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1. Symbolically?
2. Literally?
3. As a series of visions that john saw of the modern world but didnt understand?

If 1, then how can we know we have the right meaning for the symbols?

If 2, then are we to expect a large monster to come out of the sea according to rev 13?

If 3, then do the locusts in the 6th trumpet mean helicopters? What would the beasts of rev 13 be?

--- can this book be understood? If so, how? How is it a "blessing to all who read it" if no one can tell for sure what it means??? c.c.

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Dear Charles,

You have a gift to teach deep truths in ways all of us can understand. That is precious brother. I have posted this topic because I find that you are not alone in your statement: "While I'm a little uncomfortable with the Revelation once it gets past the assessment of the churches” I think we all have a woozy of a time allocating its message correctly.

We are in agreement brother.
You made an awesome observation that rarely ever hear from people, and most people do not reaslize when you go to study the Bible.

Most people do not know how to Study The Bible, God's Word. There is more to it than, picking a passage to read and trying to understand it. In order to study the Bible and to get the most from it when you study alone in your personal study, there are certain things that we should do to help learn better when we go to study God's Word.

1. We need a quite, and comfortable place to study, free from distractions. (Go to the bathroom, get you a drink, etc. before you start).
2. Before you open your Bible. Say a Prayer, ask God to allow the Holy to Bless you in your time of study, to help you understand the trurth of His word that he want you to understand.
3. Choose the method or type of studying that you are going to do. (Topic/Subject, Bible Character, Passage, Book Study, etc.)
4. Next, in whatever book/pasage you read from, you need to know:
a. Who wrote it.
b. Who it was written to.
c. Why it was written.
d. When it was written.
e. and what the times were like when it was written.

(letters d and e was what you pointed out, that I rarely hear anywhere).

5. Read and reread (as many times as you need to) the passage to get the meaning. Remember as you study, continue to ask God to open His word and understanding to you.
6. When you are done studying, say a Prayer of thank for what showed you, and ask Him to continue to reveal His Word to you.
7. Meditate on His Word throughout the day, many times we are not ready (or in the right place) to recieve th understanding of a scripture that we have studied, until we come across something in our lives where we need to knowledge, then it becomes soo clear and real to us. It is then all we can do is Thank God and Worship Him, in these awesome times of Divine Providence, Protection, Help, Enlightenment, Understanding, Blessings, etc.

One the major reasons we have soo different Religions and Denominations in the World today is simply because people do not know how to study God's Word. People have not rightly divided the Word of Truth, and they Preach and Teach the wrong meaning to the scriptures as a result. This is where you hear, That's the way Grandma (or someone of other importance that might want to name here) taught me", "That's the way we have always done it.", or "I've never heard it like that before.". It does not matter who has said what, or what you have done in the past; if the Bible does not back it up, Then It Is Wrong. If is wrong, then we need to dismiss the wrong and hold to what is right. The Bible says in one place "let God be true and every man a liar."

May God Bless
thank you for sharing these foundamentals to study.

Blessing bro James
Revelations is a tough one

I do not think there is another N.T. book that poses more interpretive challenges than this one.

We can go with the Historicist approach which views all the events from the Apostolic age until today, but this view is inclusive of such things as the invasions of Rome, the rise of the Catholic church (as well as some of the popes), the emergence of Islam etc as part of the symbolisms in the book, but this view has real problems since it robs the original recipients of the meaning of the book.

We can go at it using the Preterits approach of interpreting the book. Allocating all the events to the 1st Century, but that view falls short since it is impossible to think that all the events described in the book have already been fulfilled. Such as the second coming of the Lord.

We can go with the Idealist approach which sees the book as a timeless struggle between the forces of good and evil. This view of course robs the book from its historic impact and prophetic inclinations.

And last but not least we can go with the Futurist approach which states that chapters 6-22 are yet future and that those chapters literarily and symbolically depict actual people and events yet to appear in the world. It describes the events that surround the second coming of the Lord in chapters 6-19, the millennium and final judgment and the new heavens and new earth. I go with this approach for it includes all the strengths of the other views above.
Howdy David V.!

The Book of Revelation is a fascinating Book. This Book of the Bible holds many secrets of the Future and when read diligently with the Law of God as the foundation of study, Wisdom and Understanding are imparted by God. The Book of Revelation comes alive to the believing reader who seeks God's Wisdom and Understanding which is the two-fold Blessing of Revelation 1:3.

You asked quote ****--- can this book be understood? If so, how? How is it a "blessing to all who read it" if no one can tell for sure what it means???****

The answer is yes, The Book of Revelation can be understood by any believer in Christ. You understand the Book of Revelation by studying the Law of God in the Old Testament. The first assignment is understanding who the Book of Revelation is all about. Who is That? God the Father, Jesus Christ The Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Regarding your last question, Without a Biblical Understanding of who God is, and knowing the Law of God, with a good grasp of the Seed Covenant of Abraham found in the Book of Genesis and understanding the IDIOMS that God speaks to us with, then the understanding of the Book of Revelation will not be possible for any believer in Jesus Christ.

So, The First question one might ask is...What is an IDIOM? An IDIOM is a peculiar expression of a particular language that is not readily understood by the meaning of its parts. Source--Funk and Wagnalls Desk Dictionary Volume 1 A-M page 319, left hand column, 7th word down from the top.

The First most important point to remember about the Book of Revelation is how many ways does God speak to us in this Book. God speaks 4 ways. Literally, Figuratively, Symbolically, and with IDIOMS.

The Second most important point to make here is that symbolic language in the Book of Revelation points to something that is REAL in future time. The Third most important point about the Book of Revelation for the studious believer is to stay far away from CIRCULAR REASONING.

You asked quote ****If 3, then do the locusts in the 6th trumpet mean helicopters? What would the beasts of rev 13 be?****

I will try to help you out here. Under the 6th Trumpet, The Locusts do not mean helicopters. The Context of this passage indicates that this army is a 200,000,000 million demon army that will be detectable by the human eye. Though, right now, No human being can detect a spirit being unless the spirit being appears in such a way that the human eye can detect the presence of this spirit being. During the Tribulation period, demon spirit beings will be seen by human beings during this time. To verify what I am saying, Check out what happens under the 5th Trumpet.

Regarding Revelation 13:1 and Revelation 13:11. The First Beast is the antichrist and is a male gentile. The Second Beast is a false prophet and is a male Jew. The Key to understanding is the description of each. The First Beast comes out of the sea. The Second Beast comes out of the earth.

The Sea for the First Beast is symbolic language in IDIOM FORM for Gentile Nations. See Revelation 17:15. The earth is symbolic language in IDIOM FORM for the Nation of Israel. Therefore, The language points to a Jew who will be the false prophet because of the Seed Covenant promise of God to Jacob. See Genesis 28:14. God promises Jacob to multiply his seed as the dust of the EARTH!!! The Second Beast comes out of the EARTH and is of the Seed of Jacob who has rejected Jesus Christ as the real Messiah.

God Bless You!

Dr. Mike
Great break down brother Michael,

I like how you have approach the topic and indeed inorder to understand Revelations one has to keep in mind and be aquainted with the Literally, Figuratively, Symbolically, and with the idioms used to get the message accross.

Also i beleive the original authors are key! if they couldnt understand it, then it is floating in the wind. but consider the book of daniel particularly chapters 2 and 7. the early church understood that the kingdom of rome was the 4th empire from the book of daniel. did the original readers of daniel understand this? no. they knew the first kingdom was babylon, and that there would be 3 more world empires come on the scene. the last one they knew would eventually be divided into 10 states. the early church also was waiting for the dividing of the roman empire (note they knew the name of the 4th kingdom) into 10 states before the antichrist could come. when the empire was sacked by the "barbarians" it was divided into 10 states.

now my point is that the original readers could read it and understand it, though they didnt see it fulfilled!!! and with the readers of revelation we have one important guideline from the original readers. we must understood the symbols as they understood them first, then apply it to its fulfillment.

consider the 5th and 6th trumpets in chapter 9. how would the original readers understand those symbols? clearly they would understand it of the parthians, that were poised across the euphrates ready to sack the empire! but that doesnt mean that the parthians have to fulfill it, since it is a symbol. but if almost 400 years later the other barbarians (goths, vandals, etc.) were the means god used to destroy pagan rome, then the original readers understood the reference, but not the exact fulfillment. we could only understand the fulfillment if we first refer to the original readers perspective.

Well i will stop here and simply say, great job Rev.
Hello everyone - greetings in Christ,

I am not a Bible scholar by any stretch of the imagination. I love Jesus and His Word. Two things I have learned one, prophecy is not so much about learning the future as it is a call to the world to draw near to God and repent and two, the Bible is to be read and discerned in its entirety - bits and pieces or reading just the last book is not recommended. I tried understanding the book of Revelation each way mentioned above. All three ways seem to fit different parts of the book and at the same time you cannot apply each individual method of interpretation to the entire book and have a 100% coherant meaning from the start to the finish. I do believe some things cannot be understood at this time until things in this world unfold more. Also, some parts can be interpreted more than one way. (The letters to the Seven Churches for example, have a literal and prophetic meaning.)
Furthermore, it all must be prayerfully read and considered along with the rest of God's Word.

We are taught that God's Word is Eternal. It is written from an Eternal perspective - God's. It is as relevant today as the day it was spoken /written. We are stuck here in "time" so some things written from eternity's vantage point are difficult to understand now. I have found a very reliable source for Spirit-led Biblical commetary; the collection of Lambert Dolphin's works and essays has blessed me immensely. Here is a good start
A good example of dual interpretation is the letters to the Angels of the Seven Churches. It is addressed to 1st Century Churches and each "church" corresponds to a specific time period in the history of the Christ's Church - from Pentecost all the way up to His return. The last church addressed is the Laodicean Church. It was an actual Church in Asia Minor and it applies to today - the Apostate Church at the End of the Age.

All Scripture must be prayerfully read and considered along with the rest of God's Word. The Truths in the Bible are discerned with the help of the Holy Spirit. Ask God to open your spiritual eyes - I have studied Romans 2 times and God is revealing more of Himself to me again in Romans.
1 Cor 2:13 And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual.

So to summarize and answer your questions - 1. yes, the meanings are according to 1Cor 2:13 2. yes some parts, the beast is a man see Rev 13:2 also "sea" in prophecy means the nations/people of the gentiles 3. yes, some things as I mentioned earlier need to unfold to be understood fully The beast is a man.

Much of it can be understood through prayer and studying God's Word. The last question has endless Blessings. It is a blessing to those who read it because: a.) by prayerfully studying the Word of God you will grow in the knowledge of Him. 2 Peter 3:18a But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. b.) you will be drawn nearer to God in prayer 1Thess 5:17 pray without ceasing c.) it will draw you into the Word Jhn 8:51 "Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death." , etc.

Blessings In Christ
Great question and I will do it justice on my follow up answered to you, for now Nancy I will say this much. Our life more abundant is in every word written in the bible, so the more we study every book the more we know the truth that sets us free from everything that wants to keep us bound.

As soon as I have a chance Nancy I will get into Luke 21and Revelations. Great question sis.
Rob I loved your valuable impute. Great reminder with 1 Cor 2:13, the Spirit will lead us to all truth. Romans is my favorite book of the bible and I have read it multiple times and each time I learned something new.

Thank you for sharing your experience with the Spirit-led Biblical commentary; the collection of Lambert Dolphin's works, it’s all about edifying each other. Reading your post place a smile on my face your passion for the word comes through your writing.

Blessings bro.
Rev 13:17-18 talk about the "mark of the beast" and "his name" being put on peoples arms or forheads. 2 verses later in 14:1, we hear of gods name being written on the righteous saints heads.

Is one literal and the other figurative? That doesnt seem consitent! Is the mark of the beast a microchip, while the name of god on the righteouss' forheads just an acknowledgment that they belong ti god???

This is one example of a need for a clear and consistent hermaneutic for interpreting revelation!!!
Howdy Brother David!

You said and asked...****Rev 13:17-18 talk about the "mark of the beast" and "his name" being put on peoples arms or forheads. 2 verses later in 14:1, we hear of gods name being written on the righteous saints heads.

Is one literal and the other figurative? That doesnt seem consitent! Is the mark of the beast a microchip, while the name of god on the righteouss' forheads just an acknowledgment that they belong ti god???****

The Mark of the Beast has been a subject discussed for many years and many people have tried to speculate what this mark will be. The most important point to make here and understand is that the Mark of the Beast will be a Mark that is visible to the naked eye. Everyone will be able to see this mark of a man.

Some might ask...Mark of a Man? Yes, The Mark of the antichrist is a mark of a man because the antichrist is a man. Specifically, A Male Gentile. Now, The mark of the beast is a two fold mark. This mark is either the number of the beast's name or the name of the beast. See Revelation 13:17. The number of the beast is a number that is the numerical equivalent of the beasts name. The number of his name is 666.

Since the mark of the beast is a two fold mark indicates a form of Kingdom (governmental) protocol. The number of the beast's name is given to the followers and the name of the beast is given to those who are in power to govern the followers. This is how people who follow the antichrist will be identified in the 10 Nation Kingdom which begins in Revelation 6:2 which will be the Revised Roman Empire. The Revised Roman Empire is the 7th Mountain Kingdom of Revelation 17:9-11.

Now, Let us take a look at another important aspect of the Book of Revelation. The 144,000 as shown in Revelation 7:1-8. The 144,000 are given the Seal of God on their foreheads. What is this Seal? Once again, This Seal of God is God's Name in Hebrew and this seal will be a visible seal for all to see. How do I know this?

Because, in the Old Testament, The Operation of the Holy Spirit was external as compared to the New Testament where the Operation of the Holy Spirit is Internal. Do you see the contrast here? Therefore, When the Tribulation period begins, The Operation of the Holy Spirit will no longer be internal but revert back to being an external operation.

Therefore, The Seal of God of the 144,000, i.e. God's Name in Hebrew on their foreheads, and the mark of the beast, i.e. The name of the beast or the numerical equivalent on the hand or forehead, taken by those who reject Jesus Christ are both visible to the naked eye for all to see. Do you see this consistency David?

Secondly, The Seal of God on the 144,000 is also a seal of Kingdom (governmental) protocol of God here on earth. And, No harm comes to the 144,000 while they preach the Gospel of the Kingdom as foretold by Jesus Christ in Matthew 24:14. The 144,000 will preach the very same Gospel that Jesus Christ preached. See Matthew 4:17 which is the Gospel of Circumcision given to the Apostle Peter. See Galatians 2:7.

God Bless You!

Dr. Mike
Howdy David V. I have a correction here I need to make. I was very tired last night when I wrote this comment...

****Since the mark of the beast is a two fold mark indicates a form of Kingdom (governmental) protocol. The number of the beast's name is given to the followers and the name of the beast is given to those who are in power to govern the followers. This is how people who follow the antichrist will be identified in the 10 Nation Kingdom which begins in Revelation 6:2 which will be the Revised Roman Empire. The Revised Roman Empire is the 7th Mountain Kingdom of Revelation 17:9-11.****

What I should have said is...The 8th Mountain Kingdom which is the Revived Grecian Empire of Revelation 17:9-11 and this mark will begin in Revelation 13 during the Second half of Daniel's 70th Week. I do apologize for missing this.

God Bless You!

Dr. Mike


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