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Does regeneration occurs before we are saved or after? If we receive the Holy Spirit after we are saved, how can regeneration occurs before we are saved? Yet, God draws us to Christ.

If we can't come to Christ on our own, then we need a regenerated heart to do it.

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Thanks sis, God is amazing!

Ama -


This is all it is:


1. Humanity is lost and will not come to God


2. God has provided a way for humanity to be saved.


3. The offer is on the table to come to Him, but not one seeks after God, not because God is holding them back, not at all, He has paid the price for all to come to Him, but none will.


4. the world is condemned to hell. God by his grace saves some, not because of anything done by the creature, but for His own purposes and choice.


5. Some get grace, others get justice. No one get's favoritism or injustice.


God is God, He is good and perfect in all his ways.


We believe with the faith He gives us to believe and we freely chose him once we have been regenerated by him. Those who do not chose God, God leaves to themselves, with the offer of salvation on the table, but men love their sin and will not come to Him. Unless God would step in and regenerate some, none would be saved.


 The above is in no particular order.


Blessings family


The gospel is the vihecle God has provided for the elect to be call. Not all ate call through the gospel message though.

As is human tendency, due to our imperfection, we take things to unhealthy extremes. We are commanded to preach to all.

I meant those who would say that is not necessary to preach the gospel for God will save the elect any ways. They take it to unhealthy extremes. I was not refering to you. I wkk nights and I am using my blkberry to respond, so excuse my short responses, which are not so clear.

Love to you my friend.
Hallelujah amen and amen my brother.

I have two discussions on the Subject of Arminianism and Calvinism. One is in my Theology group and the other is in the forums:





Hi  wow you make this very interesting. Couple questions. Is God a being with emotion? Is God a being with thought? I believe the answer for these questions is all through scripture.    Wonder has God ever changed His thought? Again I believe found in scripture. Especially in the book of Genesis. 

Once again some mighty fine ideas  and thoughts but I do not see where we have allowed for our Heavenly Father to have any thought . We seem to be stuck on the idea that He made a plan and no where in that plan can His authority or supremacy allow for any change . For me Genesis 6 makes that idea rather juvenial. Not only did God show huge emotion He repented in His heart. Wow He made change. Now that is not to say His ultimate plan has been changed. Just the actions of the moment needed change.


Yes our Heavenly Father has a plan and I do not believe that plan will change. I believe our Heavenly Father can and does at anytime use whomever or whatever He sees necessary to steer man towards the ultimate plan. 






There are several figures of speech in the Bible that accommodate the human level of understanding. One is anthropomorphism (man form), where physical features are ascribed to God, e.g., the eyes of the Lord (1 Pet. 3:12), Jehovah’s arm (Jn. 12:38), etc. These depict God’s watchfulness and his power.


There is another figure called anthropopathism (man feeling), whereby human emotions are sometimes attributed to God. To say, therefore, that God “repented,” or that he was “grieved,” is simply a symbolic way of asserting that man’s conduct did not meet the divine standard. This language vividly portrays, from a human perspective, God’s displeasure at our rebellion.


God cannot repent, but Moses could only use words that make sense to us. God has no arms as we know arms, He is a spirit, but there are verses that speak of his hand, eyes and arm. God comes down to our level, by describing himself, through the men He used to pen the bible, with attributes, both physical and emotionally that as humans we would understand.


God knows exactly what tomorrow holds and He does not repent as humans do. He knew exactly what was to happened. He is describing by that sentiment (He repented) his enormous grieve at the action. He was grieved at men's choice, though He knew already that they would do such things. 


God is omniscient; that means he knows everything. “Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; his understanding is infinite” (Psa. 147:5). If the Lord’s understanding is infinite, he must have known, before he created man that he would fall.


This is further evidenced by the fact that the plan of salvation was purposed before humanity was created. Paul affirms that God “chose us in [Christ] before the foundation of the world,” and that our redemption was “through [Jesus’] blood” (Eph. 1:4,7; cf. 1 Pet. 1:2; Rev. 13:8).

Blessings beloved

ok I guess that gets back to the old question did God create evil.  As you answer one must think very seriously about what one has said.

sorry got the giggles, David bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! make my head explode!!!!!!!!! hahahaha I am reminded of something you posted where you say if we all met on the street we'd be like Hi bro Hi sis, and never probably say 'so what you think of predestination hehe'. Sorry, Im tired.

Soz for interupting there Dean just had to say!

Hahaha love you sis Lucy
God created an intelligent being, who is able to reason and chose acording to the liberties granted to the creature. The creature sin, for it was created with the ability to do so, but not the inclination. Satan and humans used the faculties they were given to sin.


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