All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Hello everyone... for 3 years now...i'm here In, many wonderful things happen to my life...

God called me for a purpose, and

I thank God for all my brothers and sisters here in Christ for keeping in touch,

giving encouragement, praying for one another ...

we all know.. we are all here to glorify God, to have fellowship,

and let's continue proclaiming God's Word!!!

Have the boldness to say to the world:

"We are born-again Christians!!!"

Even if we are in other websites.. don't be ashamed of this Good News about Christ.

It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes...

this video is for you too, my friend.. ..

thank you for giving your life to Jesus!!!

You can see me too in facebook:

Where many brethren in Christ are also there, continuing ministry for Jesus in faceboook.

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