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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Acts 1:6-8 6 So when the apostles were with Jesus, they kept asking him, “Lord, has the time come for you to free Israel and restore our kingdom?” 7 He replied, “The Father alone has the authority to set those dates and times, and they are not for you to know. 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be My witnesses, telling people about Me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” What are the reasons why, so many find it difficult to share, about role the Holy Spirit has in our lives? And, should those reasons be why a great many would just rather not speak about, “ will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.”?

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Praise God LtT

     " We cannot teach the experiential, meaning it has to be experienced first hand."  I understand what you mean.  If there is a phrase that could describe a side of me better than, " The experiential side." I do not know what it could be.  

I agree with the Wisdom you have shared here.  I would like to ask, in Acts 19 we see once Paul shared of the Holy Spirit, he spent the next two years sharing with them.  Acts 19:9-12 "...So Paul left the synagogue and took the believers with him. Then he held daily discussions at the lecture hall of Tyrannus. 10This went on for the next two years, so that people throughout the province of Asia—both Jews and Greeks—heard the word of the Lord. 11God gave Paul the power to perform unusual miracles. 12When handkerchiefs or aprons that had merely touched his skin were placed on sick people, they were healed of their diseases, and evil spirits were expelled."

    Strange as it sounds now, mid 70's during the Charismatic Movement. In the basement of a Catholic Church {that is what sounds strange now} we were taught Smith Wigglesworth,  Azusa St, and so many others.  Taught how and why, we are to make Jesus Lord in our heart.  I do not remember how many times we met, and taught before the adults came around and laid on us one by one.  As we were taught, the adults were in another place Praising and Worshiping God.  After we were Baptized in Holy Ghost we joined in.  Not long after that, 'IT WAS STOPPED."  And, we meet in homes. { Went longer on that than I meant.}

With all that Power available to us when we take those steps.  You don't think we can at least share  the way Paul did, or as in that basement, and where ever else, on this site?  I Trust you know I am not trying to start a problem.  The longer I write, the more I see possible problems.  Yet, I do feel lead to ask the questions.

As I said I understand how you meant,  experiential side.  But, after they began to be filled, they all began to be.  As you said how in Acts 19 there were Believer who did not know about Holy Spirit.  After Paul got there ..v 10 "This went on for the next two years, so that people throughout the province of Asia—both Jews and Greeks—heard the word of the Lord." v11 "God gave Paul the power to perform unusual miracles..."  The way it is written it almost feels like one two punch.  Receive Jesus as Lord and Savior go down to the water and be Baptized.  Then hear about Holy Spirit, receive a different kind of Baptism.  You have become saved, and know you have Power to fulfill God Plan.  1Tim 4:14-15  Do not neglect the spiritual gift you received through the prophecy spoken over you when the elders of the church laid their hands on you. 15Give your complete attention to these matters. Again, I understand how you meant,  experiential side.  It is  experiential only because of the other 4 you mentioned.  Am I off in this thought?   And, TO ANY AND ALL I AM NOT TRYING TO START A ARGUMENT.  Just feel the 3rd Person of God is worth finding out about.  

With all that Power available to us when we take those steps.  You don't think we can at least share  the way Paul did, or as in that basement, and where ever else, on this site?  I Trust you know I am not trying to start a problem.  The longer I write, the more I see possible problems.  Yet, I do feel lead to ask the questions.


I am sure that you are not trying to create a problem. I am not quite sure what you are asking in the above statement regarding "the way Paul did." Please clarify and I wil be glad to respond.


Just feel the 3rd Person of God is worth finding out about.



Lord BLess,


LT I am not the brightest bulb in the pack.  So when you said, "Regarding sharing the truth about the Holy Spirit there is the Biblical doctrine and there is an experiential side that aligns with the Bible. We cannot teach the experiential, meaning it has to be experienced first hand." I read experiential as if it had to do with, "experiment."  After I posted what you highlighted, Holy Spirit told me I was in error.  I looked the word up, even though you had clearly shared it's meaning. 

When you mentioned the people in Acts 19.  We see Paul spent 2 years teaching them.  We also see Peter in Acts 2 telling the people there of what was going on.  So when I read what you said, " We cannot teach the experiential" that is what I meant about teaching what it means to be  Baptized in Holy Spirit.  So the question I guess is, can we share the Truth about Holy Spirit.  The steps in receiving, the Truth about the Gifts, how to operate with Authority and Freedom in those Gifts, and so on.  Do we start a group?  Or, would that be in error?  What is the best and most effective method in sharing on this subject?  I do understand having a "Azusa" like event over the internet seems difficult to consider.  Yet, with God all things are possible.  I am not clear yet, what Holy Ghost appears to be leading me into.  Order and authority must be respected and followed.  So that is why I am asking you.  Is what I am asking possible here?  A sharing of the Truth about Holy Spirit, and the Gifts there in.  I am not thinking "Shekinah Glory" will smoke up the screens.  Be really cool, but a understanding of what can happen when people bow and Pray.

I am not the sharpest pencil in the box. OK, now I get where you are coming from. I find that we can teach the truth, but it is difficult to convey the experience we personally have with the Lord in a deeper way once we have been filled with the Holy Spirit. We can talk about some of the things He has done or is doing, but there is a personal side to being filled that is so precious and yet I find near impossible to convey to others that have not experienced the filling of His Spirit. I can only assume that the difficulty has to do with the fact that it is so personal. The same really is true of salvation when we are speaking to the unconverted. We can talk about the experience, but it is difficult for them to understand because they have not experienced it. The difference is that we are talking to unregenerated about salvation and regenerated about being filled with the Holy Spirit.


In the context of AAG there are two possibilities. One would be a group discussing the Deeper Spirit Filled Life. I would encourage you to start it, but to refrain from emphasizing the "Evidence Doctrine." I was filled in 1992 but did not speak in tongues until 2002 and some who are filled never speak in tongues. To emphasize the Evidence Doctrine, which I do not adhere to, would be to cause division instead of develop unity. I think the group can function while giving freedom regarding this issue. Secondly, there could be a time set up for chat where those interested in this would come together. I am not sure how we would accomplish the chat, but that can be worked out. I would join the group and participate if you want to run it.


Lord Bless,


I am humbled and excited by the idea of it all.  I would need some help.  I was talked through the steps the first time, when I set up" Working Our Faith Out" and was given the picture.  So I would need the help.  And, I agree with refraining from things that would give the enemy a foothold of any kind.  With the way in which Holy Spirit chose to come in my life.  I never had to overcome any negative teaching.  Since I knew from a experiential (going to get to use that word now lol) way.  Holy Spirit has always been so very real to me.  I like the name, " Deeper Spirit Filled Life" could you offer any pictures?  Let me know what I need to do.  

LT I am very Thankful.  Very Thankful in so many ways.

Lord Bless



I would be happy to help you set it up. Email me throught he AAG email any questions regarding setting it up.


Lord Bless,


it seems like the apostles only got real power to witness after they were baptized in the Holy Spirit. is it maybe hard to share about the Holy Spirit because we haven't yet been baptized in it? in other words, am i a pretty useless (in terms of witnessing) until i have been baptized in the Holy Spirit?


    When we witness we are sharing stories about things in the Word, things His Love has shown and done for us, and the steps they need to take so Jesus becomes Lord and Savior in their life.  Many times we are sharing our Thankfulness of Him, to them.  When Jesus Healed and preformed miracles they were for the obvious, but also helping them to know He is the Son of God.  What I would like to share with you jenny is that, I do not believe you to be useless in anything about God.  I have found where witnessing is concerned, obedience and Faith are very Powerful tools.  When we add a grateful heart to these things, Jesus is Glorified.  As I have shared before, I was Baptized in Holy Spirit right after I received Jesus as Lord and Savior.  To me they have always gone hand in hand.  I believe it amplifies every aspect of our Christian walk.  Do they speak of things like this, at your Church?  Do you know others who live around you, that share of being Baptized in Holy Ghost?

i went to a church for a while and met some people who had been baptized in the Holy Spirit. in each case it happened many years after their conversion. 

i have just moved so now have a new church, too new to know what they teach about this...

i don't know anyone well who has been baptized in the Holy Spirit... 

are you saying conversion and being baptized in the Holy Spirit must go hand in hand?



For some people it happens at conversion, but for most it is a later experience. For me there was a span between conversion (age 5) and being filled with the Holy Spirit (age 31).


Lord Bless,


Chris...  another thought...

What makes the Holy Spirit difficult to share?


I know for myself, it was immaturity in my faith.. 

As we continue to study and learn the word of God, as we pray through our difficulties and build our faith, as we fellowship continually and talk about our walk, our struggles, God's Victories in those struggles, and our daily experience then sharing the work of the Holy Spirit begins to slowly come naturally.  If we're not doing the praying, studying and fellowship, than we may not even recognize God's Work in our lives, because we haven't yet learned His character or recognize how He works.  We must submit and be obedient...  I guess that's where a lot of people say 'what does that even mean?'


Blessings, Carla

Carla...another reply...

    When we are young we have that hunger and thirst.  Everything is brand new.  It even seems like the enemy has to use gloves to even touch us.  Then the road starts to fork.  We hear older Christians talk of the struggles they are having.  At this point we have a BIG choice.  Do we remain humble, grateful, and understand we are babies?  Or,do we fall to that trap and start to judge them?  Cause, we sure seem to be able to Pray, and mountains are just foothills to us.  For if we start to judge these older saints, we will discover what the "boy in the bubble" feels like.  I can tell you, no matter how much whip cream a person has, "humble pie" does not taste all that great.  And, those older saints will forgive you quickly, but they mostly decline when you offer them some pie.  Grace is a Wonderful thing.  A person quickly learns they cannot do to much, " praying, studying and seeking fellowship."  It is good to know the sound of Our Fathers Voice.  He seems to love  sharing, while cooking up and serving "pie," if you know what I mean.


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