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Deaf and Dumb Spirits

Advanced Insights - Into Spirit World Realities
is a new program offered by Be in Health that provides just that.

When we have ungodly order in our homes, it allows another kingdom to remove from us the purity of our contact with the will of God and the Word of God as a work of the Holy Spirit. It allows deaf and dumb spirits to access our souls through theta brain wave activity and the pathways of intellect, the pathways of processing symbolism, and even the pathways of learning our ABC's.

Every pathway can be changed. An evil spirit can manipulate through theta, alpha and beta brain wave activity, which is how we produce deductive reasoning; it interferes with the pathways. Deaf and dumb spirits are able to change how the mind responds. We are studying this at Be in Healthâ„¢research. We are ministering to people with tremendous results, even in adult ADD.

The spirit world has access to our human spirit through theta brain wave activity. They have a legal right to do so when man opens the door. That kingdom would never have accessed Eve if Adam hadn't eaten of the fruit. God did not reckon Eve's sin until Adam ate the fruit. When Adam ate the fruit, then both their eyes were opened and they saw they were naked. Paul said, "Through the law came the knowledge of sin." Romans 3:20

In Numbers Chapter 30, it says that if a man sees his wife bind her soul to a vow or an oath or a curse, and he holds his peace and says nothing, then the vow his wife has spoken shall stand against her. However, if a man hears his wife bind her soul to a vow or an oath or a curse, and he disallows her vow, her vow is disallowed and the Lord shall forgive her. There are times when God requires one person to take responsibility for another.

Our problems in ADD and ADHD, dyslexia, autism and gender confusion are rooted in one problem; the men have not taken their proper place as loving, spiritual leaders of their homes. It is an international tragedy and it was passed on to the men from Adam. When the Lord came to Adam, he said, "It was that woman you gave me." He tried to make her responsible for the fall. There is no indication that Adam ever repented to God. There is no indication that Adam ever took his spiritual place in the home. When he fell, he never looked up again spiritually. In Luke 3, he's called a son of God, but scripture doesn't record he ever repented to God for what happened in the garden.

The problem is not just the enemy can interfere with what we hear; he actually manipulates the pathways of thought at the cerebral level. He is able to scramble our mind. As a result, when we talk to someone, he may hear just the opposite of what we said. This can happen when you read someone a scripture and he hears just the opposite of what you read. Have you ever had a scrambler messing up your mind?

That's why when you're ministering, you don't minister alone. If there's a scrambler in that person, they're going to come back and say, "You said this." But the truth is, you didn't say that or you didn't mean it that way. Now it's your word against their word. You need a witness. That's why you should not minister alone. Find someone to work with you and better still, train them to minister. That way you can switch back and forth and grow together in the Lord.

We're talking about a mental war. The kingdom of darkness doesn't like to be exposed, because it works invisibly. The biggest problem is this; people don't know the source of their thoughts. They don't stop and ask, "Is that really how God thinks?" or, "Is this thought coming from the kingdom of God or the kingdom of darkness?"

Thought cannot, does not, has never existed or will ever exist apart from being an extension of a being with intellect who thinks, visible or invisible. You can choose which thoughts you listen to. Choose the kingdom of God and choose to think as God thinks.
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Insights into Learning Disabilities & Ungodly Order CD ($17.99) or DVD ($29.99)
by Henry W. Wright
Studies reveal excessive Theta Brain Wave activity has been observed in ADD and ADD/HD persons. Learning Disabilities are labeled a disease but are they a true disease? If there is no organic problem, what is happening?

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Comment by Gayla on August 30, 2010 at 11:54am
These spirits also worked in my family, as there was one member on my mothers side, that was completely deaf and dumb. Her father was very abusive to her mother, and ended up causing her death, as he would beat her, and this led to a concussion that she never recovered from. One of their children were born this way, and according to the article above, it was due to the unGodliness in the family of origin.

Also, I have been affected by this spirit in other ways, causing me to have a problem with memory. I thought it was due to stress, and in part it may have been, but, I am completely convinced that the stress is not the only contributor, I now totally believe that there has been spiritual involvement causing the memory problem, and now, I know that fasting is the only thing that will break this from my life. So, with Gods help, I plan to do exactly that, and I will report my progress back to this blog.

If you are reading this, I would greatly appreciate your prayers, as I desire to be completely whole in every area of my life, and if there are other things that need to be uncovered, I am asking that God will shine his light upon them, to bring the right understanding to me, and to every member of my family, because we have experienced many difficulties over the years, that I am certain were due to spiritual strongholds in our lives, that we did not yet have the understanding to know how to deal with.

Father God, I thank you so very much for allowing me entrance into your Kingdom, and for everything that you have taught me up to this time, thank you for allowing me to share my knowledge with others, and thank you now, for helping me to break this stronghold of memory, in my life, caused by this deaf and dumb spirit that has been allowed to work up till now. Thank you for exposing it, so that it can be dealt with, and thank you for moving on the hearts and minds of everyone reading this article, helping them to see areas where the spirits of darkness have been at work in their lives, and that of their loved ones, robbing them, of their God given heritage. Please help each of us to see and know what spirits are at work in us and around us, that we have control over, and can change, if we understand what it is to begin with. Take the blinders off Dear Lord, and set the captives free. Amen.
Comment by Gayla on August 30, 2010 at 11:53am
I have experienced this phenomenon first hand at the first church I went to after the Lord entered into my life. Time after time, I would hear the preacher preaching on something, and what he was quoting from the bible was directly opposite from what the bible said. This disturbed me terribly, and I talked with my husband about it. Eventually he went to the pastor and spoke to him about it, and the pastor said, I did not say that. Since I was convinced that he did, a wall was erected between us. This should have been handled a diff. way, but, I suppose that the preacher did not know what to do about it, at the time, and I was a new Christian,and even though the Lord was teaching me scripture, I did not know how to deal with it either, and I this is the first teaching that I have ran into concerning this, in all the time that I have been following the Lord.

Later on, several more things happened in this church, causing us to decide that we must leave. I never experienced this at any other church that I went to.

However, I did experience it at a much closer level, and that was in my home. This spirit worked between me and my husband for much of our marriage. He could not hear what I was saying, he would always say "Huh" , yet, he could hear what others were saying. This was totally exasperating to me, and kept me upset most of the time, as communication between a man and his wife is vital to the health of the marriage, and ours was down to -0 -.

I felt that a spirit was behind this, but, I had prayed about it, and did not know what to do about it. I think that I had fasted about it too, but, I can't remember for sure.However now, I feel sure that a person has to become aware of a problem working in their life, in order that the problem may be dealt with, as long as the person remains in denial, nothing is going to change, and the spirit is going to have its way in thier life.

This same spirit worked in at least two other members of my husbands family, that I am aware of. I think the Lord showed me a long time ago that this was due in part from the person desiring to hear things that he/she ought not to be hearing, such as overhearing conversations of others, and listening to gossip.

This one spirit is responsible for the breakdown of my marriage, for the most part, since communication is so important between a man and a woman.

I would like to hear if any of you have also experienced anything like this???? Please feel free to share your story, as this is the only way that healing is going to come to the Body of Christ, as we share our experiences and pray one for the other.

God desires wholeness for his Body, and until we are able to deal with all the issues that affect us, we cannot be whole. Jesus is also coming back for a Bride without spot or blemish, and these things are spots that need to be eradicated from our lives, so that we can be totally and completely led by the Spirit of the Living God.

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