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The Bible teaches a lot regarding building one another up and encouraging one another.


What are some examples and practical ways that we can do this?

When have you ever been encouraged or built up by another child of God?

What can we do on TheNET as the family of God to better build each other up?


Lord Bless,

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Michelle, why can't we do both? Why can't we be concerned about people's well being? Why can't we get to know them as they are? If the only reason people want to get to know me is so they can knock up another notch on their conversion belt, that's not the kind of people I want to get to know. That's just shallow and empty. I didn't come to Christ because people wanted to convert me, I came to Christ because they took the time to understand me and Christ used that to reach me.

I pray God can use me in a similar manner and I believe he's beginning to with a friend of mine.



Good word. Thanks for sharing.

Which book did you get?

Lord Bless,


I am in team ministry with the man (James L. Snyder) who compiled this book from Tozer sermons and writings. He is considered by most to be the authority on Tozer. He is a great guy to work with :-)


I believe one of the best ways of building other people up in the family of God is by telling them when they have helped. We certainly don't want to be dishonest or to "people please" by making others think they have helped when they haven't, but I believe it is often overlooked when someone has helped us and has done something that we've really appreciated. Often, we don't know what will help or what will hurt. So letting people know when they have succeeded is a great way IMO to help that person to learn what is helpful.

You have helped me in many ways, as far as correcting me and I have appreciated you caring enough to tell me what I needed to hear even when, many times, my response was negative, and I just wasn't able to see where I was straying in doctrine and beliefs. I was struggling very much under a heavy load of legalism when I first joined AAG. My load is a little lighter now.


Thank you. Your comment made my day a bit brighter :-)

Lord Bless,


As my fiance is now back from uni/placement and I have a week off work, this will probably be my last post on this and anywhere for at least as week.

Yes, we should correct but it shouldn't be our aim or focus; but it seems to be and its the major problem with Christian forums at the moment as I see it. It's how we correct is the issue at the moment too. Jumping in Dr. Cox style with "wrong wrong wrong wrong" (apologies to anyone who didn't get the Scrubs reference) is likely to upset people (and no, adding "but it's in love" doesn't make it so and isn't likely to make the person feel particularly loved) Perhaps trying "I look at it differently" or "have you considered this view?" Same aim but the response may be more favorable.

You may also find a different reaction to the gospel if you take the time to get to know them, their experiences, what they like/dislike etc If they've had a bad experience (or worse) with church/Christians, that's something you'll need to know. I've written about it more at If you take interest in people, they're likely to take interest in you and be more willing to listen to what you have to say. My experiences show this to me. 

That'll do for now. Whatever you're doing, be happy, stay safe and praise God.



A word to the wise -- when we say the word "but" we negate everything we said before it. In essence, you believe we must earn the right to correct. Period. I believe we are asked to correct and God will give us the knowledge and wisdom to admonish one another. Understanding someone is very important but understanding their POV isn't the same thing as agreeing with their POV. What I've learned is that when I'm upset with another person, I need to pay attention to what I don't like about that person because I likely am behaving in the same way that I dislike in others.
PS My point is that I see nothing wrong with saying, I understand your POV, and, in love, I disagree. And then to continue with the dialogue by stating what keeps me from agreeing. It's always better to say, "and" instead of "but" -- I agree with you as far as saying, "but it's in love" because for me it's one plus the other, not one in spite of the other. I disagree AND love ...

I hope your week is good. Many blessings to you ...
Many have been hurt in church. Some don't go because of a bad experience. I believe the bible teaches us not to give up meeting together. It is right to encourage others to go to church. Many carry scars from hurts. It can be difficult to overcome this kind of personal hurt. It's probably not possible to overcome a bad church experience without the help of other Christians who can demonstrate a different kind of experience -- a positive one.

Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. (2 Timothy 3:12, NLT)

Whether in another country or here in the USA, people who just want and desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus suffer persecution. 

What you are really saying is that you have no empathy or compassion for someone like me. That's fine. There are many people who are hurting very much right in front of your eyes just as they were when Jesus walked the earth and He ministered to them right there where He lived. Not many have the heart of Jesus, that's so true.

You have no idea how much dying to self I have experienced through the years of my life and even in recent months. You are not my judge but perhaps my prosecutor.

We have got to get off this cycle of self and go to the cross, hang up ourselves and die to ourselves.  

Grace, This is exactly what I need to read. This is exactly what has hindered me from coming to the Christ. I have made me and my pain the god that I serve.  This god is destroying me and I am allowing it. I am glad you are here on this site. I am glad to have met you. When people come and say things that I need to hear .. yes sometimes it is hurtful.... but I am trying to die to self and focus on God  first. Trying to put Him before me. I know I said I wouldn't post on this discussion again but I hated seeing you hurt.


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