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In the past i used to have issues with lust even before i was able to fully understand the severity of my Sin, and it was because of my sinful nature, but also because of my enviornment and in most cases i had no protection from it, i didnt know Christ as a kid but i knew of him, i didnt know that he died on the cross for me, so then i made some grown up choices as a child unaware of the consequences, and i was raised by a single parent with two siblings who were older and didnt know much, about the Lord really or even took him seriously, or the severity of there sin but hope is not lost. So feel free to share your story, and to encourage, and uplift, because that was yesterday we still have today and tomorrow  lets take advantage! God Bless

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hi quinton,
i have the same problem.
everytime i would fall away from the church it was because of lust, i woke up this morning and all of a sudden i had a very different attitude to what i expect from myself and what i would and wouldnt tolerate of a man, i found my self respect
As an adult male, lust is a temptation every day. I work with other males who believe that ..."window shopping is fine...look but don't touch..." etc. As a sexaholic, it took years for me to realize that for me, looking after a woman with lust was not safe, and then to read in the Bible Christ's message..."anyone who looks after a woman lustfully has committed adultery in his heart." This makes my days tough. However God has said we will be tempted, but not with more than we can withstand. Reassuring that He has faith in us and our choices. That makes my life easier.
what comes into our heads we cannot help, the wrong doing is when we contenplate on our thoughts,
it isnt the physical relation of a man and woman that i like in fact the thought quite repulses me. i crave attention from a bloke who will treat me right, thats because of the way men have treated me, i end up getting the bad ones so i have given up totally,
God bless
Hi Clare: Do not give up, You have Christ's Freedom to discover True happiness and fulfillment. Ask God who will work with you to find a loyal and faithful partner. The Holy Trinity will work with you through your Faith to grow each day. I have been alone for 3 years living a long distance relationship that ended with Infidelity with my partner, broke my heart and killed my soul. I have since picked up the pieces with the help of Jesus and I am very joyful.
Amen to that Mike! Sin is a force that owns you, that causes you to do naughty things! But the word is the light and the darkness can never extinguish it and when you speak the word from your heart when you are tempted, i tell you he loves it! You are a true soldier of Christ my friend! Stay strong! x
Wow to know that I am not alone. I have the same problem. I am a very passionet persone. Feeling envelope me in every way. Not just sexual feelings but everyday life feelings. There are days when I cant stop and when its done, I feel empty seperated from God...Its a awful feeling and i cant even explain the emptyness. There is a huge part of me that says its ok and then there is the other huge part on me thats says no it not ok. I am at war. Spiritual tired. I dont want to be that women at the well brining her water jug to fill everyday but never spiritual happy.
Praise the Lord, because he has sent you a revelation, and my apologies for responding so late to your post, i have just been busy with School, but always know that the Lord is never far away!!!
I was molested as a child. Which led me to become very distressed and depressed in my teenage years.
I started to cut myself, and drink, and I blamed God for everything that happened to me. I was once a Bisexual. I had many confused feelings about sex because of my childhood.
I was picked on in school because of my sexuality as well.
I soon plotted to kill myself.
I snuck into school, with some liter fluid.
And planned to kill myself in an old bathroom.
Just as I was about to do it, a voice told me to " Get Up"
I can't explain it. It was loud and quiet at the same time.
I didn't know who it was, but I got up.
And, suddenly, something came over me.
For some reason, I ran into the counselor's office
and told her EVERYTHING.
everything that led me to that point.
While she felt compassion for me,
she was still forced to call the police.
And I was arrested.
And sent into a Mental Institution for a month.
But, by God's grace, I was allowed back in school.
And then, instead of being known as the Gay guy in school.
I'm now known by my friends as a Christian.

And God is still working Miracles in my life.
I have similar issues with the past and lust. I have managed to put it behind me by the grace of God but the enemy likes to keep challenging and telling me of every wrongdoing I ever did. I get so tired of fighting the demons. You would think with quadriplegia that lustful feelings would fade, but I find it to be just the opposite. Very disturbing private thoughts, etc. a wonderful world built around me and don't want to let go of any of the beauty through Christ because of the enemy's challenges. I am a newbie here and not sure how this works but here goes. I hope somebody out there understands blessings, Philip
Hold fast, Phillip!  God is with you, always and He will save you!  Have faith and believe! He loves you more than you know...

Lust, when it occupies the heart, makes the heart more deceitful. It has a way of justifying lust. It is just a matter of time that this idol of lust will destroy its worshiper. It will destroy a marriage, a job, a ministry, and a family. The good news is, in Jesus, there is always hope.  


It is just my personal observation that any sin including lust when it is hidden in the dark strengthens its hold on someone's soul but when it is exposed to light, it loses its power on our soul. Jesus is the Light of the world. His word through the Holy Spirit has power to set us free from lust. The central message of His word is the CROSS. The CROSS has power to expose lust into light and to break its hold on someone's soul. The CROSS has greater power to set us free from the power of lust.



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