove that there isn't a God either. And so I choose to believe in fate, it is her (or them) that decide my fate, my path, and how far I'll fall when I jump of the edge of a building (I've always wondered what it would be like) but I am open to suggestions even if I do believe that religion isn't really a good thing for us as a race especially if you consider that we can't decide on who's is the true religion which leads me onto another thing. Why do we have to have a true religion? Can't we all just stick with what we have and not force others to be 'our' religion, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that what the Crusades were.

Woops, rambled a bit there but I tend to do that if a get into it.

AN: Those of you who know Ecivda, the kanji symbol on my friends list, would probably like to know that he has been in a bad car crash so you can leave him Get Well messages on his page or pray for him depending on your preferences, hell you can do both if you really want to but I know he'll appreciate it and anybody thats interested I'll keep you update.

AAN: Excuse my rather cavalier attitude and possible bad spelling, it's all part of my charm. *winks*

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Comment by Leonard T on June 10, 2008 at 6:25pm

I would like to address a couple of things in your post.

1) Science will not ever prove God is real. Science will never prove God is not real. God never intended for man to find Him through means of science. The quest for God is not taken by the path of human logic, though the mind will be engaged, it alone canot ascend the hill of God to discover Him.
2) God has given every person the liberty to believe as they will, this includes belief in false gods. This does not mean that they will find salvation in these religions, but that God is not going to force them or you to accept Him. The judgement for sin still stands and the means for forgiveness has not changed. The offer is ever ready to cover the one who would come to Jesus. The Bible, tells us that none come to the Jesus unless the Father draws them. You are being drawn. You were an athiest, now you are agnostic. That is a major change, not enough mind you, but major none-the-less.
3) As far as the "one" religion, that is not man's idea. That is what the Bible teaches. We are only agreeing with God. I know other religions would give a similar answer from their teachings, but that does not make them right. Even the Christian does not know he is right, if not for the working of the Holy Spirit in us that reveals this truth. Peter exclaimed that Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus replied that this was not shown to him by man, but by the Father in heaven. The work of God is not natural, it is supernatural. Go on the quest for truth with an open mind and God will guide you to His Son everytme. The key is that you must be willing to take the journey of faith and truth.
4) The crusades: Many of the crusades are mischaraterized. Many of the crusades occured in response to foreign invaders who had come and burned Christian village, killing their men, raping their women and selling their children to slavery. They went after their own and the recovery of their land. There are other times that misguided men, evil men, who proclaimed to be under the banner of the cross went out and committed evil. God gave man free will to choose Him. That same free will enables man to commit evil acts, even under the banner. The banner which they tarnished by their actions.

I will be praying for you and for your friend.

May the Lord guide you into His light,

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