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What do you think and are there verses specifically gear towards this topic?

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I think you have asked a valid question and thank you.

>>is masturbating a sin when you're lusting after your ex husband?

I really do not know. I will think about this one and get back to. Sowweee sis, but I just don't want to give you some quick answer that does not hold any insight.
Ok after thinking about it, I would have to say, that it is because it would be lusting after a person who you are not one with and any lusting after some one that is not marry to you would be wrong.

God honors marriage and has granted us the ability to divorce for one reason only.

Blessings my friend.

I truly enjoy reading your thoughts on this subject and we are in agreemet sis.

Blessings to you.



I come in one accord with your heart's desire to be free from this sin and I declare that we have been set free to live in freedom and not in a yoke of slavery. Father we love you and need you and we are praying according to your will with confidence in your love for us and that you hear us. We are so blessed to have you to run to. We love you and want to be able to lift up holy hands toward heaven in joy of the Spirit. We can't live in freedom without you Lord, so step in and give my sis a time of rest from this sin. Take the desire away for her to have time to be reestablished in your ways. Grant her according to your riches of your glory; strengthen her with might by your Spirit.


I pray in the name above all names - in the name of Jesus!

These are long videos and for those who do not have the time to view them, the bottom line is that masturbation really is a personal thing between the person and God. If its sin to you, is sin.

Brother in Christ I am from Nigeria I attend the Lord's Chosen Revival Charismatic Ministries we preach about this sin and others every time. Brother in Christ masturbation is clearly a sin sorry to tell you that unlike like fornication it is clearly sinning against your own body the Bible says that our body is a temple of God and that we should keep it holy masturbation is not holy it is unholy it makes us weak, down and so much bad stuff I have to say did you know that if you masturbate you are not able to think well and you are loosing so much zinc and vitamins from your body moreover you are damaging your genital mechanism to operate properly there's much to say on this topic. I do not believe that God take this as good but bad. Its clear there is no where in the Bible that says masturbation is legal for us Christians it falls into the same sin as fornication the Bible wants us to flee from fornication.


Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

1 Corinthians 6:18


Maybe I was lead to come here I told my Father who is old about this and he disagrees even our church disagrees already. The Bible says we must be holy for I the Lord I am holy 1Peter 1:15-16 But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.

We should learn to be holy God has given us Christians a conscience knowing good legal and bad forbidden. Our Lord has given us victory over sin! We should pray and claim it diminion over sin is our portion in Jesus name amen. Heaven is a way of Holiness my Brother in Christ and therefore without Holiness no eyes shall see the Lord. Hebrews 12:14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:

Lastly the Word of God is clear

 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extorti... 1 Corinthians 6:9-10


It did not list fornicators or masturbaters who lust it said by itself fornicators or masturbators if you continue in this sinful habit which the Bible says flee of Brother in Christ you will be surprised on the last day. I pray that enemy will not decieve you for it is also written that the very elect even the every elect will be decieved! Brother in Christ with no lie I am free I have put away with this sin for a long time and I feel good about it giong back to this habit to me makes me feel guilty like I am sinning against God to be honest with you. God bless my friend.




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