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Why do so many people look for a perfect world while living in a fallen world? The perfect world is yet to come.


Why do Christians expect an easy life on earth when God tells us that our life will be hard and full of trials and tribulation?


Has Christianity lost its way? Has the pulpit stopped presenting people with truth? Are pulpits failing to prepare them for a life of service and struggle while living as strangers in this fallen world?


Even a quick study of early church history, both from the NT era and the next two centuries tell us how difficult it is to be a Christian in a fallen world. Why do people think that the aged church will have it easier than the newly born church?



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What I hate is how the political media are using the gays and christians against each other for their own agenda. 


RayW, I am sorry once again.  I misunderstand even the simplest of things. I'm like "duh".   

And yet, not too long ago adultery was illegal.

It's still prohibited in the military

"Article 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice makes criminal the act of adultery when certain legal criteria, known as “elements,” have all been met."

Also, according to Jesus hatred is as bad as murder and lust is as bad as adultery. The truth is the truth. Who can cast stones?

Calling sin "sin" is not casting stones.

I'm not saying that calling sin sin is casting a stone. I'm saying we are all guilty of sinning. We need to show people their sin but also show them that there is hope. I know that many condemned me for marrying someone who wasn't saved and who was divorced and instead of it helping me, it pushed me farther away from God and I felt hopeless for awhile. Perhaps if the pastor who married us had counseled my husband, he would have gotten saved in that meeting instead of three years later. I don't know but I do know we are asked to love our enemies. Let he whom is without sin cast the first stone. Let's preach the whole truth.
That was years ago. My son will be seventeen this year. God is merciful and forgives. Anyway, I think I've said all I need to say about it. Many people will spend eternity in Hell. There's nothing I can do.

RoyW and Amanda,  I am sorry I didn't mean disrespect. I am just meaning that if a Christian opens their mouth about their biblical views well then they "christians" are the ones who are slammed for speaking up and then they are the ones who are stoned. I see this everywhere. I see even some Christians online who are slamming the ones against abortion , saying its none the Christians business. Its being taught by some Christian leaders that its only sin if you feel its sin. Im too uneducated to fit in here in the forum. I can talk my thoughts a little better than I can type/wriye. forgive me.


I have not been disagreeing with you. I agree.


I will not marry two unbelievers, two athiest or an unbeliever and a believer. I believe the unbeliever can join in an act of marriage (a ceremony that unites them, but why include God when they deny Him ... how hypocritical), but not before God when they deny the very God that they are asking to bless their marraige. The same applies to athiest. The Bible also teaches that a believer and an unbeliever should not be yoked and for me to marry them would be to go against God's Word.



I think there is something to consider about what is happening. It appears that the acceptance of homosexuality is already a judgment upon a society. The sin you speak of is a prelude to God turning mankind over to shameful lusts to do what ought not to be done. It appears this is a judgment from God. It begins when man refuses to acknowledge God as the Creator. They credit God's creation to naturalism rather than supernaturalism. Next comes man becoming overly focused on sex. We have certainly been witness to that. Next, God turns man over to unnatural relations with other men and women for other women. Paul describes these actions as a result of God turning man over to a depraved (NIV) mind. It is called a reprobate mind in the KJV (Rom 1:28). The KJV describes this as vile affections. Yes, it is all sin but this sin is not natural sin. It is a perverted, vile sin. It appears to come as a result of God's actions when He gives man up. Even though you describe your actions as sin, it must be noted that your sin is not described as a vile sin. Fortunately, God can make the vilest sinner clean. So, we see that homosexuality is already a judgment of God. How we treat this sin I think determines God's future actions upon our nation.


I thought we were on the Starbucks CEO thing. This is another forum and I think we are offtrack here. I'm very sorry. I am going to discontinue speaking of this on this forum. Maybe we can pick it back up on the Starbucks forum. Sorry, LT.

Well really it's not off topic. I had replied in answer to questions that LT posted and had brought up this issue for it fits here as well. But perhaps only to a certain extent. The same comment is over there so if you want to reply to it over there, it is fine with me.


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