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Many people wonder about the future. What does the Bible teach us about the future?

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Comment by Denise on July 10, 2009 at 6:49pm
I might be a slow learner, So everyone please be a bit patient with me.
As I need to be sure of what I am told and what is the truth.
Comment by barva smith brown on July 10, 2009 at 6:45pm
to tell you the truth i really dont worry about the future i just try to live a god fearing and spirtual life and let others see how i live hoping they would come to know the lord for them self to avoid hell also talking to them about god.i sometimes will try and work out who these churches are and it all still comes down to you have to be a child of god to enter in and no fear will come to you if you do all he ask .thats just my understanding .[live right]
Comment by Patricia L Conner on July 10, 2009 at 1:16pm
In the future he will pour out the later rain on his people. He will take us out of Babolon into the promised land. Yahshua will come and teach us himself. He himself will lead us, He is the good shepard.
Comment by Natasha Mayes on July 10, 2009 at 11:59am
Brother Glen, I'm very glad you desided to help me after all! Yes I did receive your email! Thank you very very much for your input here. It is much appreciated.
Comment by Natasha Mayes on July 10, 2009 at 7:17am
Please call me Natasha. Family shouldn't be so formal!
Comment by Natasha Mayes on July 10, 2009 at 7:09am
Shucks, I appologise for the typing mistakes. That last verse I quoted should be verse 5, not 50!
Comment by Natasha Mayes on July 10, 2009 at 7:02am
Well, after a long absence from the group I am back to continue explaining the churches. The reason I was absent is just a case of relutance. After the reading some comments posted here, I got the feeling that I may have gone about some of these churches the wrong way. Apparently, I have created the impression that I am judgemental with regards to specifically the Roman Catholic church. Late last night I typed a blog post about forgiveness. I was at the end of my tether, not knowing how to continue without stepping on a few toes. And I asked someone else to continue explaining the churches, because of my severe lack in tact. I prayed that the Lord gave me the wisdom to continue my task, and that He must take over my hands and mind; Let Him be the autor of my messages to you. Anyway, I added the post, went offline and went to bed, praying feverishly for God to show me where I went wrong, and to give me a sign if what I was doing is going against His will for me. When I came online earlier I noticed a strange thing: my blog post wasn't there! Now I know that I am very scatter-brained at times, but I promise you, I did add that post, and I haven't been back online again untill about 12:00 today (SA time) and I deffinately did NOT remove that post either! I don't know if this was just the internet server being full of bugs or not, but since I do not believe in such a thing as co-insidence, I must believe that this was the answer to my prayer. Before I continue I am going to stress the point that I'm relaying facts as recorded in history. I did not 'think up' the histories to suit my purpose, neither is it my intent to critisize any specific church denomination. Where I speak out of personal experiance, it is aimed at the SPECIFIC CHURCH I VISITED and not the denomination as a whole.
The next church we are looking at today is mentioned in Rev 3:1-6: The Church of Sardis. (AD1517-1790) This is a picture of the Reformed Church that came out of the Roman Catolic dispensation.
At the time that the revelation of this church was penned, Sardis was the capital Lydia, and was a prominent city in Asia Minor. It was a wealthy city that was destroyed by an earthquake. The local church there, seemed to be of good standing but was in reality a dead church. Some faithfull believers in this church, however were given the commendation that "they have not soiled their clothes". "Sardis" means "escaping ones" or "come out" and that is exactly what happened during the Reformation. The Protestant Reformation happened as the result of the Church of Rome continued mixing of pagan doctrines rather than to adhere to Scriptural principles. The tragedy was that this church earned it's condemnation by the Lord by: Seeking the approval of political leaders rather that from the Spirit and eventually became state churches, and they did not sufficiently change many customs and teachings of the Church of Rome.
The result is a dead church. Test it thus: if you leave your church after a "worship' session and not have the feeling of having met Christ in a personal way, then you are worshipping in a dead church.
COMMENDATION & CODEMNATION: (verse 1) "...I know your record and what you are doing; you are supposed to be alive, but (in reality) you are dead."
(verse 2) "...for I have not found a thing that you have done (any work of yours) meeting the requirements of My God or perfect in His sight." This is seen in the way the reformation age started to, in reality, cool down to such an extent that it is viewed as "dead" in the eyes of the Lord. Although the Reformation leaders started well, they did not proceed to complete the work of reforming the Church.
Some Bible scholars doesn't even list a commendation for this church because of how it ends. However it should be noted that the early years of the Reformation was marked by people such as Martin Luther who risk their lives to defy the authority of the Roman Church in order to to obey the Bible's teaching on salvation by faith.
COUNCEL: (verse 2) "Rouse yourselves up and keep awake, and strengthen and invigorate what remains and is on the point of dying..."
(Verse 3) "So call to mind the lessons you received and heard; continually lat them to heart and obey them, and repent. In case you will not...I will come upon you like a thief, and you will not know or suspect at what hour I will come."
These to verses carries sound advise to those who are dead Christians today. It basically tells those that are "dead" to wake up and smell the flowers! Time to remember what you were taught. If you can't then go and refresh your memory by studying the Word and DOING the Word. And once you have familiarised yourself with what it is that is expected from you, then you must cement it to your whole being and OBEY. Otherwise you may be counted amongst those unfortunate people that will be caught unawares when Christ returns for His own. This is, I believe a reference to the Rapture. Ask yourself this question: DO YOU REALLY WANT TO UNDERGO THE TRIBULATION? (If of course you are lucky enough - or unlucky, depends on how you look at it - to survive the Rapture) The true commendation and reward goes to the few true believers of this age: (verse 4) "Yet you still have a few (persons') names in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes, and they shall walk with Me in white because they are worthy and deserving."
CHALLENGE: (verse50) " Thus shall he who conquers (is victorious) be clad in white garments, and I will not erase or blot out his name from the Book of Life; I will acknowledge him (as Mine) and I will confess his name openly before My Father and before His Angels."
Love in Christ
Comment by Natasha Mayes on July 6, 2009 at 11:10am
If you read through my message again, you'll see that I was refering to the church prominent IN THAT AGE. Also if you study church history, you'll see that almost all the reformed churches that came after that age, has it's roots in Roman Catholosism. (Meaning they broke away from the "mother church" and became the Protestants as we know them.) Since the Roman Empire was in power during that time, it's church as originally founded in the time of Constantine was therefore the dominant denomination. Also, I used the Roman Catholic church as an example because it is a church well known for it's many religious rites, of which very few has it's origins in the Bible. However, as you rightly pointed out, and I will emphisise that point, members of the churches as already described sits with us today in our very Protestant churches as well. Please refer back to my 1st message on The churches, where I described how the message to these churches can apply, not only to THOSE churches, but also to church ages, churches today and Christians today. As to what religion I belong to: I am a follower of Christ. I was brought up in Pentecostal churches but have also been a member of Dutch reformed churches, and Methodist. At the moment I count myself as a member of the United Church of God. But here, on this site I am just a normal person giving my honest viewpoint on the prophesies. My sources are reputable Bible scholars, and all the history stuff that I add in it is based on what I have learned through studying Biblical and secular history.
Comment by barva smith brown on July 6, 2009 at 11:00am
there is much to be said on the subject and bible verses to back them up but it all will come done to one thing be ready .we might not know when he is coming but we are sure he is coming and if we are not ready we should get ready
and try and see what we can do to make others come into this freedom that we have come to know and love.there are a lot of peaple hurting even in this group which is a part of the body of christ .but still dont believe they can trust any one they have been hurt too many times and just getting past that i will and i am asking those praying believers to pray for those members and others.i thank god for each and every one of you God bless you all amen.
Comment by Ukundi Evans Mlelwa on July 6, 2009 at 7:10am
Dear brother Jeffery, you know that the world is coming to an end, and the devil is trying as much to capture many souls for him. That is why he can use people to seem to do Gods will but if you look closely is like the wolf in the lambs outfit. I think this is a very big problem in todays world. I urge everyone of us to just stick on praying to God and that God may deliver us and our children from this dreadful world. So many things are at a mess right now. It is very difficult to trust each other these days. Lets just wait for our Lord Jesus because these are the perfect signs for his return to take us, his church.

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