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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

There are some popular misconceptions which we follow in Christianity like say for example

I heard a preacher telling that just like you tithe 10 % of ur income u need to do the same with lord spend 2.4 hours everyday with the lord then only we can see blessing lol I know its funny , many people put God inside the box and use their own style of preaching .... So family if u come across any misconceptions like this please share the same :)

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Hard to think right he he :)

Well, do you give 2.4 hours to the Lord?  Right now, I'm talking about God.  I'm thinking of Him.  I pray in my car on the way to work, pray in the morning, at night, before meals, pray as the occasion gives rise.  I read my Bible, spend time in church.  Being at VBS all this week, I easily kill the 2.4 hours in just that alone.  LOL

It doesn't mean we stop everything for 2.4 hours, that we put life on the back burner and spend 2.4 hours on our knees.  But is your mind on God for 2.4 hours of your day?  Likely.

so true char but why does people bring all these false teachings , Christianity is a easy life style I don't wanna call it as an religion , but why are we making it so complicated where is the truth ?????

It's complicated because people have complicated it.  I am still struggling on and off but not so much as I was.  And so much of it was due to false teaching.  I couldn't judge between conviction and condemnation and stayed condemned over everything simply because of how I'd always been taught.  So I had to struggle to figure out...tithe on gross or on net?  Give...even when you don't have it to give?  Where are the blessings promised that we're supposed to speak and they show up?  How come when I pray about something it seems everything gets worse?  And most of the people in my church have been saved most of their lives, so none of them know, or if they experienced it, remember what it was like when they first prayed and everything didn't come out like they thought it should.  They don't know what it is to struggle with trust issues because they've seen God move in their lives so many times they've learned to trust Him over the years. 

It's not that those are false teachings, but along the line, they forget the growth process.  And the false teachings of the past make that growth even harder.  And those things complicate it for the individual's mind/perception.  It's Christianity, yet it's tainted by the spirit of religion.  I was raised in "religion".  Now I'm learning what it means to be a "Christian".

so true char back in my place I have a preacher who preaches that tithing is good but if u give 20% you will get lots of blessings .. did Jesus preach about giving money from their pockets or from their heart ???? why all of a sudden this life style only deals with money what happened to the  love , compassion and service mentality are we over looking it or we follow things which makes to overlook them ??


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