All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

There is way too much useless confusion about these two schools of theology that have more in common than not.

These discussions will be done in an effort to clear up some misunderstanding so we can equip ourselves correctly.

I will give the basics and go a little deep into each system. Roger Olson has written a wonderful book detailing common misconceptions Calvinist hold about Arminians and there are many books also showing how Arminians misunderstand Reformed Theology.

Feel free to jump in.

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Hang in there, David. Remember, some of the brightest minds in the history of the church had the Reformed view. This includes some very bright theologians today including RC Sproul which I consider the most intelligent theologian alive today. That in itself does not mean that this view is right but it certainly does give it a lot of credibility.

Sister Carla,


What an excellent brief you have submitted for the group to consider. Thank you.

You are very perceptive that this issue is confusing and possibly alienating to some Christians. Let's do keep it on a loving level of opinion.

And beloved brother David............even though we sometimes (rarely that is) disagree, I love you, and like your new picture.


Grace and Peace. 



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