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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

at the moment my husband and i feel like strangers in our church we have attended for 8 years. my question is when do you know its time to move on to another church. we feel prompted to do so but want it to be God telling us and not of ourselves. 
anyone in the same boat?
have you moved and regretted it?
are you happy with your decision to stay, or to go? 

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Make sure you answer the following questions for yourselves before you leave your current church.

Why do I feel like a stranger in my church after so many years of being there?
Am I harboring anger toward anyone in the church?
Is there anything I can do to make things different?

I have been in my present church for 9 years now and I hope I never have to join another in the future. I was in a church that developed into an authoritarian abusive church and had to leave it after 12 years. I was a youth pastor at the time and left my licence as a pastor when I left.

It took me three years of going here and there before I found my present church. I feel so fortunate to have found such a wonderful fellowship after my negative experience. I know it was my desire to please the Lord and not myself that led me to the fellowship. Believe me the new church has it's problems just like any family does, but I desire to be an answer to the problems that are not anything as serious as the problems from the church I left.

God has given us freedom to attend church where we want as long as they fit into a sound in doctrine mold.

It could be that the ministry style has changed, the music, worship, etc, and you just can't relate to the new style any longer, in this case it might be better to find a place where you can relate better.

I know a group of older folks from an AG church who have a home group each week where they sing hymns and old choruses from the 70s. They have found that the group has helped them to grow and also they are involved in the more contemporary services that they do not prefer as much, but they love and serve other just the same.

God will show you what to do if your heart is right with Him, Do not allow the enemy to push you into anything you will regret later. God bless you as God works with you so that you will find His perfect will for you and your family.

I think all people have gone thru this. I know we have. We prayed about it and asked God to open the doors to a new place. Sometimes you will get a clear answer from God and other times you may not and that is when I think you need to go on your heart and step out in Faith and know that the Lord will provide you with that new church family.

This is like any other situation. If you have tried everything to make it work and it is no longer working you move forward and know God will lead you thru it.

Start visiting around.

Trish :)


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