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There are tons of people in my town tonight protesting on the streets that the end of the world is going to be May 21, 2011. What do you think?

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You just wanted the world to know your b-day hu brat. hahaha

Yeah..  that would be the best Bday gift ever.

Yeah..  you and me both girl..  I venture to guess we all feel that way. ;-)

Hi Kayla,

Matt 24:36-44 tells us that no one knows the hour or the day but the Father.


This is a wonderful opportunity for believers to witness to people.  The believer need not fear..  As the child of God takes comfort in trusting in the Lord for all things, and shows a peace which surpasses all human understanding, non-believers may stand up and take notice.  It's understandable that people who don't know the Lord would fear the last days, because they don't know the Lord.


I'm thinking they may feel pretty silly when this date comes and goes...and nothing has happened.


Blessings, Carla


Kayla, the folks preaching that are followers of a man named Harold Camping, from the San Francisco area. He has written a lot of things about the end of the world and Jesus returning in the past. He is a classic "date setter" and he has been wrong in the past. I don't care much about what he has to say and the best reason is the very reason that Robbin and Carla have already given.


However, Jesus does admonish us to be aware of the times and seasons and to be watchful. He chastised the Scribes and Pharisees for not recognizing His first coming. He uses that as an example that we should be watchful and pray. He used several examples in parables to urge us to keep watch for his coming as the day approaches.


By no means is that the same as being a "date setter". Rather, it means that we want to be found faithful, actively doing His will in our daily lives when he returns. The date setters are doing three things that serve the purposes of Satan:

1. Sensationalizing something that is vital, in a way that diminishes the real message. 

2. Acting as though they have some special knowledge that you and I have missed - setting themselves up as superior and special believers - so that you will be more concerned with them than with reading the Word of God.

3. Discouraging people who really are looking for the second coming of Jesus.


I remember when I was a new believer and there was a book that sold hundreds of thousands of copies promising with absolute conviction that Jesus was going to return on a certain day. It was discussed in pulpits across the world. As you can imagine, some folks were very disappointed and many turned away thinking they had believed a lie, when they believed the Gospel. 


Please be a follower of Jesus, not of the sensationalists. Jesus rejected sensationalism every time there was an opportunity. He hates this kind of thing, I promise you.

The sadness in your post is "the tons of people" that are believing the prediction of the person who started this rumor. They don't know Christ and they haven't read His Word. These are the exact people who need witnessing to. When we hear of something like this, we are reminded of how many people there are that don't know Christ as we know Him. We are reminded of the people who haven't read the Revelation of Jesus Christ. what city is this happening in?



Very true everyone. Plus, the Bible says to beware of the people who are going to go around and proclaim that Christ is coming and that they have some secret knowledge that is vital to the world's well-being. They are called false "something". I forget the word. Not idols, but then again, I think God says there will be a lot of them roaming around during the end times.

Those folks are on crack - prophecy crack, hahaha or bumped their head somewhere hahaha

Ok - ok I will be civilized.


It really is an extremely heart breaking situation, to see so many deceived by false teachers, prophets, pastors, charlatans etc... We need to pray that God gives us compassion and love for those in the family who fall for such ridiculous affirmations.


May God grant us a sound mind that is ready to give an answer for our hope, the love to act when He prepares hearts and the compassion to reach out to a dying world and those among our family in Christ who have been deceived.

Food for thought:

Christians are not looking for the end of the world with fear. We are looking for the coming Christ with great joy and anticipation. My Savior will be coming in the clouds for His bride. If the world were to end on May 21, 2011 it simply means that Christ is coming back for us very soon ... hallelujah!!!


With that said, I can say with assurance that the world will not end on 5/21/11. I can say this without even discussing that fact that no man knows the day or the hour or which tribulation view one holds. There are things that still have to take place according to Scripture and God will fulfill His word according to His promises.


Lord Bless,


No dude this is another one. You are talking about the Aztec calender one.


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