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My friend is desperate to come to the Lord but seems incapable of having his "defining moment" Do you think his condition could be part of it? He refuses to take medication

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Oh my gosh....I can relate to this soooo well...too well!
My husband of 21 years was given this diagnosis. (I left one time 3 or so years ago so he would get help....don't get me wrong it wasn't an ultimatum, it was for the welfare of everyone...mostly him, it's no way for anyone to live). It is very sad to see a "good" person do and say such very "bad" things...I don't mean that in a judgmental's sad because he has to live with his actions.
However, even in the midst of these episodes (if he doesn't take his medication or the enemy is attacking)...for the last year he has been extremely interested in God, the Bible, and learning.
A few things I have shared with him (that may help with your friend)...there may be an stronghold his relationship with God (which I don't think is a bad's for learning purposes) Has he asked God for forgiveness...when we give our life over to the Lord, we have to give Him "the whole mess"...all of it? 2 Corinthians 5:17- Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come"! God will give us a new beginning...but we have to let go of the old. (there is no mess too big for turn into good)!!!
Has your friend forgiven people in his life? Colossians 3:13- "Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you", Ephesians 4:32- "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you". I want to share with you when I gave my life to God....the hardest thing for me to do was forgive myself...and I didn't even realize it. From my perspective with my husband...someone with this illness finds it very very difficult, but not impossible, to believe God #1 loves them, #2 God forgives them, #3 God can change circumstances....with God ALL things are possible. Your friends illness may be one of the things that God will use in him to help others. God made him, and even though the enemy may use the illness for bad...God will use it for good! There is a purpose for every part of us including personality. 2 Corinthians 4:16- "therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day." Isaiah 40:30-31-Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint". God speaks with a 'quiet whisper'...I would suggest pray, read the Word, dwell on Him constantly!
I will stop now....this is getting way toooo long, sorry:) My husband just went through one of the "episodes" so this very much on my mind...I hope something may help with your friend. Your friend will be in my prayers(as well as are a treasured friend to reach out for help on behalf of your friend). Fellowship also....God has put a few people on AAG in my path that have given me strength in my situation.
God Bless
My defining moment did not happen in a fancy church, or with someone's amazing words, it came AFTER the acceptance of him and just letting go to him (Jesus). And not all at once but in my daily walk, revalation after revalation of his great love over time, with falls in between, just like a baby learning to walk. Then marveling at his masterpeice when he finally does!

If your freind is desperate to know the Lord, remind him it is a journey not a destination.
Maybe he needs to take the medication (walk) before he can (run) with his faith in our Father.

He certainly needs to accept Jesus (the prayer) before he can get anywhere else on this journey to truely know his Father.
We can not suddenly come into full glorious revelation and be suddenly perfect and perfectly happy.

It is only once you begin to know him and learn of his great love that you are able to realize happiness and peace that you seek.

Tell him to keep talking to God and asking for him to reveal his true nature to him, tell him it is his step forward in faith by asking for forgiveness and then accepting Jesus, accepting that he died and rose again for his salvation.

* for if you confess with your mouth and believe it in your heart that I am Lord you will be saved* says the LORD

I wish your freind well, the ball is in his court, take heart and keep praying for your freind.


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