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Some of the controversy I see in the multitude of topics in blogs, forums and groups in this communityof believers (which is totally normal in such setting) I find are due to the claim of many that the Bible is the only Authorithy that we should follow or be submissive to.

What does God and the History of the Church say about this? Apart from God's direct instructions in the word what else has God given authority and hence trust worthy to be follow?

Please share.


This Latin phrase which translated means "Scripture alone" is the starting place for our discusson, but before we consider what this means, let’s consider what it does not mean.

It does not mean that the Bible is the only place where truth can be found.

It does not mean that the Bible is equally clear to all people.

It does not mean that the instruction of Church is not helpful and authoritative.

It does mean however, that the Scriptures are our only ultimate and infallible authority for faith and practice. We are not talking here however about "solo Scriptura" which might be what we would call those who want themselves to be the only teachers (the "just-gimme-me-and-my-Bible" group) and to repudiate all others. We are however saying that the Scriptures are our final authority and that they are infallible. All other authorities, even though equally as valid, are subordinate to the Scriptures and are fallible.

"14 But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them,15 and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:14-17 NKJV

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The Christian principle of biblical authority means, on the one hand, that God purposes to direct the belief and behavior of his people through the revealed truth set forth in Holy Scripture; on the other hand it means that all our ideas about God should be measured, tested, and where necessary corrected and enlarged, by reference to biblical teaching.

Huh??? so ideas such as pleading the blood of Christ, if they do not go againts the word of God, but instead proclaim a biblical truth under a man made title, should be an acceptable practice, right?

Satan and our flesh are forever working against us and we do have a natural contempt for authority and at times if we are not vigilant we can even take something good and injected with our rebellion. No, I am not directing this to anyone in particular. I am one of the ones that have always cried out " Scripture Alone," but i examine my self and my statement to make sure i am not using it in an inappropiate manner. That i am not covering the flesh's tendency to rebell with a Godly truth.

Dear Charles-

I also agree with your statement about pleading the blood and will add this:
When I come across books or teachings resembling the statements below, I almost feel sick to my stomach.

How to Plead the Blood of Jesus for Deliverance and Protection.
any of the non-denominational churches talk about the power of Pleading the Blood of Jesus – but they do not tell you exactly how to do it, what to plead it on, what to plead it against and how frequently you need to do it in order to get God’s maximum protection on you and your loved ones.

For the record – I do plea the blood of Jesus, but I am interested on getting opinions from my fellow theos as to the meaning of the practice. Of course I have my understanding of it, which I will share shortly.

When we plea the blood of Christ over something, what are we really saying? Does His blood, the actual physical blood hold mystical power or what are we conveying when we plea His blood?
I came upon your post from a Google Alert I set up on the phrase, "plead the blood". Many of the hits I get on my blog,, come from searches done on that phrase. I thought you may be interested in reading what God showed me about pleading the blood over your family. I do this every morning. Check it out at: and scroll down toward the bottom of the page. Be blessed!

Brother Bill - I followed the link and truly enjoyed the article. Feel free to copy and paste it here.

Thank you for sharing bro.
RIGHT ON BRO - YOU GOT IT BELOVED! God speaks to us.

That is exactly how I feel Charles. YES OUR LORD SPEAKS TO US, HALLELUJAH! His will is primarily in scripture but we can hear Him leading us and I can personally hear Him in my spirit guiding me. Amen
We learn how to seek his presence through scripture. We learn about his love through his word. We learn how to pray by seeking his word ,and through prayer and the word, we come into Gods presence. Both together are the combined tools to come into the spirit and be in the presence of our God.

God word is living and powerfull and sharper then any two edged sword.

May God richly bless you
Amen Douglas, right on.

i would only add one more vehicle to the list of how to enter Gods presence and that is through worship, so we have as you stated, the Word, Prayer and Worship.

Blessing bro
When we claim the blood, we are calling to attention Christ’s death/His sacrifice as our claim to Victory. At least that is how I view it. When I claim the blood, I am not referring to the actual plasma or bodily liquid as if it contains some magical powers, but I am claiming his sacrifice on my behave.
"Pleading the Blood" is “enforcing the victory of Calvary.” We are bringing before God the suffering and atoning death of His Son. It is a legal term and means to stand on the rights that are ours "legally" through the shed blood of Jesus. Jesus has included us in a Blood Covenant which He made with God, the Father.

An article I read had the following to say: To “Plead the Blood” of Jesus means to appropriate, apply, declare, proclaim, and PUT YOUR TRUST in the competed work of His shed Blood. Use whichever words you are comfortable with. However, the expression, “In Jesus Name, I plead the Blood” {over my daughter, my husband, my mother, over Mary, over my pastor} is powerful.

I completely agree with the article i just quoted, but would give a word of caution about the article i quoted in the introduction to this topic, where the writer said:" what to plead it against and how frequently you need to do it in order to get God’s maximum protection on you and your loved ones."

This is my opinion only about the subject, but I think that statement is putting too much salsa on the tacos, but if anyone else has a difference of opinion I would like to hear it, since I love to learn.

As always – thoughts are welcome.

I do not believe there to be a specific verse that calls us to plea the blood of Jesus directly, but as I have often alluded, a few of our Christian practices are not directly name in the scriptures. Check out my new discussion called Over Commited to the Bible?

I agree with what you have written and can actually relate to your own experiance with the different churches and doctrines. Being conscience of all that said allowed me to present to you the following point of view.

The verses below do not teach us to plea the blood of Jesus but do show us the victory our Lord won for us through His death/blood.

Hebrews 12:24 (American Standard Version)
24 and to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better than that of Abel.
The blood of sprinkling—The blood of Jesus speaks here with a quite different message than that spoken by Abel’s blood (Genesis 4:10).

1 John 5:8 (American Standard Version)
8 For there are three who bear witness, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and the three agree in one.

Let's overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony (Rev. 12:11).

Leviticus 17:11 The life of every living thing is in the blood, and that is why the LORD has commanded that all blood be poured out on the altar to take away the people's sins. Blood, which is life, takes away sins.

Hebrews 9:12 When Christ went through the tent and entered once and for all into the Most Holy Place, he did not take the blood of goats and bulls to offer as a sacrifice; rather, he took his own blood and obtained eternal salvation for us.

The blood of jesus covers us whether we plead it out loud or not. It is ablood that speaks mercy and intercession for us and so it make god favorable to us. So pleading it is just a way of praying and focusing on the grace of god in christ. When we say "in jesus name" we are pleading virtually the same thing, i.e. God i come to u not by work but because of your grace and it is that that gives me confidence u will help. We dont have to say it for it to "work". And saying it a million times wont make it "work". Placing our faith in the favor of god that comes thru christ blood is what covers us continually. .C.C.>

Do we find a place where the apostles ended their prayer with the phrase "in jesus name"? I cant think of one, but we all do it on occasion and its ok, though it is not a biblical practice, as far as i know. Just a christian habit that has no harm and some possible benefits. Not least of which is to let us know when our bro/sis is finished with his/her prayer and we can spout out ours!!! Hehe!!!
Dear Charles -

We are in complete agreement; I too rather use the Name above all names, the only name given to men....

And from time to time if the Spirit leads me through a prayer etc... I would plea the blood over a situation. I actually brought the subject up only to touch on the how we can fall into extremes at times using a practice that is not even cemented in the scriptures.

Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us bro. Again I agree with you 100%
I think that everyone here believes that all christial experience needs to be filtered thru the word. But the word is both details like "do not steal" and general principals for guidence like "love others". Some will condemn certain christian experience cause the dont have a proof text for that experience. Note that paul wasnt opposing everyone speaking in tongues in the assembly cause he had a particular command from christ or the ot, but he was using the general principal of love which he mentions in 1 cor 13. The practice wasnt judged by a verse, but a general gospel principal. The reverse is true that we can affirm a certain practice by finding general principles in the word also. For a practice to be approved of it only needs to have no nt text condemning it and also having a nt principle approving it. Sometimes a particular verse can be against a practice, but a principle is found to support it, or at least not oppose it. Consider that paul condemned the charismatic practice of everyone speaking in tongues. But his reasons were because people were doing it out of competition, not love for god or others. He also condemned it cause it wud confuse unbelievers.
Leaders have authority from god about how to apply principles! Wth authority comes responsibility, but that responsibility is to god and their leadership. If the leaders dont deal wth issues, god will. If he doesnt do it immedietly, just wait, he will do it eventually!

Scripture is the final authority, but who has authority to interpret and apply scipture in the individual assemblies? We are resposible for what we have been given authority over. So i am responsible to interpret scripture and apply it in my life, my family and my church. I am accountable to god and my leaders. Authority and responsibility go hand and hand, and both are proportional to "territory" given us by god, thru our leadership.
We can also trust the Hoy Spirit to reveal truth to God's children. This is the personalizing process which only the Holy Spirit who works in the hearts and minds of men can bring about. Having lots of complex philoophical information is one thing, but being gut-convinced that you have clear plain understanding and conviction of a truth is another thing. Jesus said the Spirit would do that - teach us and guide us into all truth. John said every believer has an unction or annointing from the Spirit that teaches and convinces one of truth. I believe the extent to which we rely on the Spirit to teach us truth is determined by the extent we believe in His existence and trust Him to fulfil His mission faithfully.

In fact, the Spirit's revelation is sometimes the only means that "babes" and illiterates who will not reason out like theologians come to the knowledge of the truth. Paul who was well-trained in philosophical reasoning shows in much of His writing that man can go on a self-stimulating trip of complex reasoning of the word of God and still miss the truth while God reveals it easily to simple minds.


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