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"The Lord helps the fallen and lifts up those bent beneath their loads." Psalm 145:14 (NLT)

North Korea

Kim Jong-Il poised to announce his successor

As North Korea prepares for its biggest political convention since Kim Jong-Il was officially designated successor to his father in 1980, speculation mounts that his third and youngest son, Kim Jong-Un, will be named as the country's future leader.

Whoever is in power faces the enormous task of restoring an economy that is in great trouble. A disastrous currency reform has led to many suicides as people lost their life savings in just one day. In at least three provinces (Hamkung, Yanggang and Jagang) people are dying of hunger as the government slows and halts food rations. Meanwhile, North Korea continues to send secret agents into China to track down refugees. "Their purpose is to root out any defectors who are seen as a destabilising factor," says Simon*, Open Doors' main contact for North Korea.

As the economy comes to a standstill, civilians openly protest decisions made by the government, leading to violent clashes with the police - a rare phenomenon in a country with a tight security system and a vast network of spies. "Fifteen years ago Kim Jong-Il was still considered a god, but all these years of hunger have left the people disillusioned," says Simon.

The current generation of Christians have known nothing other than persecution. Open Doors has been involved with these courageous believers for over ten years, supporting them with Bibles, training, food, practical help and in raising prayer.

One church leader expressed why it's so important to keep praying for North Korea. "Our church organisation has strengthened and developed with your continuous prayer and support. The accomplishments and victory that we see today are the fruits of your love, faith and guidance. Therefore I promise to dedicate myself with dignity and responsibility to enhance the faith of our believers' lives."

*name changed for security reasons

Source: Open Doors, Associated Press

Please pray:

1.    For strength, provision and peace for the hundreds of thousands of 'underground' Christians.

2.    For Kim Jong-Il and his son Kim Jong-Un, as a possible handover of power is considered. Pray that they would know God's truth and receive His love.

3.    That any possible regime change will bring greater freedom for Christians.

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