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Jesus commands us in John 15, "Love one another as I have loved you." And in Chapter 13 He says, "By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." These and other places make plain how important it is for Christians to love. 

My question is regarding the fact that I know I do not love like I should, and don't feel as if my love has increased in large amounts since having assurance of salvation a year ago. I know that loving is a fruit of the spirit and comes about with sanctification, but is it gradual or a one-time deal like recieving the Holy Spirit?

Is loving others like other things in sanctification in that

a)it is gradual and grows bit by bit, and therefore we should patiently wait on the Lord for it, or

b)loving is a one-time bestowment, a command and we are to get it by faith immediately (name it and claim it) since it seems as though its a way others are able to tell we are disciples of Christ, and its a way to know that we ourselves are "in the light" (1 John 2:10, "He that loves his brother abides in the light")

I hope that all made sense



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Hi, Jenny. Great discussion. Like you, I'm not there either, especially in light of passages such as
Matthew 5:43-45
You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you and persecute you, that you may be children of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust. World English Bible

IMO love grows over time in human relationships as we get to know each other and I don't see why it would differ in the relationship one has with God, but I could be wrong. I hope you get some answers. Your honesty about your experience with loving others I think is commendable. It takes courage to confess our shortcomings and our needs. But there's healing in confessing faults.

thanks Amanda, 

i think it can be simplified this way: some things written about the Christian life say

a) you SHOULD do this or be like this

b)you ARE like this or if you are a Christian you WILL do this

so my question is, is the former what happens gradually with sanctification (eg. putting to death the deeds of the flesh), and the latter what is imparted/comes into full realization at the moment of conversion/getting the new nature? (eg. we get the Holy Spirit at once, and we become new creatures at once)

and is there even such a distinction? 

I only know we start out as infants spiritually, not fully mature. There are several passages that speak of putting off the old self and putting on the new self, such as Ephesians 4:22-24 and the old self involves the former manner of life. It appears, to me, to be a process involving growing up into Christ. The whole 4th chapter of Ephesians is very beautiful IMO.

thanks, i'll go check out the 4th chapter now

That was a helpful chapter and full of hope. i also just listened to a sermon by John Piper called The New Commandment of Christ: Love One Another As I Have Loved You which was also helpful, not so much in answering my questions of when we will love and how quickly it'll happen (instant or gradual) but made me change my thinking and remember to rest in Jesus as a branch rests in the Vine. 

I also want to thank God for making you transparent on here with your struggles as you have been over the past few years on here, and I've learned a lot about being real and honest through some of your posts Amanda:)

Yes, I have struggled with legalism and grace and with depression and I still struggle in many ways. God is showing me more and more about grace, and, as my eyes are being opened, I see many others who are having the same, or at least similar, struggles in their own journeys, too. 

In past years, I was working pretty hard to stay saved because I believed it was what God expected, demanded, and commanded from me and of me. I'm sure most of my views of God are wrong still, but God is working on me, and I believe God is working on everyone here on the site, as well as in the Body throughout the whole world. I see more than just blossoms on you, too. I see some genuine signs of fruit. Thank you for your kind words and your kindness -- which is a fruit, you know! Lol

maybe we're all more similar than we know.

praise God for what He's doing!


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