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So much beauty, nectar for honey!

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Tulipa gesneriana, budding pink tulips cabin left front. (April 2012)

Tulipa gesneriana, patch of red cabin right front. (Mar 2010)

Tulipa gesneriana, My Old World Amish neighbor's Yoder tulip patch that borders all 165 acres of their farm. Unfortunately after a week they were wiped out by two nights of heavy frost at Easter. (April 2012). Normally one of the most beautiful flower displays each year for most of April.

Much of the first half of 2011 was clearing the previous owners two decaying trailers and trash heaps around the property along with cutting down dead/diseased and dying trees and lots of rotting logs and treefalls. As I cleaned up areas I replanted saplings of trees removed, usually with the same species but also mixed in "mast" nut trees (like oaks for acorns), wild cherry trees for birds.  On the ground I planted random patches of grasses such as wild oats and seed of various mixes of native wildflowers. I planted 5 pounds of this mix:  "All Perennial Wildflower Mix" which has 15 species for sunny areas, spring & summer blooming. (The company's stock photo of the mix, July 2011.) Since the original plantings although the flowers have established themselves and re-seed each year well, I continue to keep the seed in storage to fill in areas.

The second mix was "Sun Flower Mix", 10 varieties for full & partial sun, spring & summer blooming. 5 pounds of this planted May to July 2011.

And the third mix was "Midwest Wildflower Mix", 25 species, shade tolerant, spring & summer blooming.  Another 5 pounds sown late spring and early summer.

Okay, now for various species' photos.

Ageratina altissima, White snakeroot (June 2012)

Asclepias sullivanti, Prairie milkweed, Sullivant's milkweed, Smooth milkweed (June 2012)

Asclepias tuberosa, Butterflyweed, Butterfly milkweed, Orange milkweed, Pleurisy root (June 2012)

Centaurea cyanus, Tall Cornflower Bachelor Button. (April 2011)

Cheiranthus allioni, Siberian Wallflower. (April 2011)

Chionodoxa luciliae , Glory of the Snow patch. (April 2012)


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