All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

These photos are from a month long trip to Florida and a two-week Caribbean cruise most of May of 2012 as a graduation and farewell gift for my German friend Annea as she prepared to return home to Stuttgart, Germany to begin working on her Doctorate. She had never seen the ocean and tropics before. In November, she would return to the area on her honeymoon. I will try to stay with the nature theme along with adding a few general photos of interest. Sunrise and sunset photos from the trip are posted at the end of the discussion "The Glory of Scenery touched by our God".

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Fish and live coral in the main aquarium.

A Funny coral reef fish that stands on tail when at rest.

Three different shades of Trigger fish, more coral reef inhabitants.

Sea turtle taking a look at us.

Shark and fishes.

And two reef sharks. After Coral World we went back to the beach to sunbathe and wade, that night we boarded the ship for dinner, then a movie as we departed for the last port of call.

St. Maarteu, Philipsburg, 25th
Another beautiful Caribbean town and bay; actually two separate towns with Sint Maarten being under control of the Netherlands and St. Maarteu under Portugese control. Our first stop was taking a tour of the Cruzan Rum distillery, we certainly had drunk gallons of their black rum, usually mixed with some blend of tropical fruit juice during the cruise. And free samples during and after the tour and a nice pamphlet on rum drink recipes.

Philipsburg from big hill outside of town.

Main Beach, something like 37 miles of beaches around the island.

Seaspray other end of beach.

Lunch was at a nice beach café, we had a lovely shrimp and crabmeat salad. Annea caught this young girl doing acrobatics on beach below us; nice photo just as she did a backflip.

A small cove of rocks, cactus and waves


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