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What is the primary purpose and function of the church?

Why does the church exist?

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Even though these mission statements run the gamut, if asked, I'm confident the leadership of each church would answer "yes" without hesitation or qualification. If pressed about the differences, they might answer with the words of Paul the Apostle:
"I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings." (1Cor9:22,23).

Is America becoming more Christian, or is Christianity in America becoming more Americanized? This question was posed in article I read several years ago in "The Economist," which noted the exponential growth in Evangelical and Pentecostal church attendance, especially suburban mega churches.

At the same time, though, the writer observed that the American church is becoming increasingly influenced by the culture, borrowing heavily from modern marketing and business growth concepts, often embracing a kind of American "exceptionalism" that links the founding fathers and constitution to God, and openly embracing many aspects of the consumer culture to make church more appealing: e.g., contemporary worship music, coffee shops, seeker-sensitive preaching, the prosperity gospel, PowerPoint presentations, social activities for every age group, and high-profile casually dressed pastors wearing Hawaiian shirts or blue jeans.

In other words, it seems as if churches are marketing and branding themselves to increase market share as though they were businesses -- a concept that seems to work well in a materialistic consumer society.

 To what extent should Christianity embrace or conform to the popular culture to maintain its influence, relevance, and bring more people to Christ?  The tension here is obvious. Some say that if the church fails to adapt to changing times, while at the same time holding to the historic tenets of the faith, it will wither and die.

The primary purpose of the Church is to Praise God, to bring him glory. To die to self and this life, to be Holy. All those things are wrapped up as one, because they are all consequences of each other. To be separated unto the Lord, so the Church can bring God glory and love a dying world.


Thanks for replying.

In a practical sense how would what you described above look and play out in the local congregation? Specifics may be difficult to point out that fits all churches because I know that there are differences in style, etc, but shouldn't there be a theme that is visibly noticable from one congregation to another that goes beyond style or culture?



>>In a practical sense how would what you described above look and play out in the local congregation?


As the people of God our number 1 goal is to bring God glory. To praise him!!!! We do that as a congregation by worshiping God with reverence, respect, admiration, astonishment and amazement.


Serving one another is also an act of worship. The love we share with each other glorifies the Lord. Discipleship must be part of the life of the Church. It must be in the DNA of it. The church must edify the members of the body. Feed my sheep our Lord told Peter. Relationships must be built.


The church has lost its “Awe” of God and it has replaced it with thousands of programs, the “NEW” thing. There are guidelines in the word that we as the church would do well to remember. The pulpit is a holy place. We have adopted a theology of unbelief.  We don’t believe that the word is more than enough. Nothing against programs, but expository preaching of God’s word is a must. We must preach  and teach the word, the full council of it. The word will be more than sufficient to feed the flock and bring about God’s purposes for the body.


The Church must be a unique place where the presence of God is palpable. A holy place. A peculiar place, where belief and faith our walked and taught.   


The main purpose of the Church is to Bring God glory.


To feed the sheep – so we can be internally strong. To built, edify and sent.


We must proclaim the Gospel to all four corners of the earth, by starting with our neighbors.


I think you said it well - we are to be the body of Christ on Earth. His embassadors.


Very good word!!!

Lord Bless,


LT -


Another thought - The purpose of the Church is to delight in God. To enjoy his presence. To love and Enjoy Him. He is lovely. Our God is beautiful!


Aren't we God's dwelling place? We're like the building.

And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. (Revelation 21:3)

From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. (Ephesians 4:16)


Thanks for replying.

The Bible refers tot he church as both the universal body of Christ (all children of God everywhere) and the local body (Christians in a specific location who meet together, i.e. the church at Ephesus, at Corinth and as seen in chapters 3 and 4 of Revelation).


So, if you would like to respond to the same question posted above and apply it to the universal and local body. Are the purposes the same or different, and why?

I'm trying to get on the same wavelength.   :-)   If I can overthink anything, I probably will.

On the individual level...We each have our own purpose in the body of Christ. I was thinking about 1 Corinthians 12:12-34 and how we each serve a purpose...We have fellowship or a relationship with God personally, but we also have fellowship with each other and a place in the body.

On the local level...He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love. (Ephesians 4:6)...We're the family of God. As a church we praise and worship together and pray together. Isn't the church lika a temple for the holy spirit?

Universal level...Would that be Revelation 21:3?

Revelation 21:3 is post Christ's return, so I would focus more on the universal church here on earth prior to His return.




Oh. no ... you didn't just pull out the "Got Questions" card on me, did you? Hahahaha. Just kidding :-)


Thanks for replying.


Lord Bless,



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