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No matter where you are.  Baptized in Holy Spirit, wanting to be, feel lead to seek out.  You have a story, so please share.  Let us know where you are.  {a wonderful adventure awaits us all} 

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I have recently shared, much of my story in a few places, they are not hidden.  And, I have guarded much of it.     After I had been deeply hurt many times, over the past 36 yrs. But, I have started the discussion, and I will share different parts of my story.  Once they laid hands on me, and I began to feel the warmth wash over me.  At that point, no matter what anyone said, I knew Holy Ghost  to be true.  Not because, of the feeling that washed over me, the feeling of warm as if water. continued for a very long time. {i have not remembered that, for a long, long, time}.  No, it was not the feeling.  It was the knowledge, that was left after any and all feeling had gone.  I still have that knowledge today.  Let me call it a knowing.  My spirit man was cleaned as never before.  He was also, no longer weak, he was not push around any longer, and he stood his ground because, he was learning the Word, and he just knew.

I realized  early on , I was covered by a lot of  Grace, still am.  I never heard any,  negative teaching about Holy Spirit and the Gifts, until I was  well into my twenties.  Here and there, I am sure.  Men were to never have long hair.  The questions came, if woman never cut their hair what was actually considered long?  This one's rules that one's.  I have seen "snake handlers," "holy rollers," you could hear a pin drop during the Praise or Worship, this place did not have both.  Some described themselves more based what they were not or did not do.  From suit and tie to, yes tied dyed.  Joined into Praise and Worship that, felt like we went through and beyond the veil.   Then stood or sat as songs were almost just read.  I have received and shared, many strong Words from the Spirit of God.  And, watched as many people became horrified, when another simply spoke a few edifying, words of Love.  He was stopped and ushered out of the building.  I could go on as I am sure many of you could do the same.

Be it one side or the other, or somewhere in the middle.  There are only a few rules I think.  Is Jesus Glorified in the actions?   The leadership must be respected, no matter how "strong" one feels the Spirit is leading.  There are steps that can be taken, and Holy Spirit does not get surprised by the rules and actions of leadership.  I fought the Spirit for many months in a reversed scenario.   The Praise and Worship leader, would stop and just look at me and wait.  When I finally surrendered, and that is what it felt like.  Service after service with sweat pouring from me.  Anyway when I spoke a Word that needed to be interrupted.  A woman who had come to the Church for the first time (I knew nothing of any of that), she gave the interpretation, well started to.  The Pastor stopped her, elders removed her.  The Pastor told me, "to give the Word again."  Inside I kept telling Holy Spirit, " see I told you."  But, I did and the earth continued to spin in circles.  

This is a little portion of my story.  As most people have stories, and they also have layers, this is some of mine.  Also, since I was raised Catholic and I learned of, being Spirit filled in the basement of a Catholic Church.  I was in a group of teenagers, whose Parents were Spirit filled Catholic.  Anyway we were taught about, making Jesus Lord of our life, then taught about the Baptism Holy Ghost.  These things happened one right after the other.

May the Lord Bless and Keep you all.

I'm going to give the short version ... hahaha


I was saved at age 5. I went into rebellionat age 14 and drifted for 17 years. During those years I knew who Jesus was and recognized Him as my Savior, but lived for self and my life was a mess during most of those years. In March 1992 there was a tragedy in our family that helped to draw my attention back to the Savior. On March 9, 1992 I cried out to the Lord telling Him I can't do this. I can't live this life any longer and I can't do it on my own. I surrendered to Him that day and experienced being filled with the Holy Spirit. Following that day life began to change ... I began to change. About one year later I sensed a call to ministry, but wrestled with that call for 6 months with a simple question running through my head "Who me? You have got to be kidding!" Eventually I had peace and told the Lord if He would open the door I would follow. I became a pastor in January 1994. I assure you that this is not something I would have done or could have done if not for the calling of God and the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.


One other story: I remember journaling in the Gospel of John. I had journaled through most of the NT and had just started John. I journaled 5 chapters that day and remember saying to myself "That was easy." I could not pen another word for three days. I am a little slow sometimes. I finally realized my sin was pride and I repented. I immediately was able to return to journaling. I sensed the Lord saying to my spirit "Remember this day. If you are going to serve me it is going to have to be me working through you." This is a lesson I have done my best to remeber and to live by.


Lord Bless,


But now we know how old LT is. :)

If the math is accurate does that make the story true? BTW, the math is accurate :-)

Pure mathematics consists entirely of such asseverations as that, if such and such a proposition is true of anything, then such and such another proposition is true of that thing... It's essential not to discuss whether the proposition is really true, and not to mention what the anything is of which it is supposed to be true... If our hypothesis is about anything and not about some one or more particular things, then our deductions constitute mathematics. Thus mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true. --Bertrand Russell

Huh ... :-)

You lost me at "asservations" ... LOL

:) You lost?

Today is a great day and you get to learn a new word.

asseverations -- the solemn or emphatic declaration or statement of something; assert: state categorically

As for "proof" in mathematics a proof is a chain of reasoning using rules of inference, ultimately based on a set of axioms, that lead to a conclusion.

So the real question is: How do you teach and learn proving?

To prove a statement is to establish its truth.

To disprove a statement is to establish its falseness.

Usually, all it takes to disprove a statement is to find a counter example.

Sometimes you just get stuck right at the beginning and don't know where to start.

Thus, what Bertrand Russell says is proof that "Mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true."

Just kidding.

I believe your story. The math doesn't make it true. Your experience with God does.



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