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Many people wonder about the future. What does the Bible teach us about the future?

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Comment by Darlene on June 25, 2009 at 11:57pm
I've never been as interested in prophecy as I have been lately. I'm looking forward to learning more about it. Thanks Natasha!
Comment by Patricia L Conner on June 25, 2009 at 10:42pm
Thanks for the invite to this group!! Revival is coming soon!!!
Comment by deedee310 on June 25, 2009 at 9:51pm
This group is going to be very interesting to me as I have been studying prophesy for a while. I have taken classes and read so many material on biblical prophesy and the end of times. I look forward to this!!!!
Comment by Natasha Mayes on June 25, 2009 at 8:18am
Thank you Mary! We will start todays discussion with a brief introduction to the book of Revelations.
Some of you may not know that the book was written by John in roughly 94 AD. He was near the end of his life and imprisoned on the Isle Patmos when the angel of the Lord appeared to him. Yesterday, I mentioned the Golden Rule of Prophesy. To that rule I add 2 more things that should be kept in mind when studying this book.
1. Revelations tells of events that will happen here on earth, and in heaven. When reading a passage you must determine WHERE the scene takes place: here or in heaven.
2. Excepting chapters 12 and 17, the book follows chronologically. In the order it is prophied is the order in which these events will happen.
If you keep those two - three things in mind while studying this book, you should elliminate much confusion already.
Through all the knowledge of all the people that has studied this book before me, we learn that there 4 main views about the book of Revelations.
1. Futurists believe that Reveletions must still be fullfilled.
2. Historical views say that the events in this book had already happened.
3. Spiritualists believe that everything in this book should be taken figuratively and symbolically.
4. Then, lastly we have the Preterist group thar believes that the book was written before the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD.
We shall see by means of our study which one of these are likely to be correct.
Revelations can be described as a book in three distinctive parts.
1. Christ and the Church Age (Rev 1-3) Which covers all the ages from the Day of the Pentecost untill the time of the *Rapture of the Church*.
2. Christ and the Tribulation (Rev 4-18) which covers the time starting the with the signing of the covenant between Israel and the Ani-Christ untill the 2nd coming of Christ.
3. Christ and the Future (Rev 19-22) which will start with His 2nd coming and last for eternity!

Yesterday I also said that one of my reasons for studying this book was to complete the circle of truth. Here are some examples of what I mean.
In Genesis we see human's beginning in Paradise. Revelations teaches us about Paradise to come. We see the first instance of rebellion in Gen 3-4 while Revelations promoses the end of all rebellions. Genesis records the first murderer, drunkard, and rebel. Rev 21:27 promises a city where: "nothing impure will enter it, nor will any one who does what is shameful or deceitful"
In Genesis we witness death Revelations 21:4 promises us no more death.

To end today's discussion, let me leave a warning.If you join this group hoping that I can tell you the "when", you are sorely mistaken. Revelations was given to us from God so we can study it's words and be prepared. It gives us exactly what we asked: to know what will happen. Of the timing of these events? Here is what Jesus had to say about it: "no one knows, however when that day and hour will come - neither the angels in heaven nor the Son; only the Father alone knows." Matt 24:36

Until tommorrow
Love in Christ
Comment by Mary O on June 24, 2009 at 6:49pm
I'm looking forward to the lessons. I've been reading the book of Revelation.
Comment by Natasha Mayes on June 24, 2009 at 3:33am
The dictionary defines the word prophesy as "to foretell or predict". The word prophet is defined as "a person who speaks for God by divine inspiration" How many so called prophets today can say that about what they prohesy? I imagine not many, if ANY. With help from a few ministers and YOU, members of this group, we are going to be looking at some true prophets and the predictions they made. Predictions that were DIVINELY inspired by God. We will be focussing on the Book of Revelations and together we will make sense of it. Far too many people skip over prophetic passages in the Bible thinking they are to abstract to understand, that it is simbolic not litteral. Will it surprise you to know that when god foretells something, it happens JUST AS HE SAID IT WOULD? Jesus's prediction of the Temple's destruction came true TO THE LAST LETTER. In 70 AD the temple was destroyed utterly. Scavengers looking to claim treasure from the broken down temple litterally didn't leave one stone on top of another. Why i'm going to be focussing on Revelations as apposed to any other book in the Bible? My reasons are 4-fold:
* Verse 3 contains a very special blessing promised to those tht read the book. Of course there are blessings to be found everywhere else in the Bible, but this is the only book that promises a special blessing for those read and hear its words. (Remember that this book closes with a repeat of this promise to those in addition to reading and hearing it, also KEEPS it. {22:7})
* It reveals God's plan for the future
* This book gives clearer detail concerning Bible prophesy that any other book in the Bible.
* This book completes the circle of Bible truths.
In my first study lesson I will explain that last point more clearly.

I will end my diatribe this morning by giving you this GOLDEN RULE of interprtation: "When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek NO OTHER SENSE." In other words, UNLESS a passage is obvious in it's simbolism, it should be taken litterally.

Love in Christ
Comment by Natasha Mayes on June 24, 2009 at 2:33am
First of all: appologies for my silence the last two days. Gremlins in my modem made it impossible to get on-line.
Comment by Natasha Mayes on June 22, 2009 at 2:06am
THIS IS AN OPEN INVITATION TO ANYBODY WHO HAS EVER WONDERED ABOUT THE FUTURE. In this group we will discuss Bible Prophesy.Starting on Thursday 25 June 2009, I plan to lead a weekly Bible Study Course using this group. As I will never call myself an expert, I call on those of you who have the knowledge and understanding, to help me in this quest for deeper understanding of the clues left in God's word as to what is happening in our World today.

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