All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

There is way too much useless confusion about these two schools of theology that have more in common than not.

These discussions will be done in an effort to clear up some misunderstanding so we can equip ourselves correctly.

I will give the basics and go a little deep into each system. Roger Olson has written a wonderful book detailing common misconceptions Calvinist hold about Arminians and there are many books also showing how Arminians misunderstand Reformed Theology.

Feel free to jump in.

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One statement Jesus made keeps coming into my mind,"For many are called, but few are chosen."

Is there any time span between the calling, and the choosing?

Obviously, on the road to Damascus, Saul was called and chosen all at one time (I think).

I`ve asked myself, if I would have died during my time in "limbo", where would have been my destination?

Grace and Peace. 

That's where grace comes in. God's grace is all-powerful. There is no way for what God has ordained to not come to pass.  What He has predetermined is what is going to be.

Eph 1:4-7
4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love 5 he  predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— 6 to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. NIV

 Of course, you are familiar with all this. I am a believer in God's sovereign grace. I cannot begin to explain it, however. I do believe what the Bible says.

Brother Roy,

Amen to God`s sovereign grace.

My life-course as His servant is to continue in His Word, even when I don`t understand some parts. I guess that`s where our faith kicks in.

Thanks for your comments.


Grace and Peace.

When my husband and I met 9 yrs ago, his basic Christian background was more Calvinistic and mine more Arminian. We have since found the middle road via the scripture "IF you love me you WILL keep my commandments" You don't have to worry about where you're at with Jesus if you know you are seeking daily to live for Him. If you live in habitual sin w/o any sense of conviction, well, let's just say, there is something seriously amiss there. I know and so does my husband because prior to meeting one another we were both living against God and his commandments. I have never been happier or more fulfilled and at peace in ANY relationship than I have been for the past 8 yrs of marriage.  God blessed us because we are living in obedience to Him. We have free will, yes, but we are also assured of our salvation because we ABIDE in Him. The questions come when we don't ABIDE.

Dear Martha,


Thank you for sharing beloved and please do it most often. :)

Dear Richard,


Enjoy the video.


Thank you for sharing your excellent "living example", regarding your marriage with two differing Biblical interpretations that is obviously a great relationship. Faith and obedience says it all.

I have Christian friends who are of the Calvinistic persuasion, and we`re all part of the Bride of Christ. When we all are in heaven, whether we got there by predestination or free-will choice, we can have a laugh about it.

I also like the word "abide". It really has deep meaning. Jesus uses it many times in that beautiful passage about the Vine and branches in John 15.


Grace and Peace.


That`s so succinctly beautiful !

As Roy said - God`s sovereign will is sure to be done (period). True !

And you say, the facts are the facts, and will come about, whatever we think or do. That has to be God`s will. Amen !

Thank you.


Grace and Peace.

John is such a blessing.

Howdy, my brother David.


Thank you so much for posting the video with John Macarthur. I appreciated his views regarding this matter.

I particularly found his several prahases containing "I don`t know" interesting, because that`s kind of where I`m coming from.

Both camps have answers to some of the "biggies" that people ask.

David, if nothing else, we`ll all find out when we get to the other side. Amen.


Grace and Peace.




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