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im starting to believe i lost my salvation, due to the fact a voice in my head said the holy spirit was demonic. i believe i 'committed' the unpardonable sin. and will not be forgiven. this same voice has also told me i was a failure. im going to hell. im a loser and that i need to kill myself... i know this is Satan. i feel so defeated


i havent been praying. or reading the word like i should. because i feel the lord does not wanna hear from me anymore. i don't know what to do and now i am starting to wish i was never born.

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Dear Soldier for Christ!

You are born for greater things! God chose you even before you got
conceived in your mother’s womb & even before the creation of this world.
He knows everything before He chose you..His choice will be never mistaken…He
is all knowing our Great Heavenly Father! His selection is the perfect &
complete one! No power in the universe can take you out of that unique selection
dear brother in Christ.

He chose you through His begotten Son Jesus Christ!

He had given a big price for your redemption..a priceless sacrifice. Yes, He was even willing to sacrifice His most beloved &
begotten Son Jesus for us…because of His love for us!

Rejoice in Him…thank Him for this great selection….  you are His beloved one!

No matter how worse the situation you are in now. Nothing in this
world can separate your from His love!

Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus..He will set you free from
the tricks of the enemy. Use your authority in Christ Jesus and cast away the
liar form your life!

The blood of Christ is powerful enough to wash away the stains of sin.

He will forgive our sins, but never forsake us!

You can never be a failure in Christ Jesus!

The Word says..the genuine righteousness come through faith in Christ!

Only by His grace we are saved…not by any of our good deeds…that
same grace will guard you forever…believe it. This truth will set you free!

JESUS loves you…He is there at your side always…call unto Him.

Just a call, will redefine your life forever..He will lead you to a victorious life!

Listen to your inner low voice, which is of Holy Spirit. In Jesus
name cast away all unwanted sayings, thoughts etc form your heart. Realize that
you are safe in Christ…identify the tricks of the enemy. He is just trying to
threaten you…but make him threaten through the Word of God…he will flee from
you..he is already defeated at the cross by our Jesus! So no worries….rejoice
in Christ….celebrate a fearless life in Him! A life of blessings!

As a Soldier for Christ, save millions from the claws of satan...a soul winner!

As the Word says…

Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Phil 3:13-14 (KJV)

My Brother

I rarely answer the same question from someone three times, but for you I am going to make an exception.  My answer may not sound in love,but I can assure that it is.  I also would like to add something this time however.  As I said before, No, and as in the other times, Holy Spirit had me get back on, you see i thought I had signed off.  My Brother you have not sinned against Holy Ghost, I am answering you here because I want others who have answered you see, and if what I am about to say is wrong, I am willing to hear why.  As I have said No, but if you want a reason to sin or walk away, there are many reasons, this is not one I would suggest.  As I and others have told you, once you have blasphemed the Holy Ghost, you have no desire to care if you are forgiven.  Again abandon this thinking, if you are looking for a justification to sin or walk away from God, this one a dire consequences.  I trust you know, what I have said to you is in Love.  I believe you have a good heart and a deep desire to follow Christ.  I have been Praying as I know others have that you see the Truth and accept what has been told to you.  The enemy would love nothing more then, to trick you and for you to spend a eternity being laughed at in such a dark and torturous place.  Go back to the Word, and allow Holy Spirit to use you, to help others not fall to what so many of us have fallen to in the past.  In His Love Your Brother and Fellow Soldier Chris    

I encourage you to talk with your doctor about these thoughts and feelings. Blasphemous thoughts can be caused by a form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I don't have OCD but can empathize with you regarding intrusive thoughts and while my own have not been blasphemous, I have had unwanted thoughts of death and dying.

Here is an article that might help you written by someone who has had these thoughts.

Here is an excerpt from the article:

Unwanted Blasphemous thoughts

Let me start off by saying that unwanted thoughts are not sin. You have these thoughts and they horrify and disgust you. God knows your heart, and he knows you detest these thoughts. Why are they coming back then? Well as I've previously stated, OCD latches on to whatever we love the most in life. The reason they keep returning is because we are so horrified by them. It's like holding a gun up to someone's head and telling them to not let their heart rate go up or you'll shoot them. It's also like saying that you will shoot someone if they think of pink elephants. They will be so scared to stop having the thought that it will always be on their subconscious. The thought comes because we are terrified. Unlike common phobias, OCD is unique. People with phobias can escape their fear by distancing themselves. OCD however, is different, you aren't able to hide from your own mind.

Normal Christians get these thoughts, but they can easily dismiss them as nonsense. But if you tell someone that they will go to hell if they have a certain thought, they will be so terrified that they won't stop thinking about it! The thoughts come back because you are scared of them. The devil can easily use this, and make this whole thing worse as well, which I'll cover later. These thoughts are not a sin to someone who doesn't want them in the first place. These blasphemous thoughts are just fears that concern you to the point of dread. Don't let these thoughts scare you, they aren't your thoughts, they are just an over reactive part of your brain.

Now I will finally describe how to stop these thoughts. I myself have had blasphemous thought phases. Their are many ways to treat them, but just remember these things.

1. These aren't my thoughts
2.Disliking these thoughts is the exact opposite of enjoying them
3.My concern over these thoughts is proof that I don't want them!
4.Everyone has these thoughts but....

5.The thoughts return because I fear them

6.The thoughts are not sins, I'm being tempted just as Jesus was
7.God knows my heart
8.God is love, and He loves me
9.Jesus died for all of my sins, and I'm eternally secure in his hands

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

I totally agree with what Amanda is saying....this could be demonic, or it could be OCD.   I have had the exact same "voices" in my head for the last 4 years now...some days are much worse than others.  This is what helped me....get a piece of paper and write down every one of those thoughts, and leave a space underneath.  When those words come to you, if they are Satan, then you can say "Satan you are a liar!  It is written....." and then find in the Bible where it says who you are in Christ.  For instance, if the voice says "You're a failure and can't do anything right!", then you write that thought down and then say "It is written....I can do all things through Christ that gives me strength!"  Write that down, so when the voice says it, you can look at your sheet and have the verse already ready for it.   If you're like me, you'll have a whole list of things to fight against!    Do a google search for "Cognitive Behavior Therapy" and if you can, buy a book on it-it teaches you how to totally turn your way of thinking around!

If these things don't work, then it could be caused by a vitamin defeciency.  Get a B12 shot, or take large doses of OTC B12-like 5000mcg a day.  That really helped me...and try an herb called Passion Flower.  It's in a lot of sleepytime teas-it helps a lot just calming your mind down!  Avoid all stimulants like coffee, soda, tea...the "busier" our minds are, the more the voices start blabbing at us! 

And always, always call on Jesus....ask Him to show you if it is demonic or a vitamin defenciency.   I did, and He showed me that it was both with me.  I went through Deliverance, and started taking large doses of B12, and working on turning my thoughts around whenever a bad thought would come in.

Whatever you do-don't doubt your salvation.  Our words are very, very powerful.  I have had the same exact thoughts as you for 4 years-I made the mistake of believing every word Satan through at me because I never heard anyone else talk about having these intrusive thoughts-so I doubted that I was saved.  I was a perfectionist-if I said, did, or thought anything wrong, I thought I had lost my salvation....Satan was sifting me like wheat!!!

But praise God-he showed me about cognitive behavior therapy-turning my thoughts around, and also about the vitamin deficencies (sp?)....I'm far from where I want to be as a Christian ( probably none of us are-if we are where we think we should be, then we may have to repent of pride! lol), but when Satan's demons start in with their voices, I just say "It doesn't matter what these voices are saying, because Jesus has already paid the price for me, and I am forgiven, and these voices are not mine anyway!' or something like that.    It is working!   God is GOOD!

And if you have anyone from your church, or a friend who can be a prayer partner when the voices get bad, then call them, or a 24 hour prayer hotline-I have done that many times as well!   The power of prayer is amazing!

Don't give up-the fact that you are being tormented so bad is because God has a HUGE plan for your life!  Satan is trying his best to stop it!  Remember that, pick up your armor, and finish the race!!  May the peace of Jesus Christ be with you every step of the way!

God grace is unlimited brother. We must avoid all sexual sin to not let the emney do stuff like to us. Call on God repent go back to the basics pray read the bible a lot a LOT PRAY for Hours I'f you can focus on God all night if you can. God loves you! Keep the faith if you have faith then you still have your salvation. It's takes time to clean your robe back to white don't give up bro'!!!!


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