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What is the primary purpose and function of the church?

Why does the church exist?

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The only problem I see with what you've said is that many don't admit to imperfections or seem willing to put up with the faults of others in their midst. The fear of rejection is very real even when it comes to being in church. People reject others for many reasons, including physical looks, mental limitations, and moral standards. It's hard to meet expectations. Some churches have very high standards.

True.  Jesus tells us that every time the Church gathers, he is present with us.  He says all we have to do is gather in his name and that is enough -- he will be here with us.  Each week we gather to hear God's word, to proclaim our common faith, to pray for ourselves and others, to fellowship with each other, and to give thanks and praise to our Lord.  Jesus is always present with us when we come together as sisters and brothers as the Church.

I agree, Colby. He does promise to be present even where only a few gather in His name and sometimes we are blessed to feel His presence in addition to knowing His promise to be present with us is true.

I attended worship service this morning and was blessed. I took communion. The song that most moved my heart was Open My Eyes That I May See. The message was based on Matthew 6:25-34. We all worry and we are all guilty of it. When we worry it steals our joy and peace. The way to combat worry in our spiritual warfare is by slowing down, living one day at a time, keeping a longterm perspective, and remembering God's faithfulness. 

Open my eyes, that I may see
Glimpses of truth Thou hast for me;
Place in my hands the wonderful key
That shall unclasp and set me free.

Silently now I wait for Thee,
Ready my God, Thy will to see,
Open my eyes, illumine me,
Spirit divine!

Open my ears, that I may hear
Voices of truth Thou sendest clear;
And while the wave notes fall on my ear,
Everything false will disappear.

Open my mouth, and let me bear,
Gladly the warm truth everywhere;
Open my heart and let me prepare
Love with Thy children thus to share.
-- by Clara H. Scott

LT,  Excellent  subject-matter to consider and discuss...........


Primary purpose, function, and reason for existence:

A group of baptized believers meeting regularly for purposes of studying the Word..........fellowship (leaning on one another).......braking of bread( both shared meals and Holy Communion).......and prayer, prayer.......and more prayer.


That was the early church as paraphrased from Acts 2:41-42. How close to that are churches of today?


 Starting a little later in the Book of Acts, disputes in the church (Chapter 6), major conflicts about circumcision,

(Chapter 15). So then, included in the rest of the New Testament, up to the Book of Revelation - cases of heresy, arguments, weird interpretations, splits, etc..........but the true remnant remains, and always will, until Jesus comes back to claim His Bride.

As we wait, the Church of Jesus Christ continues to change costumes and actors and actresses on a stage........trying to please the audience. 


Jesus says in Luke 18:8, " I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?"

And that sums up what the church should be all about these days........helping  folks show their faith through love,

based on Galatians 5:6B.


Grace and Peace, Brothers and Sisters.


Good input. Thanks for posting.


Lord Bless,


here is what the church should be doing

simple to preach to this dying world with the gospel.. that is our main purpose

A. I believe the primary function of the Church is to "Shepard" with the Holy Spirit all of God's children back to him.

 B. We teach others, we reach out to all, we care for others, we guide as the Holy Spirit leads, to help others return to our Lord's love and tender care. The Church is the "body and blood of Christ". His hands and feet here as he leads. The Church exists so that we will know how much God loves his creations. He wants us to experience that in this broken world. He desires for us that our eyes be open to his love for us. Like a Father who desires the best for his children. So that we may learn the truth of his splendor and the intentions of his love.

One of my driving points in ministry aligns with what you have posted. Reach them, heal them, equip them and send them.


Lord Bless,


You put my thoughts about what's going on in many churches today completely in your post.

Great job,  Bro.


Grace and Peace in Jesus's Name.

I just gave my ideas to a friend last night on what the church is for.  Sadly, she has decided to leave the church.  She has again asked for financial help.  The church has helped her often in the past.  Her husband works but won't attend.  She does not work and says she's too poor to tithe.  She drops a dollar or so in the offering.  Several times she's asked me for a dollar so she'd have something to put in the offering.  Her attendance is also sporadic.  I believe they took ALL of this under consideration.  And they denied her application to pay her mortgage again for which she is now 2 months behind on.  She was blasting the pastor, church, and the good woman who took the application and called her to let her know it was denied.  This woman didn't make the call to deny her, just the call to inform her.  But since the church helped that woman and her husband, my friend took it out on them as well.  I tried to talk to her about letting her feelings make her decisions.  Kept telling her she can't let bitterness keep her out and she would snap she wasn't bitter, she was hurt. 

She's highly upset that the church isn't in the business of giving handouts consistently.  I told her the church's primary purpose is to preach the gospel, win lost souls, reach souls in the community.  It's SECONDARY purpose is to help where it can.  That was my simplified version of it.  But the longer version is that the church is there to help edify one another so that it edifies the body as a whole and keeps the body strong.  It is there to teach so we can all grow together, and it is there to win those who are lost by showing the love of Christ in the community and around the world through missions where possible.  There are the secondary functions that arise from all that, and that is helping the body financially where possible, and reaching out to the community with help programs which show the love of Christ in both of these manners.

There will always be people who will use fear and guilt to manipulate others and they will continue doing it for as long as permitted. It's a form of emotional blackmail and this person sounds like a real pro at it. There's a time when church discipline must be applied and it's biblical to do so. Some people try to make others feel guilty so that they will do whatever is wanted. Then if they don't get what they want from those people, they seek to make them miserable. It is sin. She is sinning. She's not interested in solving her problems but only in getting her way. Helping her over and over in this sense is just enabling her. When people really want to solve a conflict they will talk openly about it and be interested in the feelings and concerns of the others involved and will accept responsibility for their own part in the conflict. We can be angry with people without beating them up emotionally or physically. We can disagree without insulting. She can't demand financial support from your church. She can humbly ask. It's not their fault that she is miserable or unhappy. Your church is not her caretaker anymore than it is anyone else's. We are to bear one another's burdens but also we are to bear our own burden. She just doesn't get it. Yet.

PS Husbands are supposed to be the main or primary providers of the family and a man who won't take care of his family is worse than an unbeliever says the Word.
Also, Jesus said it is better to cut off what offends so that the rest of the body is safe. More or less. See Matthew 18.


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