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Does the way we dress speaks our spiritual maturity?

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Hi Larry, Hi Darth, Hi Michelle!

Yes, the way we dress speaks volumes about our spiritual maturity! For anyone who does not think it matters, I would urge them to consider this. If we dress just like the world, then we are going along with the world. Now when it comes time to witness to people, why should they listen to us? If you dress and act just like they do, then why should they care about this Jesus you’re talking about if Christianity makes you no different from them? Why do they need your witness when you are just like them to begin with?  ----- It is something to think about isn't it?

Many Blessings to everyone.


How about this one. How do those who have commented about modest dress dress when you go to the swimming pool or beach? How do you men dress when you mow the lawn in view of the neighbor ladies on a hot summer day? Do any Christian brothers here wear tight blue jeans since blue jeans are usually tight fitting? I'm asking this as most Christians wear bathing suits like everyone else although Christian women may wear a one piece rather then a bikini. For one thing, I feel there is a double standard when it comes to the man's dress for the beach and lawn mowing or work in the yard on hot summer days. I could comment more, but this is enough for now.

Hi Jane,


I see your point...Maybe we should bring back the summer attire from my father’s time. The summer uniform of Dads back then was a white t-shirt with sleeves, a pair of loose fitting Bermuda shorts that were belted and extended to the knee, and black socks worn with loading dock style hard soled shoes. Sneakers were not optional. I can promise you that visually, it was very unappealing to anyone, let alone women. I would even describe it as 'unsightly' and quite possibly disturbing to neighboring onlookers. This may be the very reason that women kept their blinds shut back then. lol


Many Blessings.

Lol right.  Here's some more thoughts. I have wondered why in P.E. class at school, don't know about today with the return to Sodom and Gomorrah type values, but back in the day, the girls were extremely modest when they had to change into their P.E. uniforms and back into their school clothes, while modesty was not a guy thing and they all walked around naked and showered together? Or  in the military, or prison of course, immodesty is the standard. So, how/when in society did modesty become a female thing while immodesty became a male thing? Seems that Adam and Eve grabbed for those fig leaves pretty quick lol, they knew lol. Going back to P.E. class, I remember when I asked the P.E. teacher if I could get out of going to gym class as I couldn't handle the part where we had to shower in the open shower room. And the thing is, I wasn't yet a Christian at that time in my life, but I was brought up to have morals as most had back then before society became corrupted as it is today and I was really traumatized to have to be put in that position. Don't recall now how it was resolved- I'd have to give that more thought.


Another ex.  is the fact that the foreign women come to the beaches here covered from head to toe as that is their custom. When I see that, I wonder how they can handle the heat dressed like that.. Well they don't require sun tan lotion. But if that was me, they would have to call an ambulance to take me away. How does anyone cope in the heat dressed like that ugh!


Now here's one for Darth. I'll never forget how when I first got saved, it was back in my hippie days and never having been in a church in my life up until that point at 19 yrs old, I strutted right in to a holiness church wearing lavender color bell bottoms, a striped barber shirt which was the hippie style back then, hippie beads.. the whole works. I remember the women of the church sort of had these frozen expressions on their faces. I wasn't saved yet at this point and didn't get saved in their church. We had been invited there by the Pentecostal neighbors.  I didn't get too much of a negative reaction from the men, but the women seemed irate lol. I got the message real fast that something was wrong with my apparel , but couldn't understand what the big deal was. I thought the women of that church were scary looking in their drab attire and didn't want to conform no way lol. When I did actually get saved, it was a few weeks later in a Christian coffee house ministry. The guy that witnessed to me there and opened my eyes to the gospel looked exactly like Jesus with long hair to his shoulders and the whole hippie look. See I related to him back then lol.


But my point is, as soon as one gets saved and starts going to church, in many, if not most churches, the church ppl want to start cleaning the newbie up. You all know how it goes. So, I can understand how Darth is feeling. And also as you all know,  different denominations have different dress codes for what they consider modest- the Baptist men have the short around the ears haircut and the Assembly of God women must wear dresses not slacks..well that is the way it used to be, don't know if they have eased up on their dress code these days lol.


So, it comes down to the fact that every human being has a different standard for what one considers modest, so God knew that and that is the Holy Spirit's job to deal with us on.


Someone mentioned Christian t-shirts. I'll tell you about one of my favorite ones- I wear it every time the Jehovah Witnesses come to my door. You know the childhood game girls play called jacks? Well it has a picture of a big jack in the middle and it says " YOU DON'T KNOW JACK IF YOU DON'T KNOW JESUS!". It is always so amusing when the JWs come to see their expression when they lock eyes on this t-shirt first thing, They know right away that they have come to the home of a Christian, a real one, and they start taking off, so I have to run after them and invite them to come back lol.


But my # 1 favorite Christian t-shirt of all time is one I got made when I saw a sight one day that blew my mind with joy. I was driving my Ranger down a busy road in CA and I looked over and saw a big white dump truck and on the back in big, bold red letters it said JESUS WON'T DUMP YOU. That did it for me- I had to have a t-shirt with that written on it. Unsaved members of our family will dump us, some of our closest friends in life will dump us, our church might dump us, but Jesus will never dump us! And as I matured in the Lord, I knew I must honor Jesus in everything I did. It's not that I had to, but that I wanted to because there is no one that loves us like He does.


Of all my material possessions there is one thing I value more then anything else. It is a simple little sign that I discovered in a flea market one day. It reads, "Jesus is a friend who walks in when the world has walked out". And that says it all..

Good answer Michelle if the HS has convicted you of no more beaching/swimming. You are so right that we must be willing to give up whatever the HS asks us to surrender for the cause of Christ. I guess the way I would answer you is that the HS doesn't always convict everyone of the same thing or at the same time. I know for me, I have wondered about this very thing you are talking about here re swim suits. I have not come to a conclusion yet. Personally, I think the beach is the most beautiful creation on earth that God has given to man. In fact, I live at the beach and it is the happiest place I have ever lived. And I think the beach is one of the greatest leisure activities God has given to man. It is a place that every child loves, so natural and free and where every adult can experience the joy of becoming like a child again. So, it greatly perplexes me when it comes to this issue of  swimsuits being too revealing.


But let me ask you this. What do you call modest dress for women and men? You see, everyone will have a different standard. Different men are attracted to different parts of a woman's body. A woman could be covered up from head to toe like the Muslim women, but then a man might lust after her toes that are sticking out lol. I've already given the ex. of various dress codes at different churches. So, the question is who decides what is modest? It has to be a personal conviction doesn't it? Don't have time to look up the verse, but I know I can think of one that says we are not to judge each others choices for we are all at different places and stages with the Lord and what seems right to one does not seem right to another.


I guess what I am saying is, I think the HS has a way of getting our attention. When I was first saved I took all of my secular music and threw it in the trash can without hesitation. I felt the HS wanted me to get rid of it and I never looked back. And that was a big thing for me because I am a music lover and that was my cherished record collection. So when the HS is moving on us I think we know if we are listening and then we have the choice to obey.

Well I think we are saying the same thing- each of us must learn to be lead by the HS. And so true, there is no better feeling, no greater reward then pleasing the Lord. Oh you love music, too? Well we have the best anointed music now. : ) I am not so sure there will be no beaches in Heaven though. I actually had an out of body experience once, you know some call it a tunnel experience, and as I stood at the gate of Heaven and looked in, I do believe I saw beaches. What I saw was utterly breathtaking! The earth is merely God's footstool as the Word says. We who know and love Him have so much to look forward to. Thanks Michelle- there is nothing I love more then discussing the things of the Lord!

Michelle - that sounds like a lot like a personal choice to me. Yes, you may have been convicted by the holy spirit but as one vicar put it to me last week, what is sin to one is not sin to another. Personally, how I dress has bugger all to do with how I live my life and how I treat people. You feel it does with you, that's fine, I respect that but what applies to you doesn't apply to everyone. I'm quite happy going swimming, I love taking my nieces to the pool and we may go to the beach.

Don't think God has an issue with it, he designed the earth to have beaches, the universe to have Sun, I think our actions on the beach are what's important. It's all about moderation and being sensible. It is possible to have a nice day at the beach without hitting on every man woman and donkey that passes by.

Based on your criteria, swimming anywhere is not allowed including in sports. Severely doubt God has issues with that.

Guess this is a bad time to mention I've just booked a weeks holiday to Vegas?

Michelle - that's all good but please don't think that because the HS convicted you of it, he will do the same thing to everyone else.

Hi Michelle,


I agree with you. The world just can't seem to make a bathing suit that is small enough anymore. Anyone who thinks that a piece of dental floss and a 2 inch triangle is a bathing suit should have their head examined. People are being blindly led by greedy corporate executives who can now sell you a penny's worth of cloth for 50 dollars and then laugh at people who are gullible enough to pay it, and then foolish enough to wear it. If you dress like the world and act like the world, then your not a leader, your a follower. Of the world.


I support you 100% in your convictions. Many Blessings.

You could just buy one that covers more? I choose to wear swimming shorts as opposed to swimming trunks as they cover more, that is a choice. The choice I do not make or indeed feel has to be made is not to go swimming. I choose to go swimming in suitable attire. When I am not swimming I will wear a T shirt to cover up but I do not give up swimming.
Didn't realise Christianity required a dress code. I wear trousers, shirts, t shirts, hooded tops....anything I feel comfortable in really. I think people can read too much into things. To say the design I put means I advocate the exploitation of women is just priceless and a good example. It's bordering on fashion experts in hello magazine. All you can do is make a judgement call since they are no set rules just guidelines

Scripture is the Christian life guideline. Gods commandments. Scripture is not denominated in Gods designed. Location and events is not an excuse to be modest in our apparel. Obedience doesn't entertained excuses. Human judgments are base on what we see. Unbelievers judge Christian on what they see not what is inside us. Our actions, speech and appearances is the message ( Bible ) they are reading. Our live is the public manifestation of what we believed. Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial.

New believers are usually looking up for the old believers as their model in faith. No wonder today’s generation is going away from modesty to self expressions. From modesty to trendy fashion. Praying that i will not be an unmodest/ unpleasant example for today's generation. God bless brethren...


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