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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Ok, almost 3 weeks ago my husband of 18 months told me he felt he would be happier if he was single. We are both 25 and have been together for almost 10 years. I found out 1 week before he told me this that he and my best friend had been texting each other for 2 months. I confronted them both and they said they were just friends. They didn't have to lie and keep it from me though. Ok, they said out of respect for me they wouldn't talk anymore. Well, 1 week went by and then my husband sends me a text message saying he felt like he would be happier if he was single. It broke my heart. I love my husband more than anything. I am the one that had to leave because the house was his fathers. I put a keylogger on our computer and got password access to our cellphone bill because he blocked it. I found out he and my friend started texting each other again the day after I left. I confronted her about it and told her I knew and she said she is trying to help me this time. She said she is telling my husband how crazy he is being and that he needs to try and work things out with me. Now I haven't really left him alone since I have been gone. I mean I wasn't going out to our house purposely to see him because all my stuff was still out there. He thought I was though. He has been very mean to me over the 2 weeks and I have been very nice and took it because I want our marriage to work. He purchased a new cellphone so he could talk to girls without me knowing. I moved all my stuff out yesterday and left the couch and kitchen table. That was all he got. He is now saying that he wants a divorce. I am not going to file because he is the one that wants this not me. He has had a lot of people tell him he is being crazy and that the grass isn't greener on the other side. They say he will realize it one day and hopefully I will still be around. Honestly I will because I love him. They tell him he will never find anyone like me that loves him the way I do. I am trying so hard to get through this. I am just so confused because he has never been the type to do anything like this. He told me that I have been selfish for almost 10 years and now he is going to be selfish for once in his life. He also says that I am nosy. I don't feel like I was being nosy just concerned about my marriage. Please Help!!!!

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Comment by Sylvia on June 10, 2008 at 6:36am
My dear friend, the only answer and help I can give you is God, the Almighty, nothing is impossible with Him. Just bear in mind, there is hope, just keep on praying and we will pray with you. There is nobody bigger than God, God can move mountains. Please do not give up, my dear sister, rather cry at God's feet. He is waiting on your call. Turn your eyes upon Jesus, my dear, Jesus and Jesus only.
I love you, and God bless
Comment by Paige Robertson on May 19, 2008 at 4:43pm
Hello sis!!!
Oh boy! You and are are soo alike!
I am soo sorry what has happened. I totally feel the pain,and betrayal,along with deserted, and alone. Oh sweetie. I am soo glad you are here. I tell you, that I have had a life of living hell. I have done some awful things, and others have done awful things to me. I have felt like I have failed at many things. Things that werent really even my fault. I wasnt Christian till I came to the lord in 2002, so before I knew God at all, I lived a very harmful lifestyle that destroyed myself and those that I had in my life. I can tell you now, that I have been in really close relationships that failed because of cheating,abuse,alcoholism,and much more. I finally married a good man 17 years older than me and have been married since 1999. I wasnt saved then either so I was still a very lost,broken,decieved,sinful,hard hearted,and depressed woman. I had an eating disorder that almost killed me. Why am I telling you this? because I know where you are coming from and I know where he is coming from. Im not supporting his behavior, I just know where he is right now and his thoughts. He is sooooo lost right now. He is being decieved, there for he is decieving you. He is actingout on "feelings" fleeting feelings that are going to end up killing him spiritually. He will find himself lost,confused,and alone. Even if he has some "thing" with your friend, it wont last long. Reality will set in and he will realize what he has done. I know this because I was there. I have been on both sides. I hate to admit, but its ok now because God has saved me from that life. So, what Im saying is that he is emotionally screwed up right now. You didnt do anything. There is no excuse for his behavior. He is acting selfish and acting upon feeling from Satan. You know this, now, HOLD ON!!! Do everything and anything you can to keep yourself going. When I did all that I did, and got saved, I walked and walked and walked in this park for hours. I walked it off. I shook it off and talked with God. Id look at the sunset,the trees,the rivers,the birds and ealized Gods glory and power all atound me. I realized His love for me was soo greta that He WILL work this out and set my feet upon a rock while He takes care of it. Please my dear, keep in touch with family and friends. keep in fellowship and prayer. Do not give up. I can guarantee you that this is a temporary thing. Im not saying you should accept this behavior, but there is hope. Hope in Christ. Hope in someone who is bigger than you and bigger than your husband. God is even bigger than this friend of yours. She is in for a BIG one!!!
I love you sister, and your husband too. We are brothers and sisters in Christ and also prone to BIG mistakes,failures,and disapointments . No one is perfect that is why Christ died. Is your husband a Christian? Well, if he is the spirit will convict him greatly and he will know that his behavior will cause more harm than good.
I love you sister! God bless!
Comment by MaryAnn on May 17, 2008 at 7:24am
Hi Christy,

I am saddened by what you are going through. Nienie has given you some very good and sound advice. God loves you. He also loves your estranged husband. He too is saddened by the turn of events in your life and feels your pain.

I am in a second marriage. My first marriage was destructive and abusive. I did not know the Lord in those days. I only knew about Him. Knowing HIM personally and surrendering my life to HIM, and making HIM my LORD, and giving all my cares, concerns and worries to Him has made all the difference. It will also make a HUGE difference in your life.

Do you know Jesus Christ as your friend and Saviour (personally)?? That is the most important commitment when you allow HIM to be Lord of your life. It will make all the difference...ALL THE DIFFERENCE.

Jesus is waiting for you! HE will never disappoint you. This life is very short, but eternity with HIM is forever.

You will have trials here but as a follower of Jesus HE will help you. We all need forgiveness. The forgiveness you give, is a greater blessing to you, yourself, and it also releases the offender into God's care. Each one of us needs to be forgiven!

I feel it is important to ask you...'Do you have a church that you attend, where you can talk to someone?' If not, may I recommend you find one, that is a good bible-believing church. Inviting Jesus into your heart is a first most important step...when you are ready. He will help you. From there, you can move ahead in confidence with HIM, in spite of every obstacle.

I praise God that you found this site, and I thank Him for you dear sister.

I am Loving and praising my God!
Comment by Nienie on May 16, 2008 at 2:31pm
Ah this is a terrible thing to go through. For you feel so neglected, alone, mistreated, and your life seemed to fall apart.The hurt and the pain is undescribable. And there are a lot of people who can relate to your pain although not comparable to each other for all of us experience our pain differently.
Nothing anyone is telling your husband will do any good now for his eyes are not open to see the truth! He is blinded by the devil.
Turn your eyes to Jesus dear, for He is your only answer and He is the only One who can heal the pain so much so that nothing else matters but to serve Him. And you will get peace in your heart that will surprise you and you will see things differently. Forgive your husband.
We are here for you dear and we will lift you up in prayer.
Comment by Pastor Bob B on May 16, 2008 at 7:37am

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