All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

When we are in the grips of depression we often cannot pray for ourselves. Others yes but we have given up on ourselves. I have long known the power of having others pray for me. Cancer has been healed in my body, extreme pain has been lifted, and damning depression has lifted.

I came to this site and joined as a result of feeling the madness of suicidial depression. I had given up on God. I had typed suicide or something like it into google and came up. For the next couple of days I read many of the wonderful articles of real world questions and eventually discovered this social networking site. What I found was you, my new online friends in the Lord. This site cought my eyes and I immeadately joined (thank you Jen for your courage to post such a group). I have found nothing but the love of Jesus in you people. Your encouragement has been good BUT it is the prayers from you and others that has brought about FREEDOM.

God works in mysterious ways. I returned to the church that I used to attend and where my healings occured due to the pastors wife answering God's call to be my prayer covering. Well the pastor was attacked by the enemy and I thought that the visions for the ministry I know I was called to carry out was dead. The new pastor and the new congregation welcomed me with open arms. I entered with caution as I read that I am to discern the teachings as Jesus warned us of false prophets. Well I persisted and although my mind and sick body did not want to go to church because of the offenses I experienced, even the quelling of the fire I had for ministry.

Well pastor and myself got together this week and talked. I was bowled over that this brother has the same vision for our unique church that I have had for a couple of years. I began to pray and the Holy spirit impressed on me that this was indeed his will and pastor has accepted me into the ministry to share my talents and fire. It has been my prayer for the past year and a half after being turned down for bible college and other ministries that God would work in my life, ministry or not. I left the churches and began an intense study of the different denominations and teachings that are out there. I eventually aquired a seed of bitterrness that lead to my healing being lost, backsliding into substances to mask the pain.

I praise God and thank him for those who have prayed for me and reached out in concern with kind words Jen, Jack, Christine, and all others (I know there are others out there as I pray for some without posting). I know that I am being healed again and depression does not happen when I am sharing Jesus.



Keep my little sister "lilycoy" lifted up in prayer and watch another miracle happen. She is dying from hydrogen sulfide poisioning h2s (I will post a blog soon on its dangers in case anyone is being unwittingly exposed to it) and is reaching out to whom she knows is God and the christian community. I can only imagine her pain. There is no earthly treatment to reverse the damages.

When you pray for others it WILL also lift you out of your depression. We can always find someone worse off than ourselves. May God bless each and every one of you. Send your prayer requests. Rx=prayer=JESUS

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What an amazing testimony. Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! You have the Victory in Christ, and no one can take it from you! Amen!
Satan tried but once you have tasted HIS sweetness you can never forget.
No man has come close to stealing my confession of Christ for almost 19 years. All glory and thanks.
Brother Jack, I know that you know. Makes your position on this site very satisfying I bet. I am excited to be entering the ministry with others who have the same vision. I Know parts of what my service is and and awaiting in joy for the details to be revealed. Pastor Mike is excited and we refer to the physical feelings we had as "chicken skin" Hawaiian for goose bumps. Yes shouting from the rooftops and mountains. dancing for joy. thank you and the other staff of this site. You have done a fantastic job. May Jesus greet you in heaven with "job well done". 500 billion blessings apiece for you folks.
I learned in 1984 how to put aside my depression to accomplish the tasks at hand. Hope this helps.

After a high speed auto accident and nine months of disability that had taken away two luacrative careers, I took a job as a swim instructor for infants, toddlers, and pre-schoolers. These children could pick up on my moods and respond accordingly in my observations. One day when pulling into the parking lot at work I noticed my depression and wishing I didn't have to expose anyone else, much the precious cargo that I was responsible for, your children to my depression At that moment I had a vision to bag up all my garbage, seal it tight, and leave it in my car. It worked and has continued to work. My problem is I usually reopened the bag. It was a good short term fix for putting on my happy face. Isn't it sad that we feel that we have to hide this?
Dear Rix; Praise the Loving Lord for his abundant blessings on you for the chance to Minister. I know what a passion you have been having for it and I am joyful to hear the way the Lord is working in your life.
I will pray for you and your little sister. Might I ask, how she was exposed to Hydrogen sulfide poisioning? I pray for you both and that the Lord will relieve you with pain and suffering. Blessings to you; your friend in Jesus Christ.
Londa worked at a geothermal electric plant on the big island of Hawaii. H2s is a naturally occurring gas that is released from beneath the earth. It is a big killer in the oil and gas drilling process. It is also common in sewage (human and animal) processing and pulp mills. It has been covered up by congress who controls the EPA. It is a nuerotoxin and kills cells. I am expecting a miracle for her as there is no earthly treatment that will reverse the multitude of effects in her body. she is desperrately clawing her way back to Jesus, the true physician.


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