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Not sure where to put this but I've been doing reading and questioning some things in relation to the depression I've endured.  It seems there are so many varied viewpoints and well...I wonder.  When someone tells their side of the story, that's "their" truth.  Then another tells theirs and that's "their" truth.  But we often hear that the real truth lies somewhere in the middle.  So does this also apply to the beliefs of people?  Here is what I mean.... speaks of spiritual warfare which causes stress and the stress can cause this adrenal fatigue issue which makes the battle even harder, we stay exhausted.  And I know I've been fought on so many fronts, both internally and externally for so long, it has messed with my health, my sanity even it seems at times.  I've been so very stressed on all fronts with extreme issues that most of us will experience one or another, but these are all at once, on top of one another, continually for years ongoing.  And the health issues it causes creates even more stress.

Then there’s this:  This guy believes the spiritual battle is the cause of mental illness (as the world perceives it) but that he feels God uses that to show Him things.  And well....throughout my bouts of depression, I come out with something most times it seems. he right? 

And then there is  This girl writes about her battle and how she would pray and still not feel relief all the time, which is what I’ve gone through.  Yet I’ve been told you praise through it and satan has to flee.  Yet is the persistent feeling satan always?  Is it flesh, is it something God is allowing to change us?  She believes it is all satan doing it.

So?  Who is right or is the truth somewhere in between?  Can there be medical AND spiritual reasons, and/or the medical created by the spiritual battle?  Can the feelings of insanity be what pushes us to learn contentment or other things God wants us to see?

Just wondering on others’ opinions on this since there are so many varied views.  I don’t claim to know the truth yet, but for me, and from what I experience, I believe mine has been three-fold...spiritual, God allowed, and medical all rolled into one.  I don’t think there’s a one-size-fits all rule so those who say it is all spiritual may be falling short of other issues and those who claim it’s all medical certainly aren’t looking at the likely spiritual aspects of it.  I think the truth is in between.

What do you think?

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Hi Seek, God bless you!

Make sure you take care of the physical things. Some times we have to go to a doctor to get a check up to figure out what's happening. I believe the book of Mark or Luke has physician terms in it. One of the gospels the person writing it down had a physician's understanding. Granted his understanding isn't what we have today, but they did have physicians back then.

23 And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself: whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country. (Luke 4:23)

Jesus was just telling them what they were going to say. But, he uses the term physician.  It's not what we have, but they had doctors.

I'm not saying things aren't spiritual. That happens too.




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