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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Why do so many people look for a perfect world while living in a fallen world? The perfect world is yet to come.


Why do Christians expect an easy life on earth when God tells us that our life will be hard and full of trials and tribulation?


Has Christianity lost its way? Has the pulpit stopped presenting people with truth? Are pulpits failing to prepare them for a life of service and struggle while living as strangers in this fallen world?


Even a quick study of early church history, both from the NT era and the next two centuries tell us how difficult it is to be a Christian in a fallen world. Why do people think that the aged church will have it easier than the newly born church?



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Great questions -


I will give you what comes to my mind.


>>Why do so many people look for a perfect world while living in a fallen world?


Two reasons, among the many:


1. Because we love this life. 2. Because the reality of our eternality is not firmly set in our hearts as it should be.


>>Why do Christians expect an easy life on earth when God tells us that our life will be hard and full of trials and tribulation?


Again many different reasons, but just two answers here:

1. Many have been lied to by popular doctrines of the day. 2. Even when we read in scripture that this life is full of trials, we choose not to absorb that truth, because that biblical truth is one we hope to avoid.


Great questions - I will think about the others a bit longer and get back to you.

I look forward to your response.

These questions have arisen from some frustrations as I look around. I wonder what the church in America would look like if the Coliseum were reopened ..... I know God is in total control and yet I am burdened for the unsaved churched. I am also burdened for the weak in Christ ..... are they ready for what lays ahead?


One way of looking at things is, The Body is in a perfect place for God to discipline or straighten us out. For the time has come for judgment to begin with the household of God. And if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who refuse to obey the gospel of God? 1 Peter 4:17

As we here in the states have not faced what so many around the world have.  I believe we may have fallen into the idea, we will not face such things.  And, maybe we will not.  But we have become lazy and expecting to be blessed at every turn.  Without understanding faith, and how it operates.

Many in leadership have become fearful about things in The Spirit.  Not that, sadly many false people have made claims about The Spirit, and turned things upside down.  Those in leadership had to make a stand.  Yet, just like a pendulum I believe things in The Spirit will find its place.  Fear of doing damage to others, can make those in charge very protective. 

I also have seen teaching {not to pick on anyone person} lead people more confused and discouraged. When things did not happen in their life, yet those who taught the message became more and more wealthy.  Not to judge, yet I observed many question.

Then to see people go to Church, to functions etc., and either think that was enough, or leave hungry.  And not knowing what they needed is in The Word.  Not being taught many things.  Looking for short cuts, etc.  But, I do think we are in a position to see Mighty things, as we repent and seek only Him.  But Christ, as the Son, is in charge of God's entire house. And we are God's house, if we keep our courage and remain confident in our hope in Christ. Heb 3:6

I believe the "weak" will shine with the Strength in Christ, as they hold on to His Faith, all to bring Glory, Praise, and Honor to Jesus.  Once somethings begin, I think a great number will fall on their face and seek The Lord.  

Some good points. Thanks for sharing.

i am one of the weak in Christ. with what might lay ahead that has you concerned, what would you say to me and others who are the weak in Christ?


There are three basic things I can recommend. 1) Spend time in the Word of God.  Allow God to use it to deepen your faith. You may not understand it all (none of us do), but God will use it to strength you and to draw you nearer to Him. 2) Spend time in prayer. Speak to Him what is on your heart and at the same time spend time listening to and for Him. Prayer time can include worship as you sing praises to Him. 3) Be involved in a positive Christian fellowship. We need our brothers and sisters to encourage and strengthen us as well. These are the things we do that God uses to build a strong foundation.


I also encourage people start a journal or use 3x5 cards to record times where you see God move in a miraculous way or when He answers prayer. Then when times are tough or you are going through a storm you can look back and be reminde of what God has done for YOU. I encourage these things to be written down because our memories can be fickle, especially when we are faced with difficulties.


I hope these few tidbits will help you.


Lord Bless,


thanks LT,

i do all three of these regularly, but still feels like i'm missing something, and wonder if i'm doing something to hinder the work of the Holy Spirit. i do feel the Lord has been leading me to deal with my messy finances, and out of fear and lack of support i haven't. do you think this is what could be hindering my growth? do such earthly things as finances have such a huge bearing on our spiritual progress?



May I ask how long you have been walking with Jesus? Not going to pick on you in any way, but have a reason for asking this.

i thought i was born again two years ago, but heard the gospel about 6 months ago and realized i had spent that whole time trying to earn favor with God, and fully saw and trusted in Christ that He's literally done it all to save me about 6 months ago, which is when i was baptized. not sure if i was saved a few years ago but was just going the wrong way with legalism, or if i was only truly born again 6 months ago. 

sorry if that's a little unclear


It is very clear. What I have found over my years in ministry is that most believers go through a time where they come to realize how little they really know and question whether they are growing. Often the thought that they are not growing is caused by the growing understanding of how little we really know. The fact that you feel as if you are not growing is a good sign. This will cause you to hunger for more as long as you do not become disheartened and withdraw.


I always tell people when referring to myself that there is so much more that I do not know than what I do know. I do not thinkof myself as a mature Christian, but rather a maturing Christian.


The best I can tell with the limited interaction here on AAG I believe you are growing, asking good questions (which is a good sign), you know you need to grow and know more (again, good signs). I believe you have bright days ahead as you walk with Him and hunger after Him. You don't know me that well, but if I did not believe that about you I would tell you that as well.


Lord Bless,


thanks for this, it's good to know it's normal to wonder if i'm growing. and thanks for the encouragement. 

i will continue to seek to know Jesus more and what it means to follow Him in daily life.

God bless, 


You are welcome. May God guide you on your journey and may the light of Christ shine brightly through you.


Lord Bless,


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