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I just read an article that stated, only 40% of people who claim to be Christians believe the Bible is true.

I admit before I was "born again" I also didn't believe the Bible was true. I don't know why I felt that way, but I did.

So why do people not believe the Word?

Have you ever doubted the Word?

What can we do to change it?

God is sooo coool


P.S. If this was covered before sorry for the repeat.

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Let me take you on a short journey and gain some understanding of why the Bible has been attacked so harshly. Probably the most devastating blow to the Bible was a scientific finding that was no where contradicted in Scripture but the conception was in the people's mind was that it was. The Copernican theory as some present it was the idea that the earth revolved around the sun rather than the sun revolving around the earth. This shocked many Christians as they had felt that the earth was the center of the universe (geocentrism) and that the sun and stars revolved around the earth. Glancing at the night sky did leave early thinkers thinking this way which was a main theory of a guy by the name of Aristotle. Christians had only recently discovered that the earth was round rather than flat which was another shocker to them.

The church vehemently denied Copernicus and his theory for it did appear to contradict certain passages of Scripture such as:

He set the earth on its foundations;
    it can never be moved. Ps 104:5

Copernicus theorized that the earth actually rotated once a day and revolved around the sun every year and that  it was the sun that was at the center of the universe (heliocentrism). Galileo came along shortly later and confirmed these findings. The church silenced both of these men and anyone else that would speak of such things. The Bible clearly said that the earth stood still (or so they thought). How could it be true that the earth revolved around the sun?

Of course, the church was proved wrong and took a great beating. It seemed that science had proved that the Bible was wrong. Of course, deeper study into the verses did show that there was no conflict between the Bible and these new scientific findings but rather than embrace these scientific findings, the church rebutted them and did, in fact, rebuke even to the burning at the stake, those who embraced these findings.

Then along comes Charles Darwin in the 18th century with his Origin of the Species which actually never even discussed the origin of life but spoke of minor successive changes within a species that might account for all the different species we see today. Charles Darwin himself had said that if it could be shown that there were complicated organisms that could not be accounted for by these small successive changes, then his theory would be proven wrong.

The church was still in a shell shocked mode and certainly afraid to speak against any so-called modern scientific findings and remained silent on a theory that did, in fact, say that the Bible was incorrect. Jesus Himself had supported Genesis one in His ministry and this theory which is known as evolution spoke directly against Genesis one. This theory gained rapid popular support in Europe and the rest of the modern world. Eventually, the church in England would practically die. The church in America was headed in the same direction. The Bible seemed to lose its support as more and more bought into this anti Biblical account of how life began. The Bible became less and less relevant and science became the new God. Today, we understand that this theory has very little to do with science and much to do with a philosophical belief but perhaps that understanding came too late in England.

On the other hand, America had a stronger belief in Scripture and did seem to be holding fast and not as easily shaken by this new philosophy (again, this is not science but philosophy). Rather than ignore science, a few in the church began to embrace science and use scientific methods to really study the issue. What they found has brought a brand new science to the forefront called creation science. The church in America has been partially (much of the church still support this philosophy) saved from this onslaught of unscientific philosophy but it has certainly had to pay a price for its subscription to this false philosophy. Today, we still teach evolution as the only viable explanation for life in our public schools. It has been ruled unlawful by our federal courts (this will soon be overturned if we can get a conservative back into office and get some more justices that are not so liberal) to teach anything to do with intelligent design - a new theory based upon the evidence.

The Bible is absolutely true. The earth is fixed upon its foundation and it will remain until God says He is finished with it in its present form (which will happen). These scientists that are embracing Genesis one are bringing new life back into the church. The church is once again becoming emboldened. It is still a battle. We must quit teaching our children that the Bible is irrelevant. We have been doing that in our world for several centuries now and that has taken its toll upon this precious Book. As I mentioned before, according to Barna, less than one-half of one percent of our older teens and young adults actually have a Biblical worldview. That is directly due to this evil philosophy that controls much of our media and virtually all of our schools.

You and I believe the Bible is true. I only read one of the many respondents on this forum that really didn't believe in the authority of Scripture. We all have a Biblical worldview. I wonder if we will be asked by our Lord what we did about this problem in our generations. Well, I don't believe there will be any sorrow when we get to heaven but I wonder, "Am I doing enough?"

I hope this little journey has helped a little to understand why people today do not believe in the Bible. They are actually being taught to not believe in the Bible. God, please help us to identify the problem and get this unbelief turned around. In Jesus name.


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