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One scriptures have been going over and over in my spirit these past few days.
1Peter 1:16 Scripture says, "Be Holy, because I am Holy." Also, questions about this come. What is it to be Holy? 1Thess 4:7-8 7For God has not called you to impurity but to Holiness. 8Therefore, whoever defrauds, does not defraud a man, but God, He who gives His Spirit of Holiness among you. We are shown how not to be, we are not to give into the things of the flesh. Yet, we are told to be Holy, how? We know of ourselves, we cannot produce Holiness. Then we see in verse 8 “...God, He who gives His Spirit of Holiness among you.” We have the Spirit of Holiness given to us. The Spirit Lives in us, and around us. As I meditate on how to be Holy, I come to, Heb 3:1 And so, dear brothers and sisters who belong to God and are partners with those called to heaven, think carefully about this Jesus whom we declare to be God's messenger and High Priest. Some trans. say, “ fix your thoughts on Jesus; ‘ keep your focus on Jesus;’ ‘consider This Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Yeshua The Messiah.’” This must be a big part of, how we must be Holy. To “fix your thoughts on Jesus; As we think on Jesus, this verse reminds us He is Our High Priest, “One who is sent,” {Apostle} so we are to consider Jesus Glorified. The cross is bare, the tomb in empty. Jesus Our High Priest is at the Right Hand of God. As we “... fix your thoughts on Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest whose followers we profess to be.” As we fix our thought on Jesus, on Who He is now. Not just on the things He did while here, but Glorified, operating as Our High Priest. Understanding our weakness, caring about us right now, at this moment in our time. The Power in this thinking is beyond my ability to grasp, but not beyond my ability to possess. As I ponder this, I begin to weigh my actions. I weigh them against the desire to obey and be Holy. As I have been doing this, many questions are answered. This is more then WWJD, this understanding who Jesus Is Now, and what He has Done for us. Heb 4:14-15 We need to hold on to our declaration of faith: We have a Superior Chief Priest who has gone through the heavens. That person is Jesus, the Son of God. 15We have a Chief Priest who is able to sympathize with our weaknesses. He was tempted in every way that we are, but He didn't sin. See this is how we must; how we need to see Jesus. To back up a moment, as we strive to be Holy, it is both physical and spiritual actions. We go back to, “ whoever defrauds, does not defraud a man, but God,” which speaks of, outward and inward actions. Since our desire is to be Christ like, this is not a bad thing, it is a very Good thing. Our desire is to “Be Holy,” your spirit is striving to this goal. Nothing gets by God, Heb 4:12-13 12God's word is living and active. It is sharper than any two-edged sword and cuts as deep as the place where soul and spirit meet, the place where joints and marrow meet. God's word judges a person's thoughts and intentions. 13No creature can hide from God. Everything is uncovered and exposed for him to see. We must answer to him. We do not need to fear anything! This is about to branch out in different directions. See Heb 3-4 is about many things, one and maybe the most important is “Entering His Rest.” That will be shared next Lord Willing. I want to stay on Holy, for now. Eph 1:4 Before the creation of the world, He chose us through Christ to be holy and perfect in His presence. The key words are, “ He chose us through Christ” He chose us through Christ, we know we cannot be perfect or holy apart from Christ or Messiah. Eph 2:10 God has made us what we are. He has created us in Christ Jesus to live lives filled with good works that He has prepared for us to do. He has equipped us, “He has created us in Christ Jesus” this has to be understood. This also will tie into entering His Rest. We are able to do what He wants because, it is through Jesus that we do them. So it is with being Holy, we are Holy through Jesus. We are Holy because of Jesus. Isa 29:23 When they see among them their children, the work of My hands, they will keep My Name Holy; they will acknowledge the Holiness of the Holy One of Jacob, and will stand in awe of the God of Israel. We are the work of His Hands. We are Holy because He is Holy. We see Him as Holy, treat Him as Holy, as we are in Him we are Holy through and from Him. Col 3:10 Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like Him. To learn who God is, we must put on the new nature, who we are in Jesus the Christ. 1Peter 1:16 Scripture says, "Be Holy, because I am Holy."

So what  do you think?  What is it to be Holy?

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For, I the Lord am the one who brought you up from the land if Egypt, that I might be your God , Thetefore, you must be holy, because I AM HOLY. God's wants us to make the right choices through out each day, - to choose him - without fail.
I can Fo this with God's help. I can be Holy because he is holy and he will make this happen for me. God doesn't give me
an impossible standard to leave me feeling like a failure all the time. God helps me obey more each day and look more and
like him .Thank you God for granting me grace,and for meeting my desires of my needy heart once again.
For we are God 's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works, For we are Gods master piece he has created
us anew in Christ Jesus ,we are his making in which all things are made by him. Whatever of peace or hope ,or purity we
have , There of peace or hope or purity we have ,There cannot be conceived to be a stronger expression to denote the
agency of God in the conversion of people, or the fact that salvation is wholly of gace, People ate saved by a divine grace of God, and by a divine agency of God , and a divine agency on the soul. It s God who saved us , as new creatures he had us
through the Opel. We are not saved by works , but his workmanship , created in Chrst Jesus.

I had just shared this in a discussion I had started earlier.  To see Holy as a action, not just a result of our relationship to Our Lord.  That is part of what I think the Spirit has been showing me.  It will only ever be because of Jesus, that  I do any good thing.  All the Glory goes to Him.  But, to work at what it means to be Holy.  To weigh my actions according to Holiness.  Also, as I shared in the discussion, I am beginning to see True Peace, come through the desire to be Holy for Him.  For as we all know, we are only Holy because of Him.  The point I think the Spirit has been trying to show me is, what it all means "to be Holy" and the effects it is; or should to have on us.  The effect of Holiness on everything we think say or do.  Trust this make sense 

So good and yet so deep. I'm struggling with being Holy in my work life. It's more with the attitude stuff, I've been seeing more about doing all things as unto God my job performance,customer service ect. and I feel that while I'm in the action of doing as unto the Lord I'm getting there it's the after fact, seeing how much I've done verse's others and learning to rest in my good job not getting stressed because others are goofing around and not caring  but keeping my heart pure so the good work is not undone by resentment and frustration with others. I'm accountable to God and then my superiors my co-workers are not accountable to me. I need to remind myself to rejoice that I can do the physical that God equipts me daily for the situations I encounter. Keeping my eyes on Jesus durning every aspect of my life. Chris your words are so encouraging thank-you.


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