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I saw a post on the Trinity.  Can someone please help me with this?  I know it doesn't use the word trinity in the Bible and I need help understanding.  God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  

Anyone please help?  


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This is a really good link.  It's long, but good.  

Here's a really good article, too.

I read through the one you posted, and it appears to deny the three persons of the one God. Maybe I'm misunderstanding it. What is it teaching exactly? Will you explain it for me?

Wow, did you already read the whole thing???  

Please reread it again, it's a long article and very thorough. 

No, I won't explain it for you, it's self explanatory.  

I read what you posted and took down, posting only the link instead. Will you, in your own words, share your view of God? Do you disagree with any point in the gotquestions article that I posted a link to? I'm willing to listen.

You read what I posted and took down? ?? That's probably why I took it  .  Why don't you in your own words, share your view of God?  I ask the same of you, Amanda

So did you read the link?

I just wanted to add that, after reading the whole article, for me it wasn't self explanatory, and I agree with your comment about suggestion. However, I still get a feeling that my initial response to the article wasn't fully in error (which is that it denies the three persons of the trinity at least to some extent) even though I only read the part you posted here before you decided instead to post the link to the entire article. Yes, I do read quickly. My mind is pretty cluttered, too. I'm sorry but I question some things in the article, which I've already mentioned in another post, and I'm glad you are seeking answers, reading, and searching for Truth. So am I. I'm very afraid of being misled. I'm praying for more trust in God, that He will lead me in the paths of righteousness.
Regarding the topic of this discussion, the trinity, I believe that the one true God exists eternally in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—and that these, being one God, are equal in deity, power, and glory. Regarding the trinity article I posted, there's only one aspect in it that I see as needing more elaboration, and that is subordination. I believe there is subordination in what Father, Son, Spirit do but not in Who they are. As I said, I believe that the one true God exists eternally in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—and that these, being one God, are equal in deity, power, and glory.

Funny, what I posted initially was in the link, I decided that rather than post only a partial, I would post the whole thing.

Funny, you keep bringing it up and making the suggestion that it might be a wrong belief?

Suggestion is a powerful tool, wouldn't you agree?

the link is still there...what exactly are you talking about?


I read the whole article and find it to be one of the best articles I have read on the doctrine of the Trinity. The things I liked best is that they did not try to humanize the truth, but acknowledged that the reality of the Trinity, though true and taught by the whole counsel of God's Word and not by a few independent verses, is a mystery beyond our finite minds ability to understand. This point also included the fact that to comprehend even a part of this truth requires the work of God to reveal it to us.

I will add one more things from the article that I appreciated. To deny the Trinity, which is different from being ignorant of the Trinity, is to deny the Jesus and the Holy Spirit are God and not some lesser and potentially created beings.

I think I misunderstood then. I thought it was saying that there aren't three distinct persons of the trinity.


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