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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

God is stirring a fire within me to begin to step out and as if it were walking on the water. I am reminded every day of Jer. 6:16 where God spoke to His people and told them to ask for the ancient paths, and where the best road is, and walk in it and you shall live in peace. It is sad but the end of that verse said they would not.

I fail so often to simply ask God to stow me the right path to take and act like the children of Isreal who would not ask for the ancient path, the best path and then walk in it.

Once God shows us the path to go then here comes the hard part, stepping out as if were on the water.

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Comment by Pastor Bob B on February 27, 2010 at 4:20pm
Comment by Pastor Bob B on November 16, 2008 at 2:44am
Seeking the ancient path is all about prayer, Jerimiah 6:16 says to ask for the ancient path. We know that this path is a path where we are filled and consumed by the Holy Spirit. This song by John Wall says it well.
Calling For A Flood

Flood every corner of this room
Flood all my emptiness with You
Lord, I long to be consumed
And I’m calling for a flood

So flood every chamber of my heart
Flood what I lack with all You are
I am dry and I am parched
And calling for a flood

I am calling for a flood
Holy Spirit flow
Completely immerse me in You
I’m longing for a flood
Of holiness to wash me now
Hear me, Lord; I’m calling for a flood

Now flood every portal of my mind
And flood everything I’ve tried to hide
I am looking to the sky
And I’m calling for a flood

Submerge me, Lord, in holy water
Drown me to live in You

Flood every corner of this room
And fill all the emptiness with You
Lord, we long to be consumed
And we’re calling for a flood

We are calling for a flood
Holy Spirit flow
Completely immerse us in You
We’re longing for a flood
Of holiness to wash us now
Hear us, Lord; we’re calling for a flood

Holiness, holiness
So flood this place with holiness
You are holy, Lord immerse us in Your

Holiness, holiness
So flood this place with holiness
You are holy

Hear us, Lord, we’re calling for a flood
We’re calling for a flood
Hear us, Lord, we’re calling for a flood
Comment by swtswan on November 11, 2008 at 5:53pm
Hello dear Bob; You truly have the heart of God!; I too wish for the Holy Spirit to take full control of me; so I may be found worthy of his graces. I too am dismayed and saddened by the animosity and greed in the world; and impoverishment,and hate. Every day is a struggle to the Father, but with His love and understanding I know we can be victorious in His will and His word. Father let me not so much as be consoled as to console others . Let your light shine on us so we do not stumble on the path to you, and make our journeys be worthy of your presence Father. Lead us; and make us strong to endure what is to come.Amen <+>
Comment by Pastor Bob B on July 14, 2008 at 5:53am
This past weekend I saw my nephew Max recieve the Lord after a mens breakfast at my church.
It stirred something in me as I shared with him that afternoon.
Max is 11 and I was 15 when I was saved 33 years ago. His dad recieved the Lord last December. I was at his house which is a new modular home. The old house that I grew up in was gone, but it was the same location where Jesus came into my life.

I was a mess and God decided that I was going to be His mess. No one knew the Lord in my family except my great grandmother on my mothers side. My dad was a drunk and we were just about the poorest family in town. I had gone through social, physical,emotional, and sexual abuse in my 15 years. I was embittered and hopeless.

Then these strange Bibles school students came to my house and told me about Jesus and on 2-16-75 Jesus came into my life. My circumstances did not change much at home, but I was beginning a journey that has been filled with challedges and obsticles, that one by one with the help of the Holy Spirit I have overcome.

I have had a thing called the joy of the Lord and a peace that passes all understanding and most of all I have had love from God and His people. All these years later I am still facing challedges, but I still have joy and the peace that passes all understanding

Praise the Lord and worship him for he is great and merciful, full of compassion. He is a faithful God who will never leave you or forsake you. Praise him for making a way for us to be saved through faith and trust in Jesus as the exceptible sacrifice for our sins. Praise him for all the things he has brought us through. Praise the Lord and rejoice because one day we will be at home with him for ever.Amen!
Comment by Pastor Bob B on June 25, 2008 at 2:19pm
As I sit here this beautiful afternoon, I am captured in my heart by the presence of the Lord. I have been building myself up in the word all day. I have prayed, and even prayed with a brother who called. It is like the calm antiscipation and hunger in my heart for the Lord. It seems as if everything else is meaningless to me. I have lived 48 years of just doing stuff, and nothing but the Lord brings me satisfaction. I think of the women at the well and Jesus telling her about the living water that He was going to give and she would not thirst again, that it would be a well in her springing up into eternal life. Once you have taisted of the goodness of the Lord, nothing satisfies, It is better than riches or anything this life might offer.

Being a Christian is not all about head stuff if you know what I mean. Of course we need to study the word, but if it is not becoming a part of who you are as a person, developping the fruit of the Spirit in our lives, it becomes just a bunch of words in our head. I am interested in becoming all that God wants me to be. I want to become humble, which means I am responsive to him in my life and obedient to his will not out of obligation, but out of love for Him.

I love to sence the Lords delight in me. It seems that I sence this delight the most when I surrender something to him that he requires of me. It reminds me of when a little child gets a hold of something he shoudn't have. My kids would run saying," mine!"
One thing I still hold on to is my desire to debate.

Greg once wrote in a responce not to get caught up in endless debates because it doesn't accomplish anything, but get everyone in a tissy. He is right and maybe if I had released it to the Lord, and had not had to put my two cents into a discussion that I knew in the back of my head was going to put fuel on the fire, maybe it would not have had the out come that it had. I hope I have learned something through all of it and maybe I will finally be able to release this one thing to the Lord so I can be more productive for Him.
Comment by Pastor Bob B on June 21, 2008 at 1:42pm
As I have been searching for the ancient paths, my hunger for God is growing, my desire for the fullness of God in a yeilded life is consuming me, I am not satisfied with anything but the fullness of God in my life. Last night I was travelling with some friends and we hit a down pour that seemed to never end. We could barely see to stay on the road, every now and then it would brak a little and we would see a rain bow, but it kept pouring down. Everything was soaked,by it and it cleanced the air, and everything felt fresh as we drove home later. So it is my cry before the Lord that He would rain down upon us. In the last days it is promiced in the word that God would pourout the Holy Spirit upon all flesh. Since the Holy Spirit is a person, I like to think of it like this; The Holy Spirit will be let loose upon all flesh. you know what that mean? death to self, the Holy Spirit taking control of our lives as we yeild them to Him.
Comment by Pastor Bob B on June 20, 2008 at 5:24am
Everything Happens For A Reason..... Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there…to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be but you lock eyes with them, you know that very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way.And sometimes things happen to you at the time that may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would never realize your potential, strength, will power or heart. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of luck. Illness, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test limits of your soul. Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless. The people you meet affect your life. The successes and downfalls that you experience can create whom you are, and the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact they are probably the most poignant and important ones. If someone hurts you, betrays you or breaks your heart, forgive them because they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart. If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but also because they are teaching you to love and open your heart and eyes to little things. Make every day count. Appreciate everything that you possibly can, for you may never experience it again. Talk to people whom you have never talked to before, and actually listen. Let yourself fall in love, break free and set your sights high. Hold your head up because you have every right to. Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you. Create you own life and then go out and live it.
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"If you take your eyes off your goals, all you see is obstacles."
~Author Unknown~
Submitted by: Harry Updegraff, Jr.
Comment by Pastor Bob B on June 19, 2008 at 7:45pm

In this life we are brought to the crossroads many times. I think God has brought me to a crossroad in the last couple days. I am asking for the ancient paths, which way the best road is once again. I have submitted my will to the Father and refuse to loose my focus or allow anything to keep me from his purposes for me. I will stand before Him and I want Him to say well done thy good and faithful servant. In that day it will be me and the Holy Judge and I will be judged on my relationship with Him. Am I his?
Father, I desire to know you, I desire to live a life that is pleasing to you. Cleance my heart from any thing that is displeasing to you. I desire to controlled by the Holy Spirit. Father I refuse to hang on to hurt and resentment, I will trust that in your time you will vindicate my soul. I thank you that you will continue to pour out the love of God into my heart and soul. I pray for those who have misjudged me and I pray that you will bless them and give them grace and that your work will be complete in thier lives. Father, thank you for the Holy Spirit that is active in all your children. May your kingdom come and your will be done in all of our lives. Father I pray for that your blessing will fall upon this ministry, Thank you for a mighty harvest of souls. Father , this is the age of keyboard evangelism, so Lord you have raised up ministries to open hearts to the glorious message of salvation through Jesus Christ. I pray for men and women of God to bind together with a purpose to reach the lost, to confort the heart broken, to strengthen those who are weak, to help the helpless. I pray for Greg and all of those who are working on this net. that your joy would become thier strength. I thank you father that the enemy has no place here, and that every scheme he has devised to kill, steal and distroy on this net will come to nothing in the name of Jesus. May the 1500+ member of this net find this net to be a place of refreshing from the presence of the Lord. Let the fragrance of Jesus be overwhelming here in your people. Father, you know every heart, you have declared your love for us in sending Jesus to save us. Thank you for your faithfulness to us. Praise be to your name oh God for you wonders that you are doing in the hearts of your people. In the namre of Jesus. Amen
Comment by Pastor Bob B on June 17, 2008 at 7:00am
Comment by Pastor Bob B on June 17, 2008 at 6:39am
Father God, once again I find myself in a place where I really do not want to be. I like every thing to be peaceful and I try to get along with everyone. There are some people here on this net who really think I am going over the edge because I am embracing the revival. I really can't even stand reading the the things they are saying. I know your voice Father and I will not follow any other. I know that you are not falling off your throne because of any of the things that are being said.
Father help my heart to stay pure and keep me from being offended. Father you love your people and I pray that your kingdom will come and that your will be done in the Earth as your will is being done in Heaven.
I pray that your Church will imerge without spot or wrinkle.
I pray that legalism will be removed from your Church.
I pray that we as your people will be loving and kind and forgiving to one another.
I pray that we will learn how to respond to our brothers and sisters who are not walking according to you word.
I pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit.
I pray for your people that you will teach us to be kind to one another, not to be rude, not to act as know it alls.
Father, soon I pray that we will all be with you in that city. In that day may we not be ashamed of the ways we conducted our lives here.
Father, I pray for a sweeping revival to touch the Earth. May we expearence a time of renewal and awakening throughout the world. Bring thousands into your kingdom,and prepare us to care for those who are being saved.
Father may we desire to be fully controlled by The Holy Spirit. I pray that you will anoint us with wisdom as we walk with you each day.May we give ourselves to you afresh this day and trust in you. In the name of Jesus.

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