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I saw a post on the Trinity.  Can someone please help me with this?  I know it doesn't use the word trinity in the Bible and I need help understanding.  God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  

Anyone please help?  


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Yes, he was an early church father. Here is a better link. I suppose many don't know and have not read the works of the early church fathers.
Here is another helpful link, and I hope these two links help clear away any or at least some of the confusion.

Thank you

PS The word "catholic" in the early writings, such as the Nicene Creed, means "universal" -- the universal church, which consists of all who have placed their faith in Jesus.

I know that Catholic is stated many times to mean the universal church...I always steer well clear of that.  I'm sorry.  :( 

Because Catholic is not the universal church, is there a universal church?  The only Church I know of is God's.  

I won't apologize for not liking catholicism.

I've never heard that before, that everyone that places their faith in Jesus is a "Universal"/"Catholic" church.  I'm not either one.  

I've only ever heard that those that believe upon Jesus are of His church.  So no, I don't believe that everyone who consists of the "universal church" have placed their faith in Jesus Christ.

I believe Jesus is still building the universal church and it has not yet been fully assembled. It is His church. He is the Head, and all who belong to Him, who have received Him, who have surrendered to Him by grace through faith, are the Body.

The following is a link to an article by A.W. Pink on the subject that helped me understand the importance of the local church and how it differs from the universal church, and Pink makes a good point regarding the "universal" church.
Church membership is important and it's biblical. 

May the Holy Spirit guide and teach you.

PS I'm not Catholic either, and, in the early writings, the word catholic is not referring to the Catholic Church as we know it today.
I feel I should clarify two points:

1) It's a latin word, catholicus and means universal. The phrase “universal church” is mainly used now to refer to the Body of Christ and when it is written without capitals, like this “catholic,” it's so that it won't be confused as meaning one denomination or church. 

2) It isn't really that church membership is important, and I should word that differently -- what is important is meeting together and belonging to a local congregation. As someone once told me, in Scripture we see that the NT mentions the local church over and over, and it's not so much about church membership as it is about belonging to a local body of believers. Yes, it can be even a meeting taking place in a home, and, yet, as Pink outlines in his writing, there are some biblical standards about the kind of assembly that believers are to have.

Yeah, I just asked a question about the Trinity & am not really interested in the early Church fathers & history other than what the New Testament that rude???  

I just wanted to find more information regarding that, I saw an article on another website and it was in depth. 

I hope we can get back to the discussion. 

Thank You

Actually, IMO we have not been off topic. I mentioned what Athanasius believed regarding the trinity and you expressed confusion. I attempted to clarify. The NT that you open each day to read had many people whom God used in order to help make it accessible to you, many faithful christians. Please carry on with your discussion, and I will withdraw from it. Blessings.

I like this Chip, Thank You!

I'm not asking you to bow out of the conversation Amanda....just that this discussion kind of took a turn to Church Membership & the early Church history. 

I am glad that you clarified points about Church Membership.  Anybody can be a member of a Church really...some don't ever attend...that's more or less about numbers IMO.  

Assembling together with other believers is what is really important, those who believe God's Word.  That's greatly important.  It's not every Christian that has an opportunity to belong to a Church, if you look into missions, some of them have to meet in secret.

As to the Early Church History, I think if you'd like, it would be a really great discussion to open.  

I hope you understand where I'm coming from.  

The Trinity in my opinion is a difficult thing to discuss, yet it's fundamental in it's value as to the Gospel.  Sometimes getting asked a question you don't know how to explain leaves you searching for answers.  

I feel led to withdraw. However, there is another discussion on AAG entitled Trinity, and it received many comments. Perhaps it will help you.

Often, when we ask a question, it will open the door to other questions that are related to the topic. I replied as the Lord led and the Spirit guided. Blessings.


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