All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others


I am ashamed to say that I have told two lies recently, one to a pastor and a woman at a church about where exactly I live, and another to a woman who gave me a book. 

To the pastor and woman, I led them to believe that I live further away than I do. I did this so they wouldn't feel bad that my husband and I would no longer be going to their church, because we were moving too far away. 

To the woman who gave me a book (a gardening journal) I led her to believe that I had already been filling in the book. I did this to make her feel good, when in reality I hadn't started using the book. 

I have struggled with lying like this for most of my life, and have tried very hard to stop. However, as you can see, lies still slip out. Usually I lie in order to make someone feel good or keep from hurting their feelings. I have used this to justify, but I know that a lie is a lie in the eyes of the Lord. 

Immediately after both of these lies I felt strong conviction and repented to God and asked for His forgiveness and for help in changing me. 

My question is, is that enough, or do I have to go to each of these people and confess that I lied to them?



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You are welcome. I will be praying as you mentioned above.


Lord Bless,


thank you~


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