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Some say it is, others say it isn't. I say not a chance.

I think R.C. Sproul said it best:

"First of all, it's not compatible with the Bible. Second of all, it's not compatible with science. ... Keep in mind, a question of the origin of life is not, in its final analysis, a biological question; it's a historical question. Biologists can pitch in by looking at the structures of cells and that sort of thing, but they can't really tell you how it started."

Here is Charles Hodge's classic work, "What is Darwinism?":

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Take a look at this verse:

2 Cor 12:2
2 I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know — God knows.


The heavens and the earth that are spoken of in Genesis 1:1 is the physical universe. God's place of abode is another issue. For instance, when the Bible says:


Ps 19:1-2 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge. NIV


Ps 8:3-4  When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
4 what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?  NIV


This is speaking of the physical universe.


The idea of death before sin is a direct contradiction to Scripture. I see no purpose for the earth before man as it was created for man. The earth and its produce was produced for the purposes of man. The purpose of plant life was different than the life of man. Plants were given to man to consume. Eventually man would also consume animals. Everything was for man. It was not until day 4 that He created the sun, moon and stars. Again, it appears this was for man. Man was there in the beginning of creation - the very first week. The Word of God is true. Jesus did not mistakenly make the statement that man was there in the beginning. It is exactly as quoted in Genesis one. Why make changes to fit with man's model? There is not one explanation that exists that can really describe how we all got here. As David wrote from God's Word:

1 Cor 1:19 "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;
the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate." NIV

This Scripture describes this situation completely. All of these philosophies are full of holes. They are nonsense just as Scripture says.


Grazer my boy,


I was hoping you would concentrate on these ones:


“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise
and discard the intelligence of the intelligent.”[e]
20 So where does this leave the philosophers, the scholars, and the world’s brilliant debaters? God has made the wisdom of this world look foolish. 21 Since God in his wisdom saw to it that the world would never know him through human wisdom, he has used our foolish preaching to save those who believe.


What do you get out of these ones?

Amen, Grazer, I don't think anyone would disagree with you on this one. I am convinced that there is so much evidence that Creation was an absolute miracle and that there is no possible way man could even begin to conceive how He did it. Research is a wonderful thing and we have many wonderful accomplishments as a result. It got really hot here in Kansas yesterday and I just flipped on my AC. I had a flu shot before flu season (even thought it didn't work this year it has in the past). I have friends that are still around today as a result of cancer research. Yes, science is a wonderful thing. No one is disputing that. But science doesn't even begin to have the answer about how we got here. I am not against them researching. What I am against is some saying that science has now proven that we could get here without God directly accomplishing that. That is what is permeating our schools and I am absolutely opposed to that. I personally feel that is absolute complete irresponsibility that some will have to answer for. My warning is simply do not get involved in that kind of thing. Science is not ready to say they have the answer on origins. They have discovered many things (such as DNA) that keep us wonderful insight into life and how we are constructed. However, they have absolutely not even a shred of knowledge where DNA came from. You and I understand that only a big God could construct something of that complexity. It could never happen by chance. That is the message of the church and it needs to keep speaking it and quit joining in with those who want to pretend there is no God. We are wonderfully made by a wonderful God. If I were to knock science I would be knocking God as He is the ultimate scientist. He is the One with all the answers and I am going with what He said.

God made man to research. That is God's plan for him. But that research should lead us to Him instead of away from Him. When it leads us away there is something awry with the research and that is what happened in Britain and beginning to happen here. I know you have watched "Expelled" several times. That is a movie more about America and not so much Britain. That is a very troubling movie. Where have we failed. We are not articulating the message clearly enough and are losing our institutions to these heathen that are teaching our children that we don't need God. Moral relativism is rampant here. These are not scientists. These are philosophers. Scientists bring us many wonderful things. These philosophers are helping to lead us away from God.

Grazer -


Are you gonna answer my question beloved or what man? hahaha don't get all crazy on me boy, just tell me what those verses mean hahaha


Love and blessings to you fellow knucklehead.

Please do not be offended but I believe the big switch off of the brain is when the evolutionists attempt to explain how new information is added to DNA. In order to believe their message, the brain must be switched off.


Read the chapter and ask God to enlighten you, so you can see what He is telling His people through those verses. It has nothing to do with switching the brain off. I have said multiple times that our intellect truly comes alive when we are born again. The word is Spiritual and it must be spiritually discerned beloved.


Do the commentaries after you sought God's face about them. Think about God's reveal character and long suffering, how He tells us to come reason with Him etc.


I agree with what you are saying. I think you are hitting the nail right on the head. Amanda is saying the same thing. There are so many discrepancies between Scripture and modern evolutionary thinking. After one truly becomes born again, he sees things from a completely different perspective. God becomes their Father and His Word becomes their guide. The Bible is spiritually discerned. God could have brought this world into being any way He chose. I believe His Word completly. I often wonder as some would think, "Does that mean that I am brain dead"?

On the contrary, my brain has come alive. I do not see things from a worldly perspective but from spiritual perspective. I so appreciate your comments.

Blessings, brother.


I cannot judge anyone as I am not the judge. I think what is crucial to salvation is complete trust in Him. In order for me to know I am forgiven of all my sin I must have complete trust in His Word. I guess I struggle with just taking one part of His Word and saying I believe this part but I really don't believe in this part over here. Our relationship with God is one that is based on faith. Believing on Him means complete trust. There is not one thing that He said to me that I don't believe. I believe that everything He did in this physical universe, I believe He did it for His children. His sacrifice proves to me how important His children are to Him. He died for me. I am going to believe everything He said. I love Him more than life itself. I reject every word out there that contradicts anything He has said.

I do believe you are missing something but I am not the final say in these matters. For me, I would never be able to buy into anything that contradicts what He has said. These two philosophies are contradictory to each other. I choose God's Word over this modern evolutionary thinking. Darwin took one thing he could see (changes within a kind) and created an entire philosophy that excluded God. I totally accept God's method of His creatures adapting to their environment. However, I totally reject the philosophy that excludes a miraculous supernatural God.

The Bible is not intended to be a science book. However, I can't get away from Jesus saying that man was there in the beginning which totally contradicts almost every model you have presented. I believe what He says but it does require a literal interpretation of Genesis 1 and 2 which Jesus obviously accepts. I do not believe anything that contradicts what He said.

Excellent! Well done! Well done!

I personally do not believe believing the Word of God is a secondary issue. However, different interpretations of His Word are always going to be there. I do not believe a true believer will ever doubt His Word is true.


You missed the point on that one. However, I do tend to agree that with your atheist friends that you are attempting to ride the fence. However, with me you are talking with a very conservative, Bible-believing individual. I am not like most. There are many out there in the church who have dismissed me as a radical. I believe everything in that Book. I believe that Book is a letter straight to me from God. I do not try to change what He said to make it agree with the more modern philosophies. Man's philosophies will change as he gains more knowledge and understanding. I am waiting on him to come to the knowledge of God - something that he probably will never do. Anyway, I am not condemning you as God has warned me against those things. I am doing my best to say in a very straightforward manner what I believe. I am not angry at you for believing differently than I. I think it is healthy for us to discuss these things. I appreciate your studies. However, I do admit that I believer eventually, if you belong to Him, you will come to believe everything He said exactly as He said it.

However, if you want to laugh at me as being a conservative radical, trust me, you won't be the first. I have the marks on my back to prove it. The greater part of His church does not like radicals. They cause trouble. They do crazy things like starting private schools because they cannot agree with the anti-Christ philosophies that are being taught our children.


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