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ever since i played with a ouija board last year i been bothered by a deamon and hes refusing to leave   spiritually i havent been close to jesus i did ask jesus to cast him away    i havent fasted neither and prayed to get this deamon away  christians had told me im dealing with spiritual warfare    please help ty

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You are the one that can help yourself with this, by learning about the Lord, seeking Him, coming to Him. A Ouija board is nothing to play with. It is not a toy. If you own one, burn it.

By the way you write, you do not know Christ. Get into church, learn who Christ is. Receive Him into your life. Trust Him to supply all your needs and protection. That is the help you need. The decision is yours to make.

This is the best help that I can give you. The rest is up to you. For advice, I would tell you to purchase a Bible. Start studying in the New Testament, which is the Will of God for you. Read, study, believe.

Blessings to you as you turn your life and future around...


I plead the Blood of Jesus in his Holy name that whatever demon is trying to enter Lorraine's life by the the Blood Of Jesus Christ I command you in the Name Of Jesus to leave, I Command You in the Name of Jesus to Leave, I  Command you under the Authority given to me by Jesus Christ to leave Lorraine, mind, soul, spirt, home, her family, her finances in the Name of Jesus you she has had the blood of Jesus hands laid on her this day, she is lead by One that restoreth her soul, she has no room in her home FOR DEMONS their is IS NO COVERS, NO BED IN HER HOME FOR YOU SATAN AND YOUR DEMONS By the Blood Of Jesus and under his authority I COMMAND YOU TO LEAVE, IN JESUS NAME I COMMAND YOU TO LEAVE I COMMAND YOU TO LEAVE IN JESUS NAME....................  Now my sister you need to pray this command, and stay in prayer.  

It is just a cardboard and plastic demon.  Jesus is real.  Turn to Him with all your heart and He will not let you down.  Don't even try to fight demons.  Leave that to Him and turn completely to Him.  They have no power over Jesus.  They cringe at His Name.  In the Name of Jesus.  Be thou free. 


well when i pray and ask him to leave in jesus name   he cusses and doesnt leave

Hi Lorraine, God bless you!

Maybe I'm wrong, but you may have other occult items in your home. I did. Things that you may have forgotten or are unaware of. Or maybe you just dismissed it as nothing and powerless. Everything gives off something.  I had to find all of it and purge my house. It didn't happen all at once. I asked God to show me, and He did.

I told God I was sorry and confessed my occult sins. I renounced satan and all the works of darkness in my life.  I claimed the blood of Jesus and told satan to leave in Jesus' name. I told the spirits to leave, and I felt them leave. I tore down everything I could find in my home and threw it away. It took a while because I forgot a few things. I would pick myself up and confess to God that I did this curious art, and throw it in the trash. I didn't linger on it. Be strong, take care of it and move on. 

Sometimes spirits may try to linger. It could happen. Jesus said there are spirits that leave by fasting and prayer. Pray aloud and read your Bible aloud. They do not like to hear the spoken Word. Romans 8 is one of my favorites. What's your favorite?

It does get easier. You may encounter a spirit now and then. You are not powerless. Discerning of spirits is a manifestation of holy spirit. You may discover you're adept at discerning of spirits. Not everyone detects spirits when they're around. If everyone could detect spirits, they wouldn't mess around with ouija boards. You don't seem to have the veil that a lot of people have. 



Hi mary  the only occult thing i had was the ouija board  i had last year   and i did threw it away in the trash its long gone that board  this deamon is lingering  but i havent tried to fast and pray yet to get rid of him  i dont know how people can fast  people get hungry  but if it gets rid of him so maybe thats what i have to do   i dont have a favorite book in the bible  i didnt know there were around until i used that ouija board what do i have to do mary to get rid of this deamon? fast and pray?

If you haven't done so already, please accept Jesus as Lord. I think you want to change things, otherwise you wouldn't have written a forum. Romans 10:9-10 If you don't have  a Bible right now, is a great place to look. That's not the only Bible website. It just came to mind first.

That prayer I prayed is a good start. Michelle had a great prayer. You can put it in your own words. The name of Jesus Christ is necessary. Philippians 2:10 is a great verse to take to heart. It's not using the name of Jesus and seeing what will happen. And it's not asking them to leave. The spirits have no choice when you believe. Belief is also necessary. When you command them to leave, they must leave. They can't plea bargain, and it's not up for discussion.

There are those which must leave by fasting and prayer. It's true. Jesus said so. When we pray, we still pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Stand fast. Read the Word aloud. Mark 9 Fasting and prayer strengthens believing. The father said...Lord I believe, help my unbelief. That's a great prayer.It's very honest. Belief is necessary, but if it's not as strong as is needed, you can ask God for help. Lord i Believe. Please help mu unbelief.

If you don't have a church fellowship, please look for one. You need a steady diet of the Word and fellowship with other believers. They can stand with you. Read the Word daily, pray daily believe daily.

Love and God bless,


I did accept Jesus as Lord and asked him to come into my heart when i was 12     and I did command him to leave in jesus name all he does is cusses  and doesnt leave  i know someone who messed with an ouija board  and she was encountered by a deamon who bothered her  she said she fasted and prayed for 3 days and her deamon left  so should i fast and pray?

Hi Lorraine,

I know what you mean about the presence of a demon/s. I have never seen a demon nor has one ever tried to speak to me, but I've heard teachings on the devil, demons and spiritual warfare in churches I have been a part of.  I led a neighbor lady to the Lord one time and she told me she had often encountered demons right at home and they would whisper vile things to her. She said it was because she had been brought up in an ungodly home and had been the victim of sinful acts, but now that she had gotten saved, she said they had taken off.  I would say that most of us may never encounter demons where they show themselves to us physically, but we have all definitely felt the effects of the devil and his demons on an almost daily basis. So, in answer to your question why you are seeing/hearing demons and what y6u can do about it, I can't say much more than anyone else here has. I just know I am saved, I choose to live for God each day, I know God wants us not to get involved in anything that is worldly or of the occult, He wants us to repent of anything we have done in the past that is not godly, He wants us to study the Word and grow in it, He wants us to choose our friends wisely  etc. etc., because this is how we grow  in Christ and demons don't like to hang around ppl who are sold out to God- they go for ppl who are against God or who ride the fence. Usually if a Christian encounters demons, its because they have opened the door to sin or a person they know in their family or a friend is troubled by demon oppression or possession.  In my Christian life, there have been several occasions when I encountered demon possessed ppl. They were scary, but I stood my ground rebuking Satan in the name of Jesus and they took off pretty fast. I know that God is greater then any demon so I have confidence in God to keep me safe. I think demons sense that about a child of God.  so if you say you were saved at 12 would you say you didn't grow in the Word much since you got involved with a Ouija board? Because almost all Christians know not to have anything to do with the occult? On another note, very few believers including myself could not tell you much more then what I have said here about how to stand in spiritual warfare against the devil and his demons and for that I am going to start another thread.

hello I did get saved at 12 but i didnt grow in his word this deamon is with me every day and wont leave somehow he  wants to stick around here even though he knows i want to draw close to jesus  and that doesnt even make him wanna leave     will fasting  and prayer make him leave??


Like I said, a demon is not going to stick around if you are sold out to the Lord, in the Word and growing in Christ, so how are you doing in this department? In the first place, praying to Jesus to get the demon away is a faithless prayer, because Jesus has already given you the authority and power to get rid of it yourself. If you are so young in the Word that you do not know this, then pray for someone who does know their authority in Christ to pray and stand with you, but you have to believe or the demon will continue to stick around and have a hey day with you. There are very few cases where fasting and prayer are necessary. I don't know nearly as much about fasting and prayer as I would like to. If you note my new thread, I wrote there that most of the Body of Christ is woefully under-taught about spiritual warfare. I think this is something believers must learn on a case by case basis. We don't get knowledge and wisdom from God unless we use our time to study and seek answers from God. Most believers just don't know enough about this as the churches don't teach it and we are busy learning so many other things about how to live for God. But I think any mature believer will eventually get to this topic and figure it out. If a demon was stalking me, I'd get on the net and check every deliverance site until I found someone who knows the answer to your question. You'd have to be careful because there are a lot of fake deliverance ministries out there. But I can only say to you that if yours is one of those rare cases where a demon is actually harassing you, if the problem is not that you are true to Christ now and actively growing in His Word, then I would ask every ministry I could until I found someone who knew more then me about prayer and fasting. Most ppl don't want to live the Christian life because they think its too hard. But the Bible says seek and ye shall find and that is how I find all my answers. The Christian life is not for wimps- it's for those who believe in God more than anything else and are willing to stick in there. Most ppl just give up and let the demons take over, but if you are a person who keeps living for God one step at a time, in time you will know what to do. Hold onto faith because everyone who has read your story is praying for you I'm sure.



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