All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

The Bible teaches a lot regarding building one another up and encouraging one another.


What are some examples and practical ways that we can do this?

When have you ever been encouraged or built up by another child of God?

What can we do on TheNET as the family of God to better build each other up?


Lord Bless,

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... building up one another doesn’t mean always rebuking and correcting one another and also involves speaking spiritual truth in the form of comfort.

Absolutely. Building people up employs different methods depending on the person, need and situation.


Regarding Job's friends, keep in mind that what they said was wrong because the content of what they said was wrong.


Lord Bless,


Very true regarding Job. His friends weren't offering the right kind of correction which only discouraged Job even more. I know that there are times when correction hurts but there have also been many times when the right word of correction really encouraged and comforted me, such as realizing how wrong I was all those years when I thought I had to work to stay saved. Learning that we do not follow Christ's teachings to have our own righteousness (to save ourselves) but to live out His righteousness (because we are saved) was very encouraging correction.

Some of the kinds of comments Job's friends were making, were "Whoever perished being innocent?” and “Where were the righteous cut off?”

What I see is that they were, in essence, saying that would make God unjust. We know God is just and righteous and fair. So they got it wrong. Plus, hearing that stuff had to hurt Job more than he was already hurting.

Job did receive correction regarding the attributes of God when God answered him. Job was struggling to understand God's justice and his friends didn't understand God's justice either.




Lord Bless,


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