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Would you be willing to share what God used to reach you with the gospel? Was it the Bible, a person, an event (good or bad), a combination of things or ???


God often uses testimonies to encourage and impact others. What is your testimony?




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I was saved at a young age. God used His Word in the hand of my first grade teacher to reach my heart at age 5. At age fourteen I started to wander away from God and lived in rebellion for almost eighteen years. Looking back now I can see God’s hand at work in my life during that time. At least three times I should have been killed or at least seriously hurt. I rolled a car at 70 mph and walked away without a scratch. I fell off a motorcycle at 50 mph and received only a grass burn on the chin. I had an zip-gun misfire while it was pointed at my eye. In all three events I see God’s hand of protection and give him praise for having done so.

God used three major events to draw me back over a period of six years. I had a dream of retiring by age 40 and was on my way when within 30 days my personal empire (house-of-cards) came crashing down. We basically lost everything. I was depressed for almost two years as my dream had been smashed. I praise God for this crash now as I see He used it to break me of my love for money. It also caused me to move to a location that I would later find a church that God would use to call me into the ministry. The second event was the sudden death of my wife’s sister in an automobile accident. The story here is too long to share the whole thing, but I saw the best and the worst of people during this time. I met a pastor in Tennessee where my sister-in-law lived. I only met him once for about 20 minutes and can’t remember his name, but he impacted my life with a simple statement given at the right time in my life. He explained that God calls us sheep for a reason. Sheep need each other and so do we. I started to attend church after returning from Tennessee and God was moving in my life. God used the pastor of the church we started to attend to help guide and mold me. I spent 12 years drifting from God and 6 years finding my way back, but in the midst of it all God never let me go or gave up on me.

That’s a very short version of what God did for me.

Lord Bless,
LT - love you beloved - know this - when all is said and done you are my familia.

Is a blessing to know you, you have blessed me, my brother. God sure has His hands in the whole world. It is so easy to be accountable to you my brother praise God.
We are familia my brother! God uses iron to sharpen iron and I am thankful that he uses each of us to sharpen each other for the glory of His name.

May His name go forth. May He be lifted up. May He be glorified.

Lord Bless,
Amen sister.

God knows how to weave a beautiful tapestry.

Lord Bless,
Great Topic LT,

By reflecting back on this it will help us to realize that God works in many ways to get our attention, and keep us alert to the ways of how God may be already working in the lives of our loved ones who are lost.

God got my attention through sickness and recognizing my own depravity--although I wouldn't have known that word at the time. He also got my attention by my mom's testimony. I was also very fearful of death. I hated the person I was becoming, and desperately wanted to be good, but I didn't know how or where to even begin. Jesus met me in that place. My testimony of meeting Him is on my page.. I can paste it here if you want. Let me know. Blessings, Carla

God has a way of getting our attention and it amazes me as to how many different ways He goes about accomplishing His work in us. Yes, please post your testimony here as well.

Lord Bless,
:-) God is so good.. here's my story. I am reminded that I promised a girl from my Thursday bible study to send her my tetimony also.. I almost forgot..

My story with God
I was raised catholic, baptised as an infant, etc..... We went to church every Sunday, and had no idea what the message was. We were always very interested in music, and sang in the choir as kids which held my interest at that time. My mom was the one who took us. My father was a sexually abusive alcoholic, which brought torment to our lives to say the least. As I got older, my mom finally left with us to make a life for ourselves (mom and 4 kids). I decided as I grew up that 'religion' was not helpful, and would not provide any benefit to me, or anyone else for that matter, and that if there was a God, how could he let such horrible things happen to me and my siblings as a child, my view was only strengthened by looking out at the world. So I decided to go it on my own. I got married (and still am), we've been together now for 17 years. My wedding did not include God (which now breaks my heart---but we'll get to that). skipping ahead several years........I was born again Oct 1st, 2006. Leading up to that it all happened rather quickly (but I can see how God had been tugging at my heart only in hindsight). In the fall of 2006 my world came crashing down. I became sick with a simple cold that morphed into many things....worst of which was anxiety and torment. I ended up in the emergency room 3 times within 2 weeks as I had convinced myself that I was having a heartattack, or who knows what else. Finally, the 3rd time, the doctor suggested I maybe take some pills to help manange my anxiety. I could just feel the downward spiral I was on. In that moment my eyes were opened.....but not yet to God. My mom is a Christian, and had been praying for me, which I didn't know about. I went home, and couldn't shake the feeling that there was a way to beat this without medicine, but I just didn't know what it was. So I called my mom, and asked her if there was a history of anxiety in our family, and why did she think I was suffering from this. As I was talking to her my breathing was labored, I was shaking, and I was about to put myself back in the hospital----
Mom lovingly told me that there was not a history of anxiety in our family, maybe there was something I was missing. I talked to her about death, and how I was afraid to die, and asked her if she was afraid to die. She said she was not, because she knew where she was going when she died, she would be with her heavenly father. That just made me begin to weep, because I wanted to have a heavenly father too. She said "Can I pray with you". I said "Mom, I don't think that will help". She said "It can't hurt". I let her pray with me. As I was praying with her over the phone, one of her strong Christians friends happened to be there, and my step-dad(mom had remarried)---so 3 of them who are strong believers were interceding for me for deliverence. While mom was praying, she was asking for the Holy Spirit to reveal to her what was causing me this torment. The Holy Spirit revealed to her the spirit of shame.....and as soon as mom spoke those words, something unexplainable, unimaginable happened to me---- I felt an absolute release, a lifting of heaviness, that I still don't have the words to explain. The physical sensations were that of floating and being carried. Then an overbubbling of Joy that I could not contain. I felt Love flood into my soul, and I knew in that moment, I did in fact have a Loving Heavenly Father, who was drawing me close to him by whatever means. I am so grateful. My life is for Jesus, because he has given me life. I have not suffered anxiety....I can see it now exactly for what it is. I am learning and growing more day by day, and what I now know in the depths of my soul cannot be denied. I pray that all people will know this truth that is Jesus' 'still small voice'. I have this peace which 'surpasses all understanding'. Please pray for my husband who is a non-believer. We have 2 children, and I am raising them as Christ Followers. I was baptised January 20, 2008.

What's before my faith. Craig and I were very close and blindly going about our lives. This is proof of the Spiritual warfare which is all around us. Why would one part of the marriage feel so 'betrayed' that the other person has found Jesus. It's not like I have become a horrible person. I am a better person. The Lord has healed me and delivered me from so many things. Let me just list them for you so you get an idea of what a wretch I once was:

Racism (God renewed me in this area immediately--unfair, unequal thoughts towards others were immediatly cleansed from my mind and replaced with thoughts of Love and fairness for all people), Shopping--At times I would spend $3,000.00 on clothes in one shot, Watching Television (instant upon recieving Christ), Vanity, Eating irresponsibily (this one was a recent healing), drinking far too much at dinners and nights out (with the exception of pregnancies), gossip magazines, gossip with friends, Oprah (even had her magazine). I was also very much into the Davinci Code--and referred to it as 'my bible'. But God forgave me from all this and lovingly took me in and freed me from so much 'noise in my head'. In addition to that, He has healed my broken heart from a hurting childhood and shown me how to forgive my father, because of the Grace God has shown me, I somehow, without realizing it have forgiven my father. I don't know exactly when that even happened...sometime over the past 1 1/2 years. His tremendous Grace has shown me so many wonderful things. How could I simply say anything else but 'Yes Lord, I will follow You, and be obedient.'

>>and had no idea what the message was.

hahahha I know is not meant to be funny, but....

Girl you didn't like your brown brothers haahahaha Is all good, I know you love me now. Praise God. So my spending 1000 in clothe in one shot is wrong hahahha just kidding....

Love you beautiful sis. :) You blessed me. Your hubby is a done deal. I am sure of it.
Would you believe it but none other than the Left Behind Movie (at a religious youth camp) - not the current ones but one made back in the early 80s - cause I'm old - hehe. I didn't want to be left behind......

Wait for me.....

The movie got my attention and later that evening as the Youth Pastor (I was 15 at the time) spoke a sermon and invited all to come forward who felt led (my parents had accepted at a Billy Graham Crusade and sent me to this camp) I came forward. I gave my heart to Jesus and walked around on a cloud for about 2 weeks - never knew a feeling of such peace and love.

Anyway Peace and Love to ALL!

Linda Ruth
Praise the Lord
Hey Linda- Stop it, if you are old that means I am old, we the same age you know. Don't tell my girlfriend ok, she thinks I am in my 30's hahaah Nawh just kidding.

Supper Cool chick from Brisbane, well something like that haha

Blessings to you and your home.


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