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what will the one world religion consist of? there are many muslims i doubt would accept alot of the new age stuff and vice versa. if the roman catholic church is involved, that makes one wonder how will all these different views settle and come together ? will it be a mixture?

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A one world religion will exist during the  great tribulation when people confess Satan as their god. They will either do it willingly or they will die because Satan will have them killed. The Muslims believe that they can cause everyone to accept their religion. That will not happen because God will always have a remnant that believe only in Him. However, during the last half of the tribulation people will be forced to worship in a particular way with Satan as the head.

Right now we are allowed to believe what we believe, and maybe that is the reason for so many denominations, so many religions. People have the right to choose because of God's gift of free will. During the tribulation, Satan will do his best to strip people of the gift that God has given to us.

Catholicism and Muslim are the only religions that are displayed in movies or shows today. If there is a hint of a religion displayed in a movie or show, the thought conveyed is that it is Catholic or else it's Muslim. Very interesting.


Blessings, Margaret...


if you look far back enough, all false religions have their common root in the Babylon Mystery religions. So all false religions, not matter how different they may appear, do have foundational similarities and I believe it is these similarities that Satan will seek to highlight in the name of "unity". I agree, it's hard to imagine Catholicism being somehow reconciled with Islam, but their similarities are there, one just has to dig. 

It's interesting to note that the Catholic Pope has made statements to the effect of saying that we are all one body, whether Catholic, Muslim, Buddhist, etc, and that we must focus on unity. This is seen in the current ecumenical movement. 

The current Pope kissed the Qur'an, which is huge. 

No matter what the expression manifests as, anti-Christ is anti-Christ, and I have a feeling true Christians will be surprised by just how easily they amalgamate into the one world religion. 

oops, I said the Pope kissing the Qur'an is "huge" because the Pope doesn't just go around kissing. His kiss is infused with much meaning... 


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