All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

These photos are from a month long trip to Florida and a two-week Caribbean cruise most of May of 2012 as a graduation and farewell gift for my German friend Annea as she prepared to return home to Stuttgart, Germany to begin working on her Doctorate. She had never seen the ocean and tropics before. In November, she would return to the area on her honeymoon. I will try to stay with the nature theme along with adding a few general photos of interest. Sunrise and sunset photos from the trip are posted at the end of the discussion "The Glory of Scenery touched by our God".

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  Just after you enter the part is the loading spot for the  Gwazi Lion roller coaster; since most of it was hidden by the trees, unlike SeaWorld's Manta, Annea decided she would ride this one. I kept quiet as we got on, since it is one of the finest coasters anywhere: photo is at top of the gentle first climb, when Annea discovered she had misjudged the ride. I almost was strangled by her grip around my neck from then on.

  The next ride is more of a family ride, Kumba waterlog ride. Here she learned why I told her to wear bathing suit under clothes and bring 2 extra sets of shorts and tops.

Main path from entrance goes over a small bridge over a winding pond of native fresh water turtles and alligators.  Most of the day they sun themselves until they get too hot, jump in the pond to cool off, then sunbath again. Pretty much what all the tourists to Florida do.

Same spot, with a turtle lineup.

Further down the path is another pond with the pink chickens on stilts (flamingos). One decided to come close and take a good look at Annea as she was taking photos. He has very good taste in ladies.

Throughout the day various trainers walk along with their charges. Here a beautiful bird was being fed.

Small lizards are native through out Florida, they used to drive my dog Socrates crazy in the back yard. Here, a couple of imported tropical iguanas are enjoying some shade.

Nearing noon we decided to have lunch since we planned on hitting the African safari all afternoon. Lots of small drink and food vendors throughout the park but also a dozen or so full restaurants. We chose the Zambia Smokehouse since they had 17 different offerings of sliced chilled meat platters, veggie, fruit salads of all types, lots of desserts and small garlic rolls that were fanastic. Perfect lunch for a 97 degree cloudless sky day!

So we started what our main interest was, the African Safari through Busch's huge game preserve. It's part riding through open areas with animals, occasional stops at enclosed exhibits, then more riding. It takes several hours to do the entire safari: we did it 3 times. It was perfect after having our lunch since we both ate heartily.  Here we were second land rover in a line of 4, passing through a herd of gazelle and zebra.

One stream you ride through has a glassed in pathway so you can see both underwater and above.  A hippo and various fish. In background you can see the skyride that's used to see the entire park from overhead and shortcuts for those that hate walking. Annea and I walked, so many small creatures in the bushes and wandering about.

Lion and lioness (several more of the pride in the tall grass.

A Spider Monkey pretending it wasn't interested in the bag of peanuts. (Annea's label on disc is "#128-11 Oh I lost label for this, Rick resting I think.") The abuse I had to live with those 2 years!


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